2011.06.17 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-One)

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I don't have working computer speakers so I am afraid I am out of luck. Unless HLN replays it over the weekend which they most likely will.

brb boys want popsicles
I don't think JA expected that 2nd can to have tobacco juice on it.
I can't remember who it was but a member here asked about the number 7 and said 7 was significant to her. Just want to let that member know there have now been 77 witnesses called.
The long pause when asked if tabacco spit could ever smell like a dead body and then his answer when he did was :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

NOt a shred of credibility left ...even the dumbest of jurors got that!

Unbelievable. What kind of chumps does he think he's talking to and what's wrong with him if he thinks the jury will believe it just cause it comes out of his mouth.
Somebody better check on SOTS iykwim...

and also

I want to make up a t-shirt: JA's Picture, Caption: Why didn't you wrap your pigs in a blanket????

I don't have working computer speakers so I am afraid I am out of luck. Unless HLN replays it over the weekend which they most likely will.

brb boys want popsicles

over and over, LOL!
I'm lost.

If there is nothing in the *can*, on the *can*, etc., why did the State photograph it & enter the photo as evidence?

How is the *can* relevant?

Help! I want to understand!

everything that was in the trash bag that came from the car was removed from the bag and photographed

IMO the contents of the trash bag were entered into evidence by the state to show that there was no food in the trash that could have attracted the flies and resulting maggots

hope that helps you understand! :)
WFTV commentators saying some might think JA's pigs in the blanket comment was insensitive.

Doubtful, since the next of kin thought it was hilarious...

I hope the jurors saw that.

Someone posted a twitter from a reporter that one of the jurors said "oh my gosh" and tapped the other jurors to look :great:
And bugs will not touch it. Tobacco juice is not attractive for some reason, is deadly to plants and bugs. This entire day has been a big fat bunch of baloney! :twocents:

I have never seen a fly or any other insect near his bottles open or closed.
That is an understatement. But right now while I don't think she will do it, she is the only one that can tell her own fantasy about what happened.

ICA is arrogant enough just to testify in an attempt to lash back at Jeff. She really does feel she is superior, even to HHJP.
this witness thought he had the pass to fame and fortune before state got to him-lol. sounds as if he wanted to test his theorys out and voluntered his thoughts!! he smiles in a way that to me looks like - yeah i know i blew it but i am up here since 9am so i must be important!!

so we talk of maggots, flys and pigs and as linda would say in opening day= WHERE WAS CAYLEE?

I am :furious: that HHBP allows JB to have his cell phone with him while at the podium. We all know JB can't ask the right questions so why is the Judge allowing him to receive texts to tell him what to ask? :banghead:

I agree, I find it appalling that any attorney would have the B@lls to take their phone with them and use it during a trial to question a witness. I just don't see how that is proper court room etiquette and how that is legal..I have been told it is legal for LKB to be texting him..I just don't see how when she is not even on the DT anymore. Assuming that she is the one he is texting. And why is Dorthy Sim's even there? She is the medical expert and has done nothing but babysit Casey. Baez has first chair and he will end up putting Casey in the electric chair if he doesn't get his act together and have her throw herself to the mercy of the court... And I hope Judge Perry doesn't feel sorry for the Anthony's come sentencing time..Cindy played a big part in this cover up and lied to LE as well...she destroyed evidence from the car and gave the FBI the wrong tooth brush. The only person I feel sorry for is Caylee..she is the only one that was duct taped/chloroformed/triple bagged/, and dumped like trash 15 housed down from the Anthony home near Casey's pet cemetary... JMO :cow:

Sorry :truce:
meaning everywhere would smell like decomp. I think that lost whatever remnant of credibility he might have had with the jury.

It is impossible for body fluids from a live person to smell like body fluids from a deceased person because the decomposition process that produces the smell can only occur due to decomp gases.

If body fluids from a live person had the capability to smell like decomp, every back alley behind every sleazy hotel in the world would smell like decomp after a while.

JMO ;)
All I gotta say is I want to be the 1st to buy JA a Beer


he rocks!mo
ITA. There used to be a gardener on TV years ago that also used natural things for garden insects. One of the things was to soak tobacco in water and use the water to kill bugs in the garden. Definitely poisonous to bugs!

Jerry Baker...lots of dish soap and mouthwash recipes for the garden as well
No kidding - and I hope the jury took note of that little titter of her's, since in all reality, the "Pigs in a Blanket" that was being referred to was acutally her baby.

Indications of true psychopathy perhaps ... not feeling the appropriate responses under the circumstances, but mirroring what others do.
JA saved the day. He makes everything so clear. He must've impressed the jurors with his integrity when he was offering to dig out those cans to show the witness. JA comes across as pure truth and justice. Let's hope the jurors finally see through JB's trickery.

JEFF ASHTON :yourock: :blowkiss:

Oh man, he went after that box of evidence with those cans in it like a man on fire.
He was ripping it open in the end after taking the scissors to only 2 sides.

"IS THIS THE CAN?" - nope

Back at that box again and same thing repeated.

He is on fire.
And, I think when they come back - he is going to come in flaming and the rest of them are gonna be wearing protective fire gear!
Hey, back off! I've already called dibbs...and I'm picking out wedding invites:crazy:

You two better watch out, SleuthontheSide has been his lady for a while now! LOL!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
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