2011.06.18 TRIAL Day Twenty-two (Morning Session Only)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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No doubt in Dr. S. mind that skin should have been on that duct tape 6 mos. later! After he put duct tape on his own arm and ripped it off, it had hairs in it. Big difference because the body of Caylee laid out there in the elements for 6 mos. Is he really a doctor?
OMG he put tape on his arm and pulled off hair. Did He keep his arm submerged in a swamp for six months after he had amputated it???
So he is basically saying somebody put duct tape after the body was skeletonized to hold it there? Why didnt someone tape her whole skeleton then?? :banghead::banghead:
I agree with others here. This witness is going to help the state and is going be be an easy cross for JA. Also, I get the impression that this guy might have been good in his day, but now seems a bit "foggy" due to his age.
spitz should retire. I'm done with the defense. To even consider bringing on an old man who would question Dr. G is ludicrous. :banghead:
Spitz is keeping the door wide open for Ashton to have his day. There is no mention of the elements. Just you wait. Comparing putting tape on his skin and the tape that was found ages after application is asking for trouble.
DR. WS saying the duct tape was placed there to hold the jaw in place.

Really?!? Come on! If Caylee was going to be triple bagged and thrown out like trash, WHY on Earth would they need to tape her jaw in place????

This is ridiculous!
OMG!! I want to scream! Does no one on this defense, including their witnesses, recognize that there was NO sticky left on the duct tape?! It was disintegrated!! Hopefully, Ashton will clear this up on cross... or in their rebuttal case.

Geeze, he put duct tape on his arm and got hairs on it.... good grief!!
If the tape was placed AFTER decomop, wouldn't it have been in better shape than it was found? And what would be the point?
What?? Dr. Spitz is saying the duct tape was put there AFTER decomposition? Did I hear that right? What????
I saw an actual tear. She's getting better at this...
Here's a pic to immortalize this event.

So Dr. G was supposed to set aside standard protocol to let him into the autopsy,even though that it never done and the remains were not even identified, but she was not supposed to set (his) standard protocol of opening the skull, even though there was no tissue left and she could see into the skull.
Remember,she rinsed the interior out .

Can you imagine how the DT would HOWL, if it became known that Dr. G. didn't use gloves? But it's ok that this 'emminent' Dr. didn't.

I bet Mason's heart fell to his feet when he heard that Dr. Spitz didn't use gloves. Oh well...ya get what ya pay for.

ETA: in case anyone is wondering...Dr. G. DID use gloves..above was a hypothetical

Dr. Spitz examined entire skeleton very few bones missing....skull not been opened ..show jury what he found...he didn't find discoloration of certain parts of skull...place where ear is...mechanism of ear...side of ear...base and inside ...no fractures or blows identified on skull..skull intact and undamaged..some damage to some long bones on the leg....post-mortem by animals chewing on the flesh on bones...no damage other than that...area longer bone of the thigh - fairly long bone in a child 3 years old about 5" opened by first ME....he surmised they probably opened to take marrow....object....he thought they had done this to for purpose of removing material to get access to bone marrow cavity...purpose removing certain material helpful in diagnosis...subsequently learned this was not the case...based on this exam - cause of death remained unknown....for him some extent as well..

REad Dr. G's reference to duct tape? understand some sections of duct tape on lower face were loosely - not a shred of soft tissue no skin muscles, fat, nerves,

without gloves or apron touched - nothing to contaminate him - just as little to infect him or not allow him handle remains of 3 year old child...he didn't need all the material he brought....tape was not there when he saw...pictures duct tape showed on the right lower side hanging on hair and roots of vegetation in the area this was excavacted - lower partially under the surface of the ground...vegetation had grown into the material..plants benefit from minerals and chemistry generated by decomp.

Dr. G's report duct tape was clearly placed prior to decomp...what opinion do you have? some problem with it...when duct tape applied to skin- decomposes...duct tape becomes loose on the skeletal structure - in this case only thing held duct tape on face was roots and hair...don't know fashion duct tape came in contact....nothing on bone to suggest duct tape...nothing on duct tape to suggest it was on skin...his strong feeling and opinion that duct tape placed there to hold lower jaw in place....decomp with no trace of flesh on this head...if he would have picked it up like this...lower jaw would have dropped...just like he will show...this lower jaw is attached by ....touch this to remove it and lower jaw falls off...duct tape attached to the skull..would have been held somewhat by roots and maybe by fact there was hair between ducttape and lower jaw...would you expect dna on duct tape if placed on face? he would have expect dna yes...if duct tape would attached to the face...dna on theface from the duct tape..he put duct tape on his arm...when removed pulled out hairs with roots from the duct tape...no doubt in his mind - would have had duct tape on skin some presence of dna on that duct tape ...simple reason contact pressure between duct tape and skin....decomp less where there is no air coming in....bacteria cause decomp...

opinion tape not put on the face before decomp even antemortem...later event not an early one....after decomp...adipocere is stage

"I think the duct was a later event, not an earlier event...after decomposition," Dr. Spitz.

That just doesn't make sense. He's now describing adipocere as "slimy, smelly...the comparison we examiners use...we call it soap."

So, who would put duct tape on a body in that state?
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