2011.06.16 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty)

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This is what the Judge said yesterday after the Motion for Judgment of Acquittal.
NG twisted the part where the Judge said that the Defendant [lied] and said that her daughter was alive during the time that her daughter is now known to have been duct taped across her nose and mouth, had chloroform in the trunk, and placed in a trash bag and other container. Meaning the Inmate lied and that is part of the State's case which the Judge says they presented to the jury.

Judge: in this case there is more than a single act ... those acts consist of duct taping, the nose and mouth, the presence of chloroform in the trunk, coupled with fact that there is evidence that the child was placed in a trash bag and other container and
statements introduced into evidence that during this time period Ms Anthony through statements, said that the child was alive during various segments of this time.
It is quite clear in this case more than one single act which satisfies the test of Brooks vs State.
Considering the evidence in the light most favorable to the state and reviewing all evidence and tests laid down by Florida Supreme Court the defense motion for judgment of acquittal on counts 1-7 are hereby denied.
These are strictly questions for the jury to decide
The court finds State has presented substantial competent evidence for this jury, the trier of fact in this case to decide this particular issue.

That's a big stack. God bless JP.
Goodmorning WS groupies! Off to conduct chart reviews for medicare.......will be "trying" to watch from my blackberry but tough in a dr's office...

I EXPECT you all to keep me informed as possible via updates on here! Go TEAM CAYLEE!!!
I'm an emotional wreck today. today is 3 years since caylee left this world which is longer than she was in it, and today we have to hear her killer's defense team make a mockery of the whole thing. I will most likely be quite quiet in the threads. I am sure I can contain myself but I'll be crying too much.

ETA: love and peace to CA and especially GA because I believe he will bear the brunt of his daughter's spite.
I'm in awe tehcloser!! I can't even get my desk organized. What does pool shocking do and how do you do it? And......what's for dinner in that crock pot??

Nachomama- your baby and her T-shirt made me smile so big it hurt!! I truly believe there will be a cure before she even asks for her first training bra. That and ICA will be convicted. :)

Pot roast in the crock pot. And pool shocking is just zapping the water with the stuff you make chloroform with........:floorlaugh: No, it's a package of chemicals that really just gives your pool a high does of chlorine, it's already hotter than hades here in Texas and the heat really zaps the chlorine really fast.
Pot roast in the crock pot. And pool shocking is just zapping the water with the stuff you make chloroform with........:floorlaugh: No, it's a package of chemicals that really just gives your pool a high does of chlorine, it's already hotter than hades here in Texas and the heat really zaps the chlorine really fast.

:lol: I hear ya! Today it is supposed to be only a chilly 102 :rolleyes: - Yesterday it was 104! :eek:

Shocked my pool as well! :great:
Oh, and I am still too bleary eyed....but did anybody see NG last night where her newest BOMBSHELL was that the Judge suggested that Caylee could have been alive when placed in the bags with duct tape over her mouth? I don't know. I watched the whole motion to dismiss hearing and I sure didn't get that.. You?

I have completely given up on news entertainment shows.Geraldo,Nancy,JVM,Dr. Drew........completely contrived,IMO. WS has spoiled them for me,since I get the FACTS HERE!
Pot roast in the crock pot. And pool shocking is just zapping the water with the stuff you make chloroform with........:floorlaugh: No, it's a package of chemicals that really just gives your pool a high does of chlorine, it's already hotter than hades here in Texas and the heat really zaps the chlorine really fast.

This is very true, I scrubbed the sides w/wire brush in august daily to help keep algae from growing from loss of chlorine.
Just a reminder.. Any tears shed today in court by ICA are all for her and not Caylee.. JMHO
All you people who have all your work done for the day. I got news for ya...I'm going to sit on my keister and watch the trial all day. In other words, I ain't doing Jack you know what....:great:
I took today off which is rare for me, feeling a bit under the weather. I usually follow things here via my mobile net on my phone. But if I had to be off work I'm glad it's today. The irony of the DT starting their case on the anniversary of Caylee's death....well it's "rich."

I usually watch the testimony after work on video so this will be the first day I can watch it realtime. Just wanted to thank everyone here for all of the posting during the trial so I can follow along at work!

Good morning, everyone!

I have been having to read hours at different times because my elderly Mother having been in the hospital. She is now home and doing well, so I can watch the trial again.

Today should be a very interesting day! I foresee many, many objections and several sidebars!

It is so hard to believe that this is the three year anniversary (as far as we know) of precious Caylees' death. I am thinking of her today and every day.

Hope everyone has a great day!
I think the defense is going to call George Anthony up on that stand first. They are hoping for a super emotional and vulnerable George Anthony. Knowing today is the day, three years ago, that Caylee died and that he daughter is now saying that he played a significant part in that death is going to be extremely hard on him.

I am praying super hard for George. I pray that Caylee is hugging her Jo Jo tight today and whispering that everything will be okay. She was such a caring and observant little girl as evidence when she asked her "pop pop" if he were tired.

Hugs to everyone here at WS's. It's going to be a very hard time (days or weeks?) listening to all the garbage (not trash) the defense is going to be throwing out there. Stay strong ya'll. Just remember that we are all here for Caylee and the defense antics are not worth getting a time out from this forum.
I got that. He implied that even the bag could have killed Caylee. At least, he seemed to imply that. Who knows?

O/T PS. Don't know who's following the stray cat with the kittens saga and who isn't, but she carried 5 over on Monday, and this morning another appeared on my back porch. Mama cat has been disappearing alot, Hubby and I thought she was hunting. I guess she WAS hunting...for her lost kitten. 6 total. Yikes. Who wants one? :)

I have been!!!!!! By the way......DO YOU KNOW WHO IS PAPA????? that could be a story of its own...

I remember a time when my sisters dog (lab/dobie??) jumped two stories down to a female in heat....it was a chuwawa.....
Good morning everyone, nice to see so many of us in line waiting on the circus to open. I can't wait for the first act!
o/t I picked a bad day to switch from sugar to xylitol :sigh: I need something....*eyes the tequila*
All you people who have all your work done for the day. I got news for ya...I'm going to sit on my keister and watch the trial all day. In other words, I ain't doing Jack you know what....:great:

I have to plant my tomato plant...along with a few other chores...so I will pop in from time to time....I say I can't stand to listen but its like that trainwreck.....I do feel for GA......I think his daughter is the total package of EVIL
Morning, boys and girls. :seeya:

RIP, little darling' - justice in on the way!

As for what's about to begin, does anyone else have this song going round and round in their head?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8vINCq_IAI"]YouTube - ‪Circus! Theme Music‬‏[/ame]
Okay who was just singing on the WKMG feed? :floorlaugh:
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