2011.06.20 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-three)

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Ok, I am giving myself a personal time out. It breaks my heart to think that I might have hurt some one's feelings today. You guys are my second family and my Rock of Gibraltar and I love you all dearly. Although I don't THINK I did. No one complained any ways. ;) ynot can I put in an order for a good ole country breakfast in the am? I will bring the home made sausage gravy. :blowkiss:


Are we allowed to partake even if we didn't get our feelings hurt? Sausage gravy is my fav! :blowkiss:
There was a huge huge blowup about this back in December and January.

The long and short of it. Florida is a reciprocal discovery state. Both sides are supposed to know what the other is bringing to court. There can be no "Perry Mason" surprise witnesses or moments in Florida. JB and ICA signed on to the reciprocal discovery early in the process. That meant that they had a legal obligation to provide the state with a certain amount of defense discovery. Such as some reasonably detailed information as to what their expert witnesses would be testifying to. They had a deadline to provide this. It was in November. They missed it. HHJP pushed it back to December. They missed it again. Pushed back even further into December they missed it and then tried to cover by filing some complete and utter BS. In the end JB just provided a handwritten single page summary of his defense experts. Stuff Like "Dr Lee will talk about forensic stuff".

Now both sides are supposed to be able to ask reasonably inteligent questions of the other sides experts. Part of the purpose of reciprocal discovery is to shorten the deposition process and lessen its costs and minimize the impact on all involved including the experts. Providing the basic info up front allows the opposing council to frame the needed questions regarding the witnesses area of expertise and expected testimony without having to interogate them under oath for their resume and such. It's a good system. JB repeatedly blew it off.

Finally after blown delay and lie after blown delay and lie (it was obvious that JB at that time still had no idea who he was going to call and really had no idea on any of his experts, and was just trying for delay after delay much like his clients begging for "just 1 more day"), JA requested sanctions from the judge. HHJP came down on all like a ton of bricks. He wrote an order mandating that for any and all expert witnesses, reports were to be provided. If an opinion was not in the report or was not stated at deposition the witness would not be saying it at trial. It was a very very clear cut order. It gave the defense 2 more weeks to get reports from all of their witnesses. HHJP had had it with the game playing and the delays.

JB blew the next deadline and only provided the above scrawled notes. he ended up facing a contempt hearing and got fined and a complete dressing down. The sort of dressing down from a judge that would have any more ethically sound or intelligent attorney rethinking their career choice and that maybe real estate or bikini sales would be the better option after all. In JB's case the message was seemingly lost.

So now with that order in place, and after a few other scuffles on this subject during the Frye hearings we find ourselves at Saturday and today. First JA discovers that Dr. Rodriguez who I believe is the defenses forensic pathologist, is about to testify about duct tape. Something that is not in any of his reports, he has never been deposed on, and he has not been presented as an expert on. (Note the defense had also previously tried to add "expert on cadaver dogs" to Dr. Rodriguez's skill set simply because he had seen the dogs used a few times. That got shot down in the Frye hearings. By all appearences Dr. Rodriguez is JB's "will say whatever you want about any subject for money" go to guy.). JA brought this up on Saturday asking for the sanctions to be looked at again. HHJP shut down the witness until the state could at least depose them on the subject, and has scheduled yet another contempt hearing for JB as soon as the trial ends. (and HHJP was FURIOUS).

Which brings us to today. Today we discover through JA that another defense expert, Dr. Eikenbloom, the DNA guy(maybe, no one knows for certain) for whom he had a roughly 2 sentence report on record, came up to him after Saturdays hearing expecting to be deposed on the spot, and provided him with a more lengthy report and a powerpoint presentation that the good doctor expected to use in testimony today.

At this point HHJP is in something of an incandescent white hot rage. But is keeping things seemingly calm in order to preserve the integrity of the trial for the defendant, in spite of her attorney now deliberately violating court orders at least 4 times in an effort to be Matlock.
Fae, I didn't snip.

There are so many of us that get in on the tail of a day. Your post is so good and thorough that I'm sure many posters could benefit from it. Can you put it in a permanent spot for reference? Anyway, I liked it. So clear!
Ok, I am giving myself a personal time out. It breaks my heart to think that I might have hurt some one's feelings today. You guys are my second family and my Rock of Gibraltar and I love you all dearly. Although I don't THINK I did. No one complained any ways. ;) ynot can I put in an order for a good ole country breakfast in the am? I will bring the home made sausage gravy. :blowkiss:


I wouldn't worry about it. Everyone on this board can't help but get worked up now and then given the subject! It's almost impossible to keep your cool all the time with this trial! Especially after today! yikes...
Spitz defends testimony in Casey Anthony trial

"(Prosecutor Jeff Ashton) tried to discredit me, but I don't think he was successful," Spitz said. "People that did watch the jury told me the jury was very intent on my testimony.

"It almost looked to me that (Ashton) did not want to extend the cross-examination because he thought all that would happen is that the jury would get a better understanding (of my claims)."

From The Detroit News: http://detnews.com/article/20110620...estimony-in-Casey-Anthony-trial#ixzz1PrJPlk00


Good Lord!! :thud: Truly delusional.
But wasn't Ashton informed of Eikenbloom way beforehand for him to take a deposition?

Discovery requirements require a bit more beforehand then simply being informed of the witnesses name or presence. There was a big blowup over this back when the defense missed the discovery deadlines for experts in December and again in January. At that time HHJP set an order that required every expert to submit a detailed report as to what they would be testifying to ahead of time to prevent just this sort of nonsense. JB telegraphed that he would be trying this sort of thing ages ago. The Judge put in place mechanisms to prevent it. JB violated those mechanisms so now he faces contempt, again.
I know this goes on the VT thread, but he was just on JVM and the defense has notified him of his deposition set for Wednesday.

At this point, I don't think the judge will grant the motion to quash. Let them make fools of themselves.
Originally Posted by Soulmagent
I believe he doesnt know anything. Plus he has been to court before . All this man had to do was get up and tell the truth. There is not anything to twist or distort in what we all know happened.

So what is the problem?
Will he be asked leading questions and tryed to be made to look like there was conversations yes ,but there were not and it can and would be proven in court.

It wouldnt even get past the was your phone number 333-3333 in 7-08.

I disagree. They would have tried to dirty him up first and they would have made it appear as though he were lying about it not being his number yet.

There was a phone directory which apparently had false information. They would have entered that directory into evidence and TRIED to make it seem like it was still possible the communication had occurred.

He is a convicted felon and they would have tried to impeach him with his past. That is dirty tricks imo. And they should be ashamed of themselves but they are not, I am sure of that.


The DT is going to depose this guy. How desperate do they have to be to bother deposing him?

This makes me so mad I can hardly stand it. LEAVE THE GUY ALONE. Casey Marie Anthony killed her child, NOT this guy, NOT George, NOT Roy Kronk.
ty faefrost for post 1440. A succinct yet comprehensive explanation of the timeline of JB's continued behavior in regards to failure to disclose and the many chances he has been allotted to make it right.
Thank you everyone for responding to my post about the State's actions / behaviors today wrt HHJBP's scolding in open court.

It was my thoughts also, that this "scolding" was directed to the DT. I was (and still am a little) confused as to these statements from the judge:

1. "Yes, there has been gamesmanship in this case and it's quite evident that there is a friction between the attorneys. That is something that I guess the Florida Bar will deal with,"

2. "If y'all don't want to act professional then I'll work y'all real full days".

3. Was the judge implying that JA should have went forward with the depo of Eick....? when he showed up at his office although all he had was a 1/2 page report absent any opinions? If so, I don't understand that...

Thanks again for your replies...I think I'm caught up now!
Thank all for posting so much and so many comments about today. I watched the "trial" this morning, and was feeling VERY opinionated, and then got busy working so have been flying through the threads about eight pages behind everyone posting.

Let me thank everyone for being so restrained for the balance of the afternoon while posting, cause I wouldn't have been able to and am still livid, particularly at Mr. Baez's wrap up speech. Oh to have hands that could reach through my computer all the way into the courtroom.

As I've already commented on the shoddy news reporting that's out there - I will watch NG tonight if she actually reports what happens. But I sure hope Dr. Drew realizes his numbers have shot up this month because everyone who is watching his show and pushing his numbers are up are just there because they are exhausted after a day of court watching followed by NG and are just too exhausted to pick up the remote and cancel out the good "Doctor's" vagueness.

The lesson in marketing is what goes shooting up will come shooting down. Are you ready for that, Sir?

PS Tulessa - what on earth were you talking about and can I have that breakfast and would you bring some sausage gravy for me cause I've never had it before? You are a sweetheart!
Unreal, after hearing and seeing the video I see even more lives being shaken with the actions of ICA. Hats off to His Honor in keeping control of his Court Room. IMO this case will be a case study in many Law Classes for years to come and I believe, if she is convicted an Appellate Court will have no choice but to hear this one again.
PS Tulessa - what on earth were you talking about and can I have that breakfast and would you bring some sausage gravy for me cause I've never had it before? You are a sweetheart!

Me either, and I totally agree based on everything I've seen in my brief time here
Thank you everyone for responding to my post about the State's actions / behaviors today wrt HHJBP's scolding in open court.

It was my thoughts also, that this "scolding" was directed to the DT. I was (and still am a little) confused as to these statements from the judge:

1. "Yes, there has been gamesmanship in this case and it's quite evident that there is a friction between the attorneys. That is something that I guess the Florida Bar will deal with,"

2. "If y'all don't want to act professional then I'll work y'all real full days".

3. Was the judge implying that JA should have went forward with the depo of Eick....? when he showed up at his office although all he had was a 1/2 page report absent any opinions? If so, I don't understand that...

Thanks again for your replies...I think I'm caught up now!

I can answer some of this. Eikenburgh (whatever) showed up at JA's office without an appointment, on a Sunday, and without the necessary documentation he needed, and when JA had not arranged a court reporter. There is not reason for JA to see him and Baez is not the person to arrange JA's schedule for him.

The SA did try to submit one last minute power point presentation in the trial last week, which the defense did not know was coming. The judge only allowed a part of it into the trial. But in order to prevent appellate issues, the judge needs to address both sides equally despite their behavior, so show he is not playing favorites with either side.

I think that's about it.

PS. Bill S.'s reaction in his wrap-up in priceless. He is thunderstruck and is searching frantically in his mind for an opinion that is acceptable for him to say on the air. I also watched Ex-Judge Eaton and didn't think he contributed anything of interest to the wrap-up of the day's proceedings. I understand RH is up somewhere at five and am looking forward to hearing his blistering sum-up - should be a doozy.
ANewsJunkie caught the photo of Ashton holding up Defense expert Richard Eiklenbloom "report" which is only a few sentences, and says nothing about his expert opinion that he would offer at trial.


Right. He has about 5 sentences in his report so there was nothing for JA to go on. This is also the same guy that Baez sent to JA's office on Sunday at the last minute. Then the witness turned around this morning and presented a 2 page report to the court with a 45 picture slideshow. Tell me that's not playing games!

This is also the THIRD witness that JB has called and tried to get them to testify to things that are NOT in their reports, which is a court order.

And there are actually people out there who defend JB on this action and find fault with the State. It amazes me. I understand there are people with the opinion that Casey is innocent, but to not see how sneaky and underhanded and unethical her defense team is just amazes me.
PS Tulessa - what on earth were you talking about and can I have that breakfast and would you bring some sausage gravy for me cause I've never had it before? You are a sweetheart!

Me either, and I totally agree based on everything I've seen in my brief time here

Nice big home made biscuits covered in sausage gravy - YUM YUM YUM My favorite, have it for supper when I decide I have eaten healthy meals long enough.
I can answer some of this. Eikenburgh (whatever) showed up at JA's office without an appointment, on a Sunday, and without the necessary documentation he needed, and when JA had not arranged a court reporter. There is not reason for JA to see him and Baez is not the person to arrange JA's schedule for him.

The SA did try to submit one last minute power point presentation in the trial last week, which the defense did not know was coming. The judge only allowed a part of it into the trial. But in order to prevent appellate issues, the judge needs to address both sides equally despite their behavior, so show he is not playing favorites with either side.

I think that's about it.

PS. Bill S.'s reaction in his wrap-up in priceless. He is thunderstruck and is searching frantically in his mind for an opinion that is acceptable for him to say on the air. I also watched Ex-Judge Eaton and didn't think he contributed anything of interest to the wrap-up of the day's proceedings. I understand RH is up somewhere at five and am looking forward to hearing his blistering sum-up - should be a doozy.
Another good read like this one is FaeFrost #1440 on this thread. :)
Thank you everyone for responding
3. Was the judge implying that JA should have went forward with the depo of Eick....? when he showed up at his office although all he had was a 1/2 page report absent any opinions? If so, I don't understand that...

Thanks again for your replies...I think I'm caught up now!

Deleted with respect to address your last question..

Judge Perry made is quite clear that a deposition of any expert is NOT meant to replace a report of findings and opinions of any witness...In so explaining this point he read exactly what his Court order meant..and all Experts had to include the opinions, findings and facts they were going to opine on....JA\s report from Dr. Eikenblood had nothing for him to depose on..How can you depose any witness if you dont know what they are going to testify to..and that doesnt mean subject matter..it means opinions..

JB has been playing fast and loose since day one..and always has a "Dog ate my homework excuse"...Well guess what?..JB isnt in school no more and is going to be held accountable..:banghead::banghead:
Nice big home made biscuits covered in sausage gravy - YUM YUM YUM My favorite, have it for supper when I decide I have eaten healthy meals long enough.

Well it sure sounds delicious - but I can't even remember the last time I ate gravy.....let alone sausage gravy ...No - wait, talking out of the side of my face - sure I do - it was Christmas....

ermm- do you pity me enough to send me some....maybe????
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