2011.06.09 Sidebar (Trial Day Fourteen):

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DNA Solves
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Wow even the altered pictures were gut wrenching. Especially the one with a clear shot of her hair. Just so tragic. Poor little Caylee.

I know it may seem morbid but I wonder if they will ever release pics without the blur?

Where can you see the clear shot of her hair? I haven't seen that.
I have found different timelines & phone calls logged in google. I know I heard GA either say something about returning ICA's message that day, or a cell log about it. I'm searching.... may not find it tonight before my battery decides to die and I don't want to wake grandma up by going into my office to retrieve the plug in.

"On Monday, June 16, Anthony's father, George Anthony, said he he saw his daughter and granddaughter leave his house at about 1 p.m.
"But if they did leave at that time, the cell records show they did not go far. Casey's cell phone communicated that afternoon through the same three cell towers she could reach from her home," Pipitone said.
At 1 p.m., Anthony made a 14-minute call to her boyfriend, Tony Lazzaro. At 1:44 p.m., she made a 36-minute call to her then-best friend, Amy Huizenga. At 2:52 p.m., there was an 11-minute call with ex-fiance Jesse Grund. All of the calls used cell towers that can be reached from her parents' home, Pipitone said.
But at 4:11 p.m., Anthony began trying to reach her mother, Cindy Anthony, making four attempts in two minutes, according to records. Anthony then traveled north from her parent's home and called Lazzaro for one minute at 4:19 p.m., Pipitone reported. Two minutes later, she talked to Grund for a minute, and tried to call her mother again at 4:25 p.m., Pipitone said.
There was no other communication from Anthony's cell phone until a call was made to Lazzaro's apartment at 5:57 p.m., records show."

Thanks Stella!

Poor little Caylee -- her mother spent every day talking on her cell throughout the whole day and night.

It's one of the saddest cases I have ever heard and will remember for the rest of my life.
I cannot help but to keep thinking about the jurors. They cannot discuss the case with each other. They cannot speak with their family or friends. They are just left to solely deal with the thoughts of poor Caylee and the nightmare that continues to unfold before their eyes. They must be quite lonely. My prayers are with them...and all of you, as well as baby Caylee.
this question took me back.

I have to say, that at that age, if my daughter was interested in getting into her wading pool, she'd show up at my feet in her swimsuit. It might be on backwards, but, it would be on. She would NEVER have settled for swimming in her clothes. She was such a proper little fussbudget. :)

I suppose, as I'm not a witness, my opinion here won't matter. LOL. Thanks for the memory.

ITA with this.
I have said this a few times now. Little ones are creatures of habit. They know routines. If the routine was to get into a bathing suit etc. before heading out then I would bet the farm that little Caylee would have pestered George if he were home or would have gotten her swimming stuff on.

I do not believe for a minute that she wandered into the pool on her own.
Did anyone else think JB's questions about whether or not the CSI person's boot was upon evidence or not was just incredibly offensive and nonsensical? (As if I should be surprised LOL). Like, he's all harping on the person for standing. Like those little paper booties would have held up in that terrain and weather? I keep picturing CSI people doing a air suspension move like in "Mission Impossible." JB is such an <unusual person>.


Did anyone else think JB's questions about whether or not the CSI person's boot was upon evidence or not was just incredibly offensive and nonsensical? (As if I should be surprised LOL). Like, he's all harping on the person for standing. Like those little paper booties would have held up in that terrain and weather? I keep picturing CSI people doing a air suspension move like in "Mission Impossible." JB is such an <unusual person>.



flourish - I was thinking the same thing. They should have put shoe covers on so they could leave more fibers behind? Ridiculous. JB's still mad because LE refused his request to visit the crime scene before it was secured. Can you imagine if the DT was there and came upon a tiny bone?! LE never would have heard the end of it...
flourish - I was thinking the same thing. They should have put shoe covers on so they could leave more fibers behind? Ridiculous. JB's still mad because LE refused his request to visit the crime scene before it was secured. Can you imagine if the DT was there and came upon a tiny bone?! LE never would have heard the end of it...

Not to mention the remains weren't even positively identified as Caylee's and the DT wanted in. Grr! :banghead::banghead::banghead:
How do they sleep at night or look themselves and their children and/or loved ones in the eyes? IMO, there's "doing your job" and then there's enabling criminal cowardice, slandering innocent people, and making oneself appear to be a mustache-twirling Mega-Villian...ffs...I need to go read something lighthearted and get to bed. :eek:fftobed:

Stipulation: This image is a fair and accurate representation of one Snidely Wiplash, and should only be considered as a representation of that specific individual, not any other specific individual or individuals. Okay, you may publish:


Ok who thinks when JA aid "I'll talk Loud" he kinda sounding like CM...LOL


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This is kind of OT, but something I've been thinking about the last few days.

We saw many of Casey's "friends" testify. All of them were people that she knew for weeks or months. She's lived in the same neighborhood nearly all her life and she's active on MySpace and Facebook. Shouldn't she have had some sort of long-term friends (ones that weren't imaginary).

I just wonder- since there's a speculation that she's a sociopath, etc. how her lack of true friends would tie in.

I mean, CA didn't even know how to track her down. Found Amy from her resume in the car. That says something.
Today was hard for me. Listening to the prosecution bring the events most of us have read over and over to life again, out loud. Hard for me. Casey should have been an absolute basketcase. I thought her acting was bad. I was angry watching it. I believe as many others do that she just got tired of the act and trying to maintain. I also believe I saw the realization at one point that she really was going to be convicted. That made me smile.
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