2011.06.06 TRIAL Day Eleven (Afternoon Session)

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Baez is using a line of question specifically brought up, point by point, by Linda K. Baden on In Session during the break. Financial interest, protocols, quality control. I find that highly interesting.
If this type of cross by the DT was unique to this particular witness, it might not carry much weight BUT the jury has witnessed this sort of hostility toward prior witnesses over the past 2+ weeks. Any tweets as to juror body language?
JB doesn't not listen or even care what Dr. Vass is answering. At this point JB just wants to get his questions on the record and maybe confuse the jury but he just goes on without any response to the answer and/or his question.
OMG!.....NOW it's time to identify what OC means! Standards, BLANKS, calibrators ARE QC material! HE even had QC material within the shipping package!
Before lunch people were commenting on Casey's (lack of) emotion. IMO, Casey is completely checked out of this entire trial. She has a complete "whatever" attitude about it because she is not worried in the least about her verdict. I fully believe that she thinks "I am going to appeal a guilty verdict anyway so I don't care". If so, she may show a little more concern in an appeal. She is so used to not being held accountable for her actions, and she is so sure that she will get another chance as she always has. She really just does.not.care.

I think you are totally right. I have been thinking about this and I wonder if she is actually hoping for a death sentence because 1) Woman are not executed often, and death sentences for men under normal circumstances already take 10 years and that's like, a lifetime to people who live 10 minutes at a time and are that young. 2) she will get more appeals 3) she will keep the attention 4) with more appeals, she thinks she has a greater chance of getting out on a technicality. And finally 5) She doesn't at all believe that it will ever really happen. I bet she is baffled that they are even there at all.

Speaking from the position of someone who has done volunteer work with the IP, after your life is saved, you are left behind and forgotten (that sounds cold, and it actually isn't that cold, but real work that costs money gets cut drastically). The media doesn't have anything else to say about you and the organizations that help the innocent and the defense attorneys that are willing to do the pro bono stuff need to move on to save the next person they believe to be innocent whose life is actually at direct risk. Once their sentence is commuted to life, at least here in VA, you better get comfortable and settle in, because unless you have some really big fans, there are more pressing matters on the row.
After this case is over, are the attorney's (either side) allowed to write books?
KB and BS on wftv.com
KB - JB trying to show Dr Vass is greedy
BS - Dr Vass handling questions better this time than at frye hearing
This is a man of science, research person, 1st time he has to testify in court
Defense has legitimate right to ask these questions

JB: you are required to file financial disclosure - when you filed report in this case did you disclose whether or not you had financial interest with the database
Dr Vass: did not disclose it (to SA)
JB: diff research lab and forensic lab - Research not required protocols
Dr Vass: sometimes depends on what you are doing -
JB: titles of you records had to do with buried - nothing in writing tells you what procedure to to when
Dr Vass: if you want to replicate - listed in those studies

JB: another thing in research labs - no quality control
Dr Vass: have controls

JB:do you have anything in this case showing you took steps to prevent contamination
Dr Vass: in bench notes
JB: we will go into that in a minute
So where does JB think that a lot of decomposition comes that contaminates?

Is human decomp just floating in the air everywhere, just ready to jump in Casey's samples?


Please tell me the jury is as pi$$ed off and irritated at Jose as I am with his stupid questions. Any twitter reports??
Baez bombed when he tried to say that the 2008 study was the buried corpse test. No it was the 2004 and by 2006 we were using and studying surface and skeletal remains.
JB is saying the results are qualitative and not quantiative.

Vass is happy to go into detail for him. !!
JB implying a research lab is bad because they do experiments and isn't required to have protocol.

Vass says research labs develop the protocol.
I think Baez needs to sit down and I'll just leave it at that. He isn't winning with this - he needs to attack from a different angle or move on.
omg. Jb asks, gets an answer..doesn't like the answer..asks another question...
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