2011.06.06 TRIAL Day Eleven (Afternoon Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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So, according to Baez, Dr. Vass is lying in order to sell some device to police departments? What?? (Keyboard is now unplugged)

I believe he's trying to imply that Dr Vass is inserting himself in this high profile case so he can profit off the Labrador. What needs to be pointed out is that Dr Vass didn't seek out this case. YM contacted HIM.
Thanks to for posting the wiki info. I snooped through it and it looks like "research chemist" has been part of the wiki since it's inception back in 7/05/2008 by someone who goes by SriMesh. His other interest appear to be mostly Canadian culture.
I think this tactic is going to backfire for Baez with jurors. Dr. Vass by far is not going to get rich off this and who cares which case he gets his ground breaking techniques out there on if it will help solve crimes.
Legal expert on IS says Jb coming across as a Barracuda with no knowledge- just attacking- Ok we know he's not a chemist, but you don't have to ask him 5 times what kind of scientist he is not... not effective.
Bill Shafer on WFTV just said that this is the first time that Dr. Vass has had to testify in court about his science.

I think he is doing pretty darn good for his first time. He's not letting JB shake him up.
There is NO way that JB will "outwit" Dr. Vass!!! Dr. Vass' intelligence definitely outweighs JB. JB will NOT get Dr. Vass to give him the answers he is seeking!!!
His work on this case was voluntary IIRC ,but maybe some financial interest in the detection instrumentation, but if he does it came from his own work, not selling a dead child's photos to Media for over $200K

Vinnie on IS just said everyone involved in this case will profit

eta: Dr. Vass's work is voluntary, you are correct :)
, awesome - is there a way to tell exactly "what" was added "when"?

Yes, there is, and the word "biochemist" was, in fact, added today at 17:55 (whatever time zone they use). Someone has, since, removed it.
All JB had to do here was ask Dr. Vass 3 questions:

1). Did you collect these samples?
2). Could improper collection contaminate the samples?
3). Who collected these samples.

Follow that with, "I have no more questions, Your Honor."

Too late for that, though.
JB: as part of your job you need to bring in money to fund your research, correct?

Vass: yes.

JB: Labrador utilizes the database, yes?

Vass: Partially correct.

JB: What your goal is with Labrador is to sell these units that look like a metal detector? to sell them to police departments?

Vass: long answer: ....
Vass: short answer: I have no say if the lab decides to file a patent or not.

JB: Will you answer my question, sir? (MY NERVES!)

Vass: I thought I did.

JB: your goal is to sell Labrador.

Vass: no, it's not.

JB: Do you get royalties?

Vass: royalty is insignificant.

JB: Did you bill work in this case to the Labrador fund?

Vass: No.

JB: You applied for the patent in 2006, did you not? and you have in your curriculum vitae, you didn't disclose that ...?

JB: ...did u disclose u had financial interest in t data base?
Vass: ...no, i did not disclose it
BAM! There goes "Dr. Vass invents for profit" Defense.

Might this be analagous to, if I was the genius that invented the MRI machine that is used worldwide by the medical community, I would prolly receive some royalties as a result?
JB just cut off HHJP after he sustained JA's objection.
HHJP: doctor do you understand the question."

DrVass: "No sir"

thats how it should go.
OK - let's ask everyone what their "interest" in working on this case is, and what they have to gain.

Baez - you go first, 'K?
Yes, there is, and the word "biochemist" was, in fact, added today at 17:55 (whatever time zone they use). Someone has, since, removed it.

Maybe that is what ICA was doing under her table!
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