2011.06.06 Sidebar (Trial Day Eleven)

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I doubt it, it can be made in small batches with stuff found in her parents house. All she would need to store it would be a glass container....and sealed glass container. A pickle jar would work.

Despite my bf's protests, I googled it the other night because of this case and the first website that came up used four ingredients any household with a female and a pool would probably have. And yes, I would think any glass jar would be fine, but a very caustic substance that would burn upon contact.
I still don't understand why anyone who was formerly connected to this case is not under a blanket gag order. Mr. Baez stated that he did not want Casey's case tried in the court of public opinion.

Exactly - unless it is Baez himself of course. He must be feeling the need to defend himself in the court of public opinion, which means he must have some self-awareness. If he was doing a great job, he'd have the confidence to keep his mouth shut.
I guess she now realizes that her babysitter is inept and could damage the baby. If she was so worried about her 'baby' why did she quit over 'traveling expenses'?
I think she quit when she realized how thick headed Mr. Baez was. He was planning on trying this case all himself and she got out while she could, So she is now trying to do it herself from the sidelines. Too bad for her that the only people who count CANNOT HEAR HER.

Put a sock in it, Lady.

The Angel of death walked away from this case too, because she apparently knew that Casey was headed for death row.

Makes me wonder if they all started bailing when they found out about the Home Depot videos and actually watched them for themselves?
:blushing::blushing::blushing: heavens I misread you, I thought you said she wouldnt get IN bed with a client....the mental pics, oh my... :blushing::blushing::blushing:

I missed you too! All of my peeps. I finally got the best news ever! An awesome full-time job. My work quest over the last two years has been hadn to mouth part-time...I can't believe it is over! LOL. I have 19 days before my start date. LOL...

Oh I was so off-topic. But yes, if LKB was SO committed to this case then why did she bail? Why? I think we can all draw our own conclusions even if they are NOT nice ones...LOL.
I doubt it, it can be made in small batches with stuff found in her parents house. All she would need to store it would be a glass container....and sealed glass container. A pickle jar would work.

That's what I'm saying, though. Where are the jars? What about rags she may have used with it? She's not the cleanliest of people, and I can't believe she wouldn't have left some of these materials somewhere (i.e. TonE's, at home, in the Pontiac). JMO, though.
Other videos obtained by the prosecution show a heartless Casey at Target stores, a JCPenney, a Cheesecake Factory, a Walmart and a Home Depot.


Is the Home Depot the only video we have not seen presented in trial?

I don't remember seeing the Cheesecake Factory or Wal Mart video but I may have missed it if it was shown.

Unless ICA went to the Cheesecake factory other times..the only one that I know of is when she, TL and Caylee went to the Mall at Millenia, iirc june 11 or 12, and the went to eat at the cheesecake factory.
Yes, butryuc acid is the first of the volotile Essential Fatty Acid that is released in the decomposition cycle..and it proves to me anyway, that Caylee was in that trunk and released that and had soaked into the carpet.
Dr. Vass stated it was found in the "Carpet Sample" fibres that had been cut, soaked and then tested....Man oh man...What more does one need to accept there was a decomposition human being in that trunk????:banghead:


Thank You, I feel the same way, unless the Defense tries to say Butryic acid is found in butter, etc.

Hope it's alright to add this here, very interesting reading from Dr. Vass

Can we assume LKBaden is being paid by In-Session, HLN, JVM, NG? If that is the case she is making more $$$$ spewing her disinformation now that she would have if she stayed on the case.
ok so I missed the whole morning so far....seems like I got a lot of catching up to do...anyway, wanted to say hello.....off to do some catch up reading.
LKB saying her baby, the defense team? There's no one left on there that she knows other than Baez - all the other lawyers bailed as well. Well Todd had issssues, like stealing his clients money :)
If there is anything damning on the Home Depot videos, it will clearly show premeditation considering these were the dates on the videos:

24. CD-R - Home Depot Video, 5-23-08,
6-29-08, 7-5-08
25. CD-R - Home Depot Video, 5-29-08

A couple of weeks before Caylee allegedly drown.

Are 6-29-08 and 7-5-08 also video dates?

Were there any receipts found in ICA's purse from Home Depot? Did CA have a Home Depot card?
I thought Casey and Amy went to Target on June 30th to buy the gas cans...
so where are those gas cans?

iirc, the Home Depot video is much earlier

Does someone know what date the Home Depot video was take?

Home Depot Video, 5-23-08, 6-29-08, 7-5-08
Home Depot Video, 5-29-08

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Sorry to be commenting on this post so late. I'm a few pages behind. But LKB and her comments are such a burr in my backside. So she's married to Dr. Baden - so what?! He was on Geraldo last night and didn't have one thing of inteliigence to contribute. I'm not even sure why he was on unless it was to sub for his wife.

It's my opinion that LKB bailed from the DT because of money. I would guess she's getting paid pretty handsomely for all her appearances now. Maybe even by JB as her front man, so to speak? She's been promoting him like a PR person.

I simply cannot stand this... woman. And I hope once this trial is over that her credibility is shot to hell.

What do you mean he had nothing to contribute? He brilliantly explained that the hair with the death band might have belonged to a DEAD RACOON. See how astute and important his contributions were? Jeeezzz
We have to remember that Caylee found with at least one blanket, was double bagged and then put inside a laundry basket. After she was bagged, very little trace evidence would have fallen off of her little body or seeped into the trunk. IIRC, the magotts were found in the trash which was in its own plastic bag. If maggots were even found with her actual remains it has nothing to do with when they hatched outside in the swampy area where she was left to rot. I apologize for the graphics but the DT is way off on this issue of maggots...it is relative only to any maggots moving around freely inside the trunk but IIRC, the maggots were in the trash and it had been in the dumpster after it was in the trunk so these maggots may have grown freely in the ripe/fresh air of the outside dumpster...So, sorry DT, it would seem that maggots found on items that were outside of the trunk are irrelevant to your argument about the chloroform!

I don't know if there was anything in the garbage food-wise that would cause maggots. Cooked food like pizza would not and frozen chicken would not. Usually just rotting meat. But if a fly lays an egg in garbage, then maggots will hatch.
IIRC it was handed over to the Defense but not released to the public.

pardon me for missing it, but when? did the subject of Home Depot videos come up today and what was said. I must have been foraging for MRE'S since I don't have time to cook and watch this trial.........
This is why I'm anxious to see these HD videos. I've always questioned the chloroform part of this case because if ICA had been using it for quite some time, they would have found plenty of evidence of the materials used to make it. Also they would have found containers showing traces of it, that she would have used to store it in.

If chloroform does come into this case as the COD, then I'm leaning towards the idea that this was a fairly new tactic ICA was trying with Caylee, and it went very wrong. As I said, if she had been doing this for awhile, the evidence of her making it and storing it would have been everywhere.

There was an arm and hammer liquid container in the trash. Who's to say she didn't use a bleach bottle? I believe someone on here said a glass container was required to make it but from what I've seen of Casey she would definitely be the type to just grab what was handy and not understand there would be a difference or care. LE doesn't have the ability to go back and check garbage from months ago. We know she had gas cans in the car various times. No way of knowing where all she could of dumped things in dumpsters over time to hide from parents as well. At one time CA said she kept an air mattress and blanket in her trunk as well.
Despite my bf's protests, I googled it the other night because of this case and the first website that came up used four ingredients any household with a female and a pool would probably have. And yes, I would think any glass jar would be fine, but a very caustic substance that would burn upon contact.

a simple pair of rubber gloves used to wash dishes would be fine. It's really no more caustic than staright bleach or a good quality acetone.
Hmmmmmm LOL Do you remember how long? Could it be old stock or something?

NO idea. But it was Henkel duct tape. At the time, IIRC, most of us speculated that GA "lifted" the rolls from one of his jobs as a security guard. But in 2008, one could not have purchased such a roll. Of that particular tape.
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