2011.06.16 TRIAL Day Twenty (Afternoon Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Yes, but it doesn't break the case. So okay, the sticker wasn't important. There was still a two year old killed horribly and thrown away like trash. I don't understand why they are attacking something so little that doesn't do a darn thing towards making Casey look innocent. I'm sure that sticker is LAST on the jury's important evidence list. Good Lord. Talk about picking the wrong battles.

Well, you can make the argument that the sticker could of been something that linked ICA to the body due to the residue on the duct tape. Not that she can't be linked in other ways, but perhaps they are going the path of least resistance in trying to break those links.
If his point was to show that the baby was thrown away in a trash dump, I suppose she did. LE had to sift through the trash for evidence and bones across 60 or more square feet of trash dump. It's amazing they found so much, including most of her bones.

Well his point was the heart stick could have been left there by anyone.

And LDK did help him with that.
I believe this is the persons who's DNA was found on the duct tape through contamination.
My dog keeps looking at me and I swear rolling her eyes. I keep yelling out, Oh Good God already JB!
Yes, but it doesn't break the case. So okay, the sticker wasn't important. There was still a two year old killed horribly and thrown away like trash. I don't understand why they are attacking something so little that doesn't do a darn thing towards making Casey look innocent. I'm sure that sticker is LAST on the jury's important evidence list. Good Lord. Talk about picking the wrong battles.


Not at all. Like I said, I already tossed out that evidence as iffy. Plenty of other evidence that is NOT iffy, imo. :)
"My understanding is that the duct tape was found with the victim."

(he was I think actually asking about chain of custody)
IMHO: Casey does not seem as happy as she was earlier today. Earlier she was so happy, but now she does not seem happy like she was earlier today. :no:

More of the duct tape. Henkel script I presume. Redundant.

Ah, looking for sticker residue.
PamelaLeeShow Pamela Lee
#caseyanthony The jury is listening to the witness, some writing in the notepads others just listening.
Sure the possibility is there, the heart could have come from anywhere but since the outline of a heart was seen on the tape and a heart of the same size found at the crime scene is worthy of noting and saved as evidence. Not impressed with Baez's attempt to cast doubt.
I don't think little girls were in this area very often around the time the sticker was left. The sticker was not too degraded. But the area was heavily wooded and filled with debris and dense vines and brush at the time. Not a play area at the time Caylee's body was dumped, IMO.

The children didn't necessarily need to be IN the wooded area. These things could have been chucked from just about anywhere - not just the sticker, but all of the trash found. I am sure not all of the trash there came from people actually in the wooded area.
No; LDB was making the point that Caylee was tossed out among the trash.

Baez's useless sticker broohaha was rendered completely pointless.

Actually, it's pointless from the jump because he should be attacking the stronger evidence, because in the scheme of it, the sticker "evidence" means jack all.

The jury can easily toss it and still give KC the needle. Baez needs to attack the significant evidence that could actually help his client.

IMO, at this point in the trial, I would be shocked if they went DP. Guilty no problem, but I don't think they would go DP.
She was trying to detect if there were remnants of sticker using video spectral comparitor
To go back to the sticker for a moment, it is important to the state because it connects casey with the dump site and the dumping of Caylee. If she placed a sticker on the duct tape then she was probably the one who put Caylee there. JB made a point but I think the state's point was better.
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