2011.06.21 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-four)

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MarkNeJame Mark NeJame
Defense will get desperate as their case is slipping away fast. Expect a Hail Mary Pass in the next day or so #caseyanthony

I wonder if ICA will take the stand and testify?
I have to say that RHs tweets keep me in stitches. :lol:

OMG I am dying over here LOLLLLLLLLL :floorlaugh: (and everyone was right, I'd be here all night listing all the great tweets)

Is Baez putting on reverse psychology defense for #CaseyAnthony, where you confuse jurors by calling witnesses who support prosecution case?
Court is going to 5:30 today, did I hear that right?

Does DT have to tell the court in advance if they are putting Casey on the stand? Wasn't there a comment this morning from SA about her being cross examined? Sounds like they think she might.

I do hope we get past JB's expert wits soon. He certainly hasn't done a thing to prove the theory of the sex abuse/drowning beyond suggesting the body was moved and everything about the duct tape.

I heard that too - LDBurdick said she may use the computer activity info on rebuttal or to "cross examine Ms Anthony"!! I looked for the Inmate's response and she didn't flinch or show any indication of her feelings about that prospect. The way LDBurdick said it, made it sound to me like it was something the State already knew would happen (the Inmate testifying), and were making preparations for it!
On Anderson Cooper just now he said that Krystal Holloway (sp?) is set to be called as a witness for the defense tomorrow morning - apparently she claims GA told her it was an accident. I have been reading on here off and on about this case since August 2008, but it seems I must have missed info about this woman. They had an affair? She told police one thing but sold her story to a magazine telling another story? Can someone direct me to some info about her please? Thank you!
I heard that too - LDBurdick said she may use the computer activity info on rebuttal or to "cross examine Ms Anthony"!! I looked for the Inmate's response and she didn't flinch or show any indication of that prospect. The way LDBurdick said it, made it sound to me like it was something the State already knew would happen (the Inmate testifying), and were making preparations for it!

I just watched the video featuring RH's commentary where he brought this point up. Thinks it's LDB's doo-doo double dare for Casey to take the stand.
All of the reporters say different things. Magpie posts make it seem like the jurors don't care for Jose or Casey, they never look at her unless they want to see how she reacts to certain stuff and they never react to Jose's niceties (another reporter also tweeted that). Some say jurors take lots of notes, others say they don't. One tweeter said the jury looks bored during Defense direct and then perks up when JA gets on cross, etc. I don't even go by that anymore because they all seem random. I'm not concerned because I don't think she will get death anyways, but I think it only takes 7 jurors for her to get life, right? I'll be happy with LWOP

I don't think she'll get the death penalty either. I'm more concerned with the jurors voting to convict. If they do.........I think it will be LWOP. I remember that during jury selection, there were several who were only about a 5 on Ann Finnell's scale of 1 - 10 for or against the death penalty. So I don't think this jury is gung-ho for the death penalty. LWOP is fine with me as she'll have a long time in prison.
On Anderson Cooper just now he said that Krystal Holloway (sp?) is set to be called as a witness for the defense tomorrow morning - apparently she claims GA told her it was an accident. I have been reading on here off and on about this case since August 2008, but it seems I must have missed info about this woman. They had an affair? She told police one thing but sold her story to a magazine telling another story? Can someone direct me to some info about her please? Thank you!

Good luck with that one Jose!:floorlaugh:

I'd love to know how he plans to get in that hearsay testimony
On Anderson Cooper just now he said that Krystal Holloway (sp?) is set to be called as a witness for the defense tomorrow morning - apparently she claims GA told her it was an accident. I have been reading on here off and on about this case since August 2008, but it seems I must have missed info about this woman. They had an affair? She told police one thing but sold her story to a magazine telling another story? Can someone direct me to some info about her please? Thank you!

Check her other name too: River Cruz- Same woman, 2 names... the one who claims to have had an affair with GA
On Anderson Cooper just now he said that Krystal Holloway (sp?) is set to be called as a witness for the defense tomorrow morning - apparently she claims GA told her it was an accident. I have been reading on here off and on about this case since August 2008, but it seems I must have missed info about this woman. They had an affair? She told police one thing but sold her story to a magazine telling another story? Can someone direct me to some info about her please? Thank you!

If you look at this link:


Krystal Holloway's police interviews are in there along with her sister's Sky something.
Welp. My thoughts... And this is my first trial via WS but I'm not worried about the jury. At all. I think Baez is trying hard to be liked by the jury, but it sounds like they all think he's a bumbling idiot (based on tweets of giggles, etc.) I also think that they decided a while ago their verdict, and even ol' #4 will eventually follow the crowd once in deliberation and her peers have convincing arguments. I see her as saying, "You're right, you're right." I have no worries that she'll be convicted but I don't think she'll get DP.

I may be naive tho as this is my first "rodeo." lol

I sure hope you're right! :)
I just watched the video featuring RH's commentary where he brought this point up. Thinks it's LDB's doo-doo double dare for Casey to take the stand.

You know,it may pay off for them to be ready,just in case. This DT has yet to make a good decision. Based on that ,ICA just might take the stand.
All of the reporters say different things. Magpie posts make it seem like the jurors don't care for Jose or Casey, they never look at her unless they want to see how she reacts to certain stuff and they never react to Jose's niceties (another reporter also tweeted that). Some say jurors take lots of notes, others say they don't. One tweeter said the jury looks bored during Defense direct and then perks up when JA gets on cross, etc. I don't even go by that anymore because they all seem random. I'm not concerned because I don't think she will get death anyways, but I think it only takes 7 jurors for her to get life, right? I'll be happy with LWOP

This is what I don't understand: how will they vote on manslaughter as opposed to murder? It it only takes one jury to make a hung jury then how can they differ? I thought they do not go by any majorities to make a decision as to manslaughter or murder...it has to be unanimous. Does anyone understand this?
On Anderson Cooper just now he said that Krystal Holloway (sp?) is set to be called as a witness for the defense tomorrow morning - apparently she claims GA told her it was an accident. I have been reading on here off and on about this case since August 2008, but it seems I must have missed info about this woman. They had an affair? She told police one thing but sold her story to a magazine telling another story? Can someone direct me to some info about her please? Thank you!

Here is her statement to the police. A few things you will learn about her from her own words are, she is a liar, she is a thief, her background is so bad if her best friend learns her real name he will blackmail her. She is having an affair with another man at the same time she is with George and her own children call her filthy names and she seems to have a large amount of money that she lied about where it came from.

Just finished reading the wonderful Dr. Wise's testimony! No wonder JA was smiling...he knew he had a ringer!

Oh yeah! Jeff "do you think I'm sexy" Ashton! You go now with your bad self.

I hope he gets to go at Krystal Holloway and her dumb story.
Originally Posted by ThinkTank
I heard that too - LDBurdick said she may use the computer activity info on rebuttal or to "cross examine Ms Anthony"!! I looked for the Inmate's response and she didn't flinch or show any indication of that prospect. The way LDBurdick said it, made it sound to me like it was something the State already knew would happen (the Inmate testifying), and were making preparations for it!

I just watched the video featuring RH's commentary where he brought this point up. Thinks it's LDB's doo-doo double dare for Casey to take the stand.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGvd-8A_xV8"]YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony: Day 24, Should Baez Waive the White Pocket Square‬‏[/ame]

(6:28) the bigger point I heard LDBurdick say was "when Casey testifies we have this evidence ready". They were basically double dog daring her to get on the stand and testify ... they are going to just annihilate her on that stand with any possible thing she brings up

(6:45 minute mark)
Hornsby: [he says this is the bigger story from today] "When LDBurdick said, when Casey Anthony testifies we're ready in rebuttal."
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