2011.06.09 TRIAL Day Fourteen (Afternoon Session)

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Her act is pathetic. At this point it isn't even appropriate.
MOO, all "crying" aside, she just looks guilty to me. Sitting there, looking down, ruminating, unable to speak (lie) as all the damning evidence is presented and all her despicable behavior and murderous deeds come fully into the light of TRUTH.
What has she got on her lap? I swear she's got a book or something. It keeps appearing as if she's turning pages?
Here comes CM to ask him if he stepped in the remains.
CSI Photos seem to be over, #caseyanthony wiping eyes with her mouth open. No lawyers comforting her. She blows her nose.
by abcashleigh via twitter at 11:57 AM
Don't need to take notes if you have a good idea which way you are going to go. And after seeing those photos, I believe we can guess which way that is as well as Casey.

Maybe I am putting my own hopeful spin on this...but I think the jury has already made up their minds. It is just a question of lesser included charge or not...But if there is video of ICA at Home Depot buying chloroform-esque products...then it is over. :truce:
Back live-CSI photos continue. #caseyanthony wont look at them. Her attorney told me at break "she's never seen them Not even in discovery!"by abcashleigh via twitter 6/9/2011 5:40:08 PM at 1:40 PM

Can i just call BS on that?

JA w/

within process of clearing pictures taken.....witness advise very dense vegetation, very difficult to see remains........rotten logs....not sure of the orientation....get confusing in there....essentially directly above and just a little behind it - very close.....not able to appreciate the duct tape @ that point.....series of photos taking before moving skull...appeared to be duct tape on the skulll...where that is....above skull in upper part of the photo on the skull.....

photos taken

SA exhibit CI - photo of the scene with vines cleared away - see log down there had been removed....publish - not shown on tv.....people in gallery looking up to monitor....things on the ground - everything same position as when got there....

SA exhibit CJ - photo close up of the skull....(kc looking down) no ground material disturbed at all...close up of the area....publish - describe angle of photo - attempting to ....photo taken from opposite from the other ones....where the log was...moved out away and took picture from the other side the other perspective - the first vantage point could n't see front of the skull - so this pic taken 2 1/2 feet off the ground - - digital camera - screen flips out and rotates - without getting down on ground at same level - he was bending down but his face not down by camera - rearranged screen to see it...... asked to circle duct tape - 2 dimensional photo - tape sitting flat on ground or perpendicular or angle? difficult to tell due to hair mat and undergrowth.....best of knowledge - nothing moved yet - difficult to tell exactly what it was....lots leaf debris....portion of duct tape under leaf debris? yes but we didn't know that at the time...when photographing - always exactly in order and how it was found....subsequent photos we can see had to clear debris away so we could see.....

hair mat? appeared then and later proven true - these areas were probably hair....also id'd more hair strands on photo

SA exhibit CK- relationship of skull,bags and tape in the photo - picture published....kc holding tissue to fce, wipe nose - fist to mouth & nose.....head down eyes appear closed.

Steven Hansen - ME discusses skeletonized remains - focus on scene as it relates to the remains vs broad photo's the regular crime scene analysts are taking....we work hand in hand w/LE - we have control of the remains LE has control over crime scene.....we were hoping the remains were mostly contained within the bags.....take custody/control over bags....LE agreed with them to handle it in this way....

JA w/SH - SA exhibit CL = skull, duct tape, one plastic bag...publish....was a portion of the skull in the ground or leaf litter? Not sure about dirt but ...up to eye sockets with debris .....do my own skull just a below or touching a little above the the eye sockets....circumference around the skull...(kc holding fist covered w/sleeve to mouth)

was it straight up? angled - difficult to tell due to orientation of ground around whether angled up or down......attempt to remove the skull and tape together.....Det. Welch and ? talked about it....remove large area under skull - recovering every thing there....not sure what else under it...try to collect large portion - not just lift skull up ...removed large area to put in a bag...

already reached down and hand reach down and lift of the skull....get entire debris and skull....about 6-8" around the skull to the side....put hand down til hit something solid - scoop up and lift ....picture taken

hair mat and tape...seriously doubt it to keep exactly the same exact position but tried as best we could....we collected plastic bag and canvas bag next to it....also long bones in the area of the skull.....also collected and placed in the back of ME vehicle....trash and canvas bags were collected as one unit and scooping all around debris onto a plastic shroud and then all that taken as a unit.....skull, bag, shorts, long bone, another piece of cloth - believe determined to be a blanket....all things of that ilk...all things with each other were all collected and taken.....

one of his roles to go back and forth between scene to collect bones or human remains possible- OCSO -collected those and he would sign for them and transported remains back to the ME office....there were one or 2 times where LE transported pieces from the scene to the office....most part he was the one going back and forth...

first trip on 12/11/08 and last trip? refer to notes ...on 12/17/08 think last time went out there - gather remains or what they thought what might be remains....Dr. Schultz was to look @ to determine if human......he is primary anthropologist working with ME - Hansen called him prior to going to the scene on the 11th....Hansen came to the ME on the 11th...


I kept little pieces of hair from my little dog who passed away almost a year ago. I also cried my eyes out when he left us. Much more emotion from me for my little dog than it appears ICA is emoting to her little girl.
If it were me...my heart would be bleeding!

I did the same with Dakota who we lost almost 3 months on the 12th. I have clips of his hair, a paw print, his collar with tag, and his ashes in a cedar urn all sitting on a shelf in my study. When the cremation company handed me the urn I completely lost it. How ICA can't loose it talking about the remains of her CHILD is beyond me. Completely beyond me. We should be seeing what we saw from Cindy.
If I were the woman sitting next to Casey and I seriously thought that she did not do this to Caylee I would be bawling for her. I wouldn't be able to sit there and play busy.
Why can't she look into the eyes of the jurors? An innocent victim would have no problem looking them straight in the eyes and telling them I didn't do this to my baby.
Any tears have dried up and she's back to "exfoliating" her under eye area again..
Oh, yeah -- tears are over, time to pay attention.
IIRC Kronk claiming he bumped the bag...and the skull rolled out. That's a lie if that is what he said
Wonder who the pregnant woman sitting behind the techie guy is...iornic, isn't it?
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