2011.06.18 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-Two)

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Thank you for the screen captures!!!
I just can't even stand to look at the faker when her daughter's skull is mentioned -- makes me nauseous!!! She so totally copped a look at Sim's monitor when the skull was published on the screen [for jurors and courtroom audience - not the public]. If you watch the video playback of it, she glances at Sim's monitor ever so quickly ... then goes with the drama queen charade.
She has seen worse than Caylee's clean medically scrubbed little skull ... she has seen the horrors of baby Caylee's precious little body decomposing in the trunk of the car and handling her decomposing body.

Yes, re bold! I tried to capture that - she kind of peeks thru the crack in her hands in front of her face, and you can see her eyes looking...
I apologize if this has already been addressed. Hopefully someone can help me out with something I'm struggling with. When the jury returned and the first witness had been dismissed did the judge tell them there was another witness because they were accommodating him because he was from out of town? Is it ethical to lie to the jurors? I really like Judge Perry and am amazed how he has been able to maintain some sanity in this trial. He was put in a bad situation and really pushed to give some explanation. However, unless I misunderstood his comment to the jury I am disappointed he would handle it in this way.

IIRC He did not elaborate except to say that Dr R would be back on Monday.
I apologize if this has already been addressed. Hopefully someone can help me out with something I'm struggling with. When the jury returned and the first witness had been dismissed did the judge tell them there was another witness because they were accommodating him because he was from out of town? Is it ethical to lie to the jurors? I really like Judge Perry and am amazed how he has been able to maintain some sanity in this trial. He was put in a bad situation and really pushed to give some explanation. However, unless I misunderstood his comment to the jury I am disappointed he would handle it in this way.

If I recall correctly, JB is the one who asked HHJP if HE could tell the jury this is why the 1st witness would not be testifying. Judge Perry smiled and said, "Sure. But then I'll have to let Mr. Ashton speak to that." (paraphrasing because I can't recall his exact words.)

In other words...no sir, not without a rebuttal.

Not sure what the jury was actually told.
What's interesting about him bringing Judy Buenoano up is that he's tried approx 8 death penalty cases but this is the one he keeps talking about. I wonder if this case brings backs memories for him? If I was ICA I wouldn't take it as a good sign although I'm sure it means nothing, but it is interesting.

I believe HHJP attended that one and watched her be put to death.

If I am wrong sorry but I think I read that.
Ok so what's next for the DT? thier past witnesses have mostly been chewed up and spit out by the SA especially JA..So their "bug" guy Dr. H. confirmed it w/ JA that the Caylee was in that location from 2-4days after death and remained there until found in Dec, which basically discredits their OS of the body being moved. Then Dr. S. today was "supposed" to be big and it was nothing but a flop. He didn't know details of the case (or couldn't recall), he had an outrageous theory as to how the duct tape was applied on the skeleton, and how the ME office "staged" the photos.

So what's next for the DT? The only thing I can think of to have any interesting value will be to have KC take the stand..

Casey on the stand would be awesome! I would love it if she would testify!
I wish someone would show how excited JB looked this am waiting to get started - all grins like here comes the kicker everyone. Then he got ripped by the judge and lost his witness. Then, oh, ok I have this great very smart witness who will blow away your great Dr. G - ut oh And in the end he has a stupid grin on his face like - It doesn't hurt to try... Grasshopper needs to learn when to fold 'em.
I believe HHJP attended that one and watched her be put to death.

If I am wrong sorry but I think I read that.

I could be wrong, but I thought I understood JP to say he was the Prosecutor in that case, and that the defense tried to pull a fast one on him in much the same way as Baez was doing.
I believe HHJP attended that one and watched her be put to death.

If I am wrong sorry but I think I read that.

Quite right. But I think Darnudes may be curious as to whether HHJP is reminded of Buenoano for any other reason:innocent:

There's a long news feature video out there about it - it was released this spring before the Frye hearing I think - somebody probably has it...I'll look but I'm not very good at finding them
Why did he bring up this case?

Because HHBP was a state prosecutor at that time and he was the prosecutor in that case. He found himself in the same position as the state is now, with the defense introducing an opinion that was not covered in a witness deposition. He asked the presiding judge for an immediate deposition that was put into motion right away. He deposed the witness that evening.

HHBP was simply reminding all that he's been in the same position earlier in his career.
Quite right. But I think Darnudes may be curious as to whether HHJP is reminded of Buenoano for any other reason:innocent:

There's a long news feature video out there about it - it was released this spring before the Frye hearing I think - somebody probably has it...I'll look but I'm not very good at finding them

I will give a few a hint for the new readers, what was mentioned a few weeks ago with the jury out of the room, but the family probably needed to hear. :innocent:
The Inmate is totally looking at Spitz' photos of Caylee's skull after he sawed the top off of it ... while she pretends to be too upset to look and puts her head down. First she looks at Baez' monitor, then she looks at Sim's monitor while pretending to whisper to both of them.

Part 4

(3:08) Spitz - a saw is used to saw all the way around and remove the cap and look at interior of skull

Mason - during autopsy were photos taken?
Spitz - I did

(3:54) Mason approach with photos Defense BY # 26
photo printed out on paper
skull after opened by you for 2nd autopsy
Ashton no objection

(4:21) KC looks at Baez' monitor - Defense Exhibit BY # 26 printed photo

(4:32) with court's permission enlargement of the same photograph
Defense Exhibit BY # 26
Mason puts enlargement of photo on big poster on easel
KC looks at Baez' monitor

Spitz step down
Mason puts poster on easel
KC looks down then KC whispers to Sims and looks at her monitor

(4:48) KC looking at Sim's monitor with photo of skull on it

(5:14) looking at Sims' monitor again, while whispering to Sims

(5:17) totally looking at the skull on Sim's monitor while putting hand on her mouth


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    KC looks at Defense Exh BY 26 skull on Baez monitoraa.jpg
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  • KC looking at Sims monitor of enlarged skull photoaa.jpg
    KC looking at Sims monitor of enlarged skull photoaa.jpg
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  • looking at Sims monitor again skull Spitzaa.jpg
    looking at Sims monitor again skull Spitzaa.jpg
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  • totally looking at skull on Sims monitor Spitzaa.jpg
    totally looking at skull on Sims monitor Spitzaa.jpg
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Quite right. But I think Darnudes may be curious as to whether HHJP is reminded of Buenoano for any other reason:innocent:

There's a long news feature video out there about it - it was released this spring before the Frye hearing I think - somebody probably has it...I'll look but I'm not very good at finding them

Holy Wow, I actually found the link!
So, I guess Poor Baez was made to look like a fool in front of everyone. The jury was excluded from all this, I presume?

Here's a picture while JB gets reprimanded by the judge.


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    jose getting reprimanded 4.jpg
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IIRC He did not elaborate except to say that Dr R would be back on Monday.

At about the 2:15 mark. (I guess in the end it would accommodate an out-of-town witness to get testify earlier but it is misleading.) Not a huge thing and benefits the defense if anyone so I don't see it as a cause for an appeal. If he gives some other instruction for the witness on Monday the jury may wonder about this...if they even remember.
I haven't had time to read most of the posts today, but I listened to the testimony on my phone today at my kiddo's softball game this morning....;) I did see a few comments where people had mentioned they thought the jurors would believe Dr. S over Dr. G. I just wanted to say that coming from someone who hasn't followed the case much until trial, I saw the Dr. G testimony, and today, Dr. S seemed like nothing but a "grumpy mad scientist".

He reminded me of the character, Dr. Werner Klopek in the 1989 movie, "Burbs" (Tom Hanks movie) as played by Henry Gibson

And even better, here are quotes from an actual scene in the movie:

Dr. Werner Klopek: Come now, Mr. Peterson, you were in my basement. Surely, you looked in the furnace.
Ray Peterson: Well I-I-I-I saw your furnace, Doctor. I figured a man's furnace is his business.
Dr. Werner Klopek: You saw one of my skulls, didn't you? Oh yes, I know you did. It belonged to a neighbor of yours. The name was Knapp. We took the house from them. I offered to buy it but you know how old people are, they grow so attached to things.
Ray Peterson: Uh, you know, Dr. Kopek, I think I forgot my wallet...
[Tries to get up but is held down]
Dr. Werner Klopek: I let you keep the femur, but now, now I want my skull. Or perhaps, I might just take yours. Hans!
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