2011.06.12 Dr. Lillian Glass and AZLawyer on Websleuths Radio

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DNA Solves
Wish I would have seen this earlier. I would have loved to have asked Dr. Glass about the look that Casey keeps on her face. Is she angry, sad, is she pouting? It kinda looks like all of the above, at once.
ITA. Also remember that both of these siblings were joking about getting GA a "real job" as a gift for Father's day. Sounds like CA had so belittled him in their eyes that they thought the whole situation laughable.

...And GA STILL towed the line (for CA) and tried to cover up! And I'm sorry to state this again, but I also think he's quite a little bit stoopid.

Please forgive me for quoting myself but all of this laughing interaction about GA was done while one grown adult was parking cars and the other (KC) hadn't worked a day of her life since she had given birth. Aren't they something!?

ETA - They were chuckling! Did they ever pause to look at themselves?
Wish I would have seen this earlier. I would have loved to have asked Dr. Glass about the look that Casey keeps on her face. Is she angry, sad, is she pouting? It kinda looks like all of the above, at once.
It's also known as "faking". She hasn't a clue what she's supposed to do. Has been a long time out the real world for cues and is now relying exclusively on what she sees at trial and what her DA's are telling her. And maybe her (deranged Momma flipping her signals).

I thought you all sounded amazing on the air. WSers are truly bright bunch of people. I am honored to part of the gang.
I totally agree. I don't give him a total pass because I think he did all manner to appease CA and try to help cover up what KC had done but when push comes to shove, he can't quite pull it off! He's the most honest of the bunch despite of what he's done to try to save his daughter and now, everything he's done, is being thrown back at him as an accusation.

For shame on the family for having done what they have done but I don't believe for a second that GA had anything to with Caylee's death. KC is a sociopath. They have no limits or boundaries. GA means NOTHING to her.


I don't give him a total pass either, but I do understand how torn he was. I just hate seeing people comment how looking down made him look guilty or dishonest when answering that question. He wasn't being dishonest. He was making a choice no parent should ever be forced to make and he needed to look at the reminder of why he was doing it. He was listening to Caylee at that moment in time.

He may have tried to cover things up these past few years and he may have tried to still keep some things back, but when it mattered the most, he stood for Caylee when he answered NO! He could have just as easily said yes to protect ICA.
I just hate seeing people comment how looking down made him look guilty or dishonest when answering that question.

I was asking Dr. Glass what her opinion was on this because I wanted to hear what an expert's take is on the situation.
The show is for 1 1/2 hours. I'm not sure why it's still showing as being on the air. But don't worry, an archive of the show will be up soon.
Thank you, listening now, and I must say yours and Tricia's voice are fabulous
Thank you, listening now, and I must say yours and Tricia's voice are fabulous

We were going to have me call in through Skype this week, but Tricia's internet going out at the last minute kept us from it. Hopefully next week I won't be calling in from my cell phone and it will be more clear. :rocker:

Thanks for the compliment!
I don't get that from GA at all. I think his head down before answering was his way of saying that he can't believe it's come to this. After all he has done to try to help his daughter... she has the gall to turn this on him. I guess we'll see when Baez tries to get to him, though.

MO he was trying to compose himself, to keep from shouting "no I didn't this is a f---- lie JB came up with to save my daughters life"
I totally agree with LawRig's excellent post above regarding Dr. G's reading of George's body language.

How the heck is a person supposed to react? What is the body doing when you have been accused of this horrific act? That question would shake 99.99% of the public to their core, imo - and I think the body reacts to the shock of it all and most of our language would be "off" to someone. MOO

I am totally interested in what others readers feel an innocent person's body language should be if asked that question in front of the whole world?

ITA and let's not forget ICA is his daughter - whether he believes she is guilty or not, she is his daughter and this is a DP trial. That doesn't mean that he didn't love Caylee more than anything else in the world. He cannot be compared to any other witnesses that have testified.
I hope LG gets that TV show, I'll watch and watch and watch. Fascinating topic for me and I hopefully I can learn a teeny bit from her.

AZlawyer has made tons of great points and a nice voice too.

I haven't finished listening to the show but I would have asked if when the testimony of the remains were discussed in court, ICA drew her hand towards her chin and pushing on her nose a bit. To me I took it as if she was remembering the smell and her actions. I just wanted to know if Dr.Glass got that too.
Wow lots of people calling in this week. :woohoo: I waiting a long time to ask my question. What Fun! I like this new show format.
Wonderful question about the hands you brought up. I've thought of that too and also thought it could be she had some of the decomp on her hands, wiped it on that paper towel, put it in the garbage therefore she is still wiping that off her hands.

You're so smart!
Thank you Grandmaj..for asking that question about ICA's hands.
Can anyone answer the question of why LDB stopped CA from completing her remark (while testifying) about the steaknife found in Casey's car?
GREAT show!!!!

Sorry I missed this but who did ICA shoot the finger to?

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