2011.06.14 TRIAL Day Eighteen (Afternoon Session)

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Okay, I don't see how the state can rest before tomorrow. Still admitting evidence...and there are two witnesses in the hall. #CaseyAnthony
by stevehelling via twitter at 3:09 PM
I think the SA is giving themselves lots of room for "fresh facts".

They know Baez is going to bring up everything plus the kitchen sink in his random, Tazmanian Devil brand of defense. The SA will be there waiting, rubbing their hands, to sink their teeth into him and his witnesses.

It will make a much bigger impression on the jury to hear some of the kooky things he's going to bring up, only to hear the SA slam those doors shut with logic and real facts. It's a good way to do things. Nobody should ever jump in with all guns blazing straight away, you need to leave some wiggle room for new damning evidence once they've been blathering on and on with nonsense in front of the jury.

This way, the jury has heard all of this stuff now, then the DT will do some jazz hands and try and bamboozle the jury, and the SA can respond to every witness like a pitbull. THAT, my friends, is going to have major impact. Remember- the SA has their reasons for doing things they way they do them. They aren't cowboys trying their first DP case, unlike somebody else whose name I could mention. They are going for FACTS combined with MASSIVE EMOTIONAL IMPACT on the jury.

Keep that popcorn coming!

I really agree with your I love You thought.
also, as a juror i for sure would find it much easier to believe CA lied in the past to protect ICA and is trying to do the right thing now as opposed to telling truth then and lying now. no way would a mother want to send her child to Death Row and the jury would believe her if she told the truth now. i really wish there was a way she could admit to past lies. im so frustrated by this case. Im too invested in it.

Could someone fill me in, I must've missed it, Did CA tell ICA that she loved her today?
Well i dont think id forget anything about the worst days of my life!
It would be etched in my mind forever.

each person is different

I don't remember much of the day my daughter died ... just some flashes of it
Today is my grandmother's birthday. I called her this morning to wish her a happy birthday and told her I love her. Cindy will never get that kind of call from Caylee, and it's because of Casey, her own daughter. That is a nightmare in itself. I am still angry at all of the lies and coverups. But I think it is finally hitting Cindy that this trial is almost over, that Casey is NOT coming home, and Caylee is truly gone. Her life is going to be so empty after this trial is over. Maybe she can try to fill it with Lee and his future family, I don't know. I think in losing Caylee and Casey, Cindy has lost a lot herself that she will NEVER get back.

And tomorrow three years ago is the last time she saw Caylee. I think Cindy is truly breaking apart right now. I just can't muster up the anger I used to have at her right now. Now if Casey gets acquitted because of her mother, or if Casey is given a hero's homecoming parade by Cindy after somehow getting acquitted, I will be right back where I was for three years with Cindy, believe me.

I tend to agree, however I think in general most times the female is closer with her family. I tend to imagine if Lee and Mallory have children they would likely be closer to her family than his family..... at least that is my experience.

Cindy is a strong person, I think in time, she will find a way to throw herself into something. Hopefully something that will be fruitful that will honor Caylee's memory as the victim she is.... I don't believe ICA will get the DP (I'd be incredibly surprised if she did). CA will ALWAYS have the opportunity to visit ICA even if ICA denied CA the opportunity for a period of time.

Originally Posted by camcneishg
LA hid the duct tape!!!

I think camcneishg was being sarcastic.
the papers that HJBP read before the photos were shown....the reporter stated that these photos and video were of a command center that LA was in charge of.....
It's a legitimate point for her defense attorney to argue, is what I meant. If it was collected attached to something, and is not now attached to that object, the jury should be advised of that, imo.

But yes, I see your point about what might cause the sticker to adhere to something else.
...and I'll say it again...I'm not sure there was a connection with the tape...but if the State wants to imply that there was, I would think there would have been testimony to it. But didn't they say that it hadn't been presented? The puffy thing was bigger than the image seen on the tape. I might be missing something, but the State should have stuck (no pun intended0 with the stickers found at the house.
Where is the cellphone ping guy?? I want to see the one that was on tv early on that said if Caylee wanted her diaper changed she would have had to have texted her mother because she was on the phone so much. I WANT PINGS!
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