2011.06.10 Sidebar (Trial Day Fifteen)

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"Judge not, least you be judged". A bedrock of Jewish / Christian faith. The very faith and value system our nation & judicial system was based on. In a perfect world every jury in every case would have 12 people as rock solid as this woman. Thank God she's on the jury, she will vote guilty & I wouldn't be surprised to hear if she turns out to be one of the leaders in the jury room when deliberations start. The verdict will be death.

It is the death penalty that comes into greater issue with those who follow the Jewish and Christian faiths...as it says a man shall not be put to death on the strength of less than two witnesses...no witnesses to this one.
Does anyone think the state will call Dominic Casey to the stand?
He's always been a mystery..and was looking forward to what his testimony would be.
Doe anyone have a theory why the maggots would only be in the trash bag? I have been trying to wrap my brain around that when they mentioned that yesterday.
Doe anyone have a theory why the maggots would only be in the trash bag? I have been trying to wrap my brain around that when they mentioned that yesterday.

Just a guess, but I think perhaps from paper towels used to wipe something during the bagging process. Hands...spare tire cover...shovel?
Oh goodness....we left the door unlocked all night. Thanks for not trashing the place. ;)

Breakfast is served on the Saturday thread. Hop on over while I lock up here.
Here is the Saturday thread.[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138998"]http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138998[/ame]
NG and Joy concerned about the lady juror who apparently said she could not judge someone.

Makes me feel sick just thinking about it.

Keep hearing that comment it only takes one. Why did HHJBP allow a person who said they could not judge as a juror for a death penalty case.

This lady is a Christian if I remember correctly and from what I remember she takes her faith very seriously. That being said, I think she will consult daily with the Creator of her faith (pray) and know that she can do all things through Him. I also think she will read her bible and be very clear minded as to how the Creator of her faith felt about children...He adored them, they were very important to Him, He scolded his friends when they refused to let the little children come to Him. He said if anyone hurts a child, it is better that they have a millstone tied around their neck and be cast into the sea. I think this lady juror knows the Creator and I think she will do the work He has sat before her. I'm not at all worried about this one.
Doe anyone have a theory why the maggots would only be in the trash bag? I have been trying to wrap my brain around that when they mentioned that yesterday.


Sarah the paper towels in the bag IIRC showed to have grave wax on them. My thoughts are that the maggots or the eggs that hatch into maggots were carried over to the bag when the PT's were put into the bag. When the food source was removed from the trunk they were found in the bag. The link above is for reading there is more than one thread.
I've been wondering where Dominic is also and if he will be called to testify. Anyone know ?
ty for all these, you are a star my dear.

as far as pic of ICA when "chewed" comes up, there was also a time today when she appeared to actually sob instead of fake it, which was also during description of chewing. and every other time "chewed" came up, she made the face as in the shot above.

I find it amazing that she could do the things she did and handle hearing it all okay, but the whole chewing by animals thing seems to do her in - anyone got any ideas as to why this might be? I cant even guess....

I believe, since it was stated pets were buried in the area, Casey may have been thinking about her little pets, not her daughter.

My opinion only
Who is he?

Dominic was the private investigator that first worked for the DT then for Cindy and George.

He was poking around in the wooded area off of suburban an entire month before Kronk found Caylee.

Was super fishy. He said he was there searching on a tip from a psychic.
Dominic was the private investigator that first worked for the DT then for Cindy and George.

He was poking around in the wooded area off of suburban an entire month before Kronk found Caylee.

Was super fishy. He said he was there searching on a tip from a psychic.

Didn't CA, at one point, admit that she had hired him?
I agree. BUT, (those old enough), who thought O.J. would walk?

After saying that, my position is KC will get LWOP, not death.

PS. Dr G. vs. CM was awesome. That testimony gave me goosebumps.



ITA, I was shocked when OJ walked....but comparing these two (OJ to ICA) is like comparing apples and pine trees. there is almost nothing in common in between these two cases.

The new sidebar is open. I will be locking this in 5 minutes.
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