2011.06.20 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-three)

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I just watched the WKMG story. River Cruz/ Krystal H will be in court tomorrow at 8:30. She did "tell" her story to the Nat'l Enquirer, but says she did not receive money. She says she had an intimate relationship with GA, even though she denied that to investigators earlier. She says she does not believe GA sexually abused ICA OR that GA was there at the drowning. She is not very credible just from the little piece I just saw, IMO

I bet you she is probably more credible than Dr. Spitz!
You :rocker:

I knew the State would be at a disadvantage becuase,if something came up the DTE could say "I was never asked" .I think we've heard that at hearings.
JB loves to say" But Your Honor ,the State had their chance to ask anything :innocent:"
This adds a whole new layer to the DT's reasoning. Thank you!

Agree but I think everyone is forgetting that in Florida, there are no grounds for ambush.
HHJP said in his ruling late last fall, if it isn't in the report, it can't be brought up at trial, whether or not the SA asked those questions in their depo or not.
And that is what the DT is trying to do. Bring up information that isn't in the report, or ask for opinions on information the experts are not qualified to answer. And he has now gotten caught three times red handed.
Oh boy, River has a shady past too. Tomorrow morning should be interesting.
And let's not forget that he put duct tape on himself, and then ripped it off. And he even got some hair with roots!! Not only was that a dumb thing to do, but he forgot to leave his arm out in the elements, and soak his arm in water for about 2 months.

I thought that was one of the dumber things Dr. Spitz said. Now if he'd said he'd studied the piece of tape he'd ripped of his arm for skin cells it would have given him some very basic credibility but to say I look at it and all there was on it as a few hairs?
And to remind the good Doctor - if it was to be a credible experiment I believe he should have kept his arm submerged in a swamp, had his arm decompose and then....well you all get the picture.
What nonsense from someone with his pedigree. Sad really...
AND didn't she sell out too? As a matter of fact, I was cleaning and ran across an old Enquirer. I never buy them. I only bought the ones that were related to this case. I just pulled it out and yep, it is the one with RC/KH article. She sold out big time.

Let's see - here's some excerpts:

"He never went looking for Caylee - he spent most of his time with me!"

Geroge's sexy mistress tells all to the Enquirer after being grilled by cops for hours.

Krystal said she broke up with George at the end of the spring of 2009. "I found out he was lying to me - spending the money I had given him on drinking and hanging out".

Oh man - this chick has nothing to add and has impeached herself over and over and over. This outta be good.

I believe she is a convicted felon too.
Have you got a link to this? It is not that I doubt you but I just saw Vasco and his attorney interviewed on JVM tonight and they said they had not yet made a decision about seeking punitive damages. (His attorney was not affliliated with Morgan & Morgan.)

I'm confused.

That's where I saw it, on JVM. That was J. Morgan's son with Vasco, and he said something like, after this trial is over we'll see... IIRC
Would it be totally out of the question for the state to compile a video documentary of all of the prior antics that JB has pulled in court, and all the times he has lied in court, and all the times HHJS had to scold him, and all the people that reported JB to the bar? They could end the presentation with video of JB telling the court that he is an officer of the court and they can "trust" him. Or maybe end it with video of JB screaming at the media cameraman on the street "What The F@$K!!"
I just watched the WKMG story. River Cruz/ Krystal H will be in court tomorrow at 8:30. She did "tell" her story to the Nat'l Enquirer, but says she did not receive money. She says she had an intimate relationship with GA, even though she denied that to investigators earlier. She says she does not believe GA sexually abused ICA OR that GA was there at the drowning. She is not very credible just from the little piece I just saw, IMO
Ha, Ha, Ha!!! That should be front page news. Someone who "tells" their story to the National Enquirer and does not receive money??? OMG. Talk about a liar.
Sweetie, as far as I have seen, haven't seen you post in any bad way...quit beating yourself up...we love ya and I know, I go to your profile every day, to find a post by you, so I can bring up CNN...for some reason, when I try to just type it in, it won't work, but going from your siggie, it works just fine.

No need to time yourself out, girlie! :blowkiss:

No no - did you see that breakfast? And she's bringing sausage gravy tomorrow! Now that I think about it I'm sure she hurt my feelings today.....so I can have that breakfast....right?
Not that I was online at WS most of the day.....:innocent:
I'm pulling a DT move - details details! Just not important. Keep the goal in mind...beautiful looking breakfast...
That's what I was wondering too! Found a link to the story at Channel 6:


It appears they defense is going to try to spin GA's alleged comment to River/Krystal. She claims GA told her a month before the remains were discovered that what happened to Caylee was an accident that snowballed out of control.

I'm guessing the defense considers her a key witness, Jose quoted that snowball phrase verbatim during his OS.

That first statement "snowballed out of control" was asked by John Allen in the famous Universal interview of KC when he asked her if something had happened to Caylee, maybe an accident and that it snowballed out of control. GA has heard that, same as we all have who have listened to those tapes from Universal played for months almost every night on NG. For GA to have made that statement without any other explanation means nothing. It was being said by KC's first DP attorney in a statement to the SA's office prior to Caylee's body being found.

What this would tend to prove is that GA had NO knowledge there was duct tape on Caylee's face or why would he tell someone he believed it was an accident knowing if Caylee's body was found SA would NEVER believe it was an accident. He told RC he thought it was an accident because even CA was stating to the media if something happened to Caylee it was probably accidental. GA and CA know what they smelled in that trunk and thought if Caylee were indeed deceased it had to have been an accident because they refused to believe otherwise......that tells me neither knew about the duct tape. So would this not tend to prove the opposite of what defense is trying to prove??????? jmo
Would it be totally out of the question for the state to compile a video documentary of all of the prior antics that JB has pulled in court, and all the times he has lied in court, and all the times HHJS had to scold him, and all the people that reported JB to the bar? They could end the presentation with video of JB telling the court that he is an officer of the court and they can "trust" him. Or maybe end it with video of JB screaming at the media cameraman on the street "What The F@$K!!"

((But it would be fun for the 'sleuths virtual Holiday Party cocktail hour entertainment. However it only is mostly amusing only for a few and then we remember this is a death penalty first degree child murder trial.))
IMO, DT did all of these shenanigans today in order to stall so the jury would forget about the train wreck Spitz's testimony was on Sat. and lose/forget the focus completely. ???
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZNJKzpemw"]Judge Perry cancels court. Whose fault?[/ame]

I found the comments made by these attorneys quite interesting.
No,ICA was out on bail . Not the State's problem.
Weren't those "body guards" part of the guardian angels.

sorry friends - a bit O/T but "Chicago" is playing on one of the movie channels - Razzle Dazzle - as I type. I must say, Billy Flynn appeared to me to be a far more honest lawyer than the DT. Perhaps they've only seen clips.
Oh for goodness sakes, I saw this movie a couple years ago, and said the same thing here. It was on last Friday night too. Guess JB was also watching it, considering his "performance" on Saturday.
I believe she is a convicted felon too.
I know her sister was!
IMO, DT did all of these shenanigans today in order to stall so the jury would forget about the train wreck Spitz's testimony was on Sat. and lose/forget the focus completely. ???

The thing is Dr. Spitz is unforgettable!
Ha, Ha, Ha!!! That should be front page news. Someone who "tells" their story to the National Enquirer and does not receive money??? OMG. Talk about a liar.

Especially when it relates to THE biggest high profile murder case of the century!

She is unbelievable.
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