2011.06.12 Dr. Lillian Glass and AZLawyer on Websleuths Radio

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DNA Solves
Can anyone answer the question of why LDB stopped CA from completing her remark (while testifying) about the steaknife found in Casey's car?

Because the knife has been ruled irrelevant. There is nothing to suggest it was used in any way connected with Caylee's death.
Because the knife has been ruled irrelevant. There is nothing to suggest it was used in any way connected with Caylee's death.

Funny...my mind says ICA may have used the steaknife to cut the duct tape.
How many people carry a steaknife in their car? Thx AZ. They surely must have a very good reason for considering it irrelevant. Were the ends of the duct tape in good enough condition to know what was used to cut it?
Funny...my mind says ICA may have used the steaknife to cut the duct tape.
How many people carry a steaknife in their car? Thx AZ. They surely must have a very good reason for considering it irrelevant. Were the ends of the duct tape in good enough condition to know what was used to cut them?

I think the reason was that the fiber found on the knife didn't match the duct tape. ;)
First of all, George is not on trial.

Second, the question of molestation being asked point blank in court on camera is a lot like to the entire nation.........


Respectfully snipped

You have 57 people 'liking' your post. Don't be dismayed. It's bound to happen----900 or so people can't agree all the time. ;)
Because the knife has been ruled irrelevant. There is nothing to suggest it was used in any way connected with Caylee's death.

Was it ever checked for duct tape residue? tia

Wanted to add, the blog radio show is such a wonderful tool to use while following this trial.:tyou:

Everyone did a great job. :takeabow:
It reminded me of my grandparents sitting around listening to the radio on Saturday nights.
I think the reason was that the fiber found on the knife didn't match the duct tape. ;)

I think we all bonded major with you today listening to your delicate but still very strong voice this afternoon. Great job.

I had a question about the duct tape and am wondering what you think. Nothing in court has been mentioned about the fact that tape was wound around the back of Caylee's head that I have heard. I wonder why, as if it is true it could show as reinforcement to hold the pieces over the mouth and nose in place. It is odd, as the still photo of the tape shows it going around the back of her head. Ta
All this talk about "following the duct tape" has now peaked by curiousity. Till I hear from AZ about their reasoning for exclusion of the knife, I am going to always wonder if the knife was in the car and if it was used to cut the tape. It is possible the roll of duct tape could have also been in the car when retrieved from towyard. If she left the knife, my reasoning would be she may have also left the tape.

Did GA or CA remove the tape from the car? That's an answer I probably will not get, though. Somebody said the Henckle tape was used for posters. How many rolls did GA origianlly have? Where are they now?

...perhaps next time, I will call in. I forgot about the show this evening. Listened just now. It was great!
OMG Grandmaj sounds so freakin cute. I have this mental image of her in an apron - making a batch of cookies ♥
George and Cindy had their Bibles in their laps during the trial. George could have also looked down and said a very quick prayer for help, and looked at Caylee's photo before answering such a horrible question. It's going to take a lot more that a pause to make jurors believe Casey over George. I've never thought he was henpecked either, but that he did pass a lot of his traits on to Casey. Just not stealing, murdering ones.
My opinion of GA is that he learned from living with his wife and daughter that whatever he said or did never worked out in the way it should. He learned not to ask questions, not to make comments other than "How great they look" George just got whooped by two dominant women for a long time. I'm sure this angers him at time especially when questioned about his family because his guilt is that he knew what the problem was but too weak to stick to his guns and do something about it.

I see GA at time with is shoulders and deep breath as if he is saying to himself (like he has learned with CA and ICA) I give up type of thing.

Both parents have a lot of guilt they are and will have to deal with. Heck even a healthy family a parent or parents would still feel guilty if this happened to their family. I believe that is the normal reaction, the What If I did this, what if I did that, blah blah blah.

The problem I am starting to notice is that they haven't learned anything from it? CA still comes across as too dominant with GA. Nothing in their household has changed except Caylee is gone and ICA is gone.

Oh one more point. It seems to me that CA or GA or both has a case of OCD. lol
The possible lowering of ICA's chair in court was discussed on tonight's radio program (last night for some of you). I know for sure I'd personally witnessed ICA lowering her chair on one day during trial; and posted about it in either the trial thread or the sidebar thread.

Now I've found the video proof. You'll see it in the very first couple of minutes ... CM assists ICA in getting her chair lowered several inches lower than JB's chair.

The show was awesome!

I had 101 things to do last night after listening to the show, so I am a little late with my comments; however, I wanted to thank everyone for reminding us about the show throughout last week. I set my alarm so I wouldn't forget...and am so thankful I did.

The content was fascinating.

However, I must admit that I missed a lot of the context of the commentary, as I was intrigued and in an excitable state (thank you Dr. Vass) :winko: to hear the voices of my fellow posters; whom I have grown to respect and care for, more than words could ever express.

I guess I expected some of the mods to sound like aliens or my grandma; and some of our legal experts to sound as if they were presenting a case in court:innocent: Boy, was I ever wrong...LOL! I loved hearing from everyone.

Now I have to re-draw mental pictures; in alignment with the voices I heard over the air last night; then maybe next time I can actually listen and hear what you all had to say! LOL!

Great job and wonderful idea!
Listened to the show this morning... thumbs up... Enjoyed it.
I listened to the entire program. I am so impressed by all of you WS'ers. Tricia and "gang", you sounded like the professionals you are. Great information. Thank you Dr, Glass for finding us (Tulessa?) and contributing.

AZ lawyer, I have never stalked anyone, but I may have to make an exeption with you. I have been an admirer of your posts, and now, I understand why. You have the ability to state information in such a way that doesn't sound condescending. Thank you for teaching us. I think you should consider serving as resident lawyer for Tricia on the program every week! Heh.

Oh, and BTW...that black car outside your house...don't worry about it. I'm sure it is not a stalker or anything dangerous. I'm just sure of that, my NEW friend!!! Heh.


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