2011.06.22 TRIAL Day Twenty-five (Morning Session)

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Good Grief - Judge Eaton is saying in one case the Florida Death Penalty was struck down yesterday- and it applies to that one case only. But the SA will probably appeal however it may open the door for other death penalty decisions.
Judge Eaton throwing the shoe testimony out - not on shoes but who knows where the shoes used are? Now Dr. Sigmund interesting, other testimony has already shown there was a body in the trunk. Won't be a problem. Re Inmate, interesting story but don't see how at this point it will come into the trial.
So how as the body transported to the dump site (forgive the crude term)? Kronk, coyotes, or what? I know the DT doesn't have to prove it, but come on!
*****mfile.akamai.com link****** is not working for me....anyone have a live link to the media player that is working today?....
WFTV is going to talk about Juror number 4 a little later on and that bloggers are worried that she will cause a hung jury...

I like this judge, but if this should happen he has no one to blame but himself..
it will fall on his shoulders alone!
lol, it's ok for the DT to have their moments. Really. It helps cover the ineffective counsel argument.
Makes perfect sense to me. One or more people were disguising and/or cleanind the stain. Gasoline purposely poured. Dry cleaning fluid used to remove stain. Detail Auto people may get that dry cleaning fluid..but it has been banned to public

How long ago, in what states, and suppose ultra-clean people already had some on hand?
Does anyone know if ICA still has money in her jail account?TIA

TH's on one channel said she did. ICA has bought Premium Chicken, the TH's have no idea what that is. ICA has also bought makeup and shower products.
Sorry, I don't see any points scored for the Defense in this.
We've heard lots of good stuff about gas cans in that trunk. I wonder how many people think ICA was smart enough to try gas to eliminate proof?

Smart enough? No way! She had gas in her car trunk admittedly, she stole it. She had no job and ran outta gas more than once...prompting her to steal it from her parents. Rememeber the gas can that's "part of George"? She returned it without the valve cover.
Of course we know that the rubber cap on the gas can was missing so GA had to cover the whole with duct tape. She may have figured that the gas fumes could cover the smell.

What idiot would drive around with a gas can with no stopper on it in the trunk? Wait, don't answer...
I wish the State would emphasize that the source of the chloroform seemed to be the carpet, that chloroform is volatile and does not stick around long once exposed to the environment and so finding any at all is significant, and that if you trace the tests done on the trunk, the highest levels were found in incubated carpet samples, followed by strips left in the car for 7 hours. Lowest levels were in the air of the trunk that had been opened and closed over the course of the month. None of the studies have so far disagreed with each other. They are all consistent.
I guess the last few days in court have turned Judge Eaton around to more on point reporting or comments. He's been pretty milktoast before now, but yesterday and today he isn't giving the Defence any ground gained at all.

It's about time.

And Bob Kealing? Just doing the old bait and switch. Defence doing well - so he can say later - wow - Ashton is crucifying the witness. Bah to his silly game playing.
Does anyone know if ICA still has money in her jail account?TIA

Her parents keep her account stocked and she has male admirers who also send money from what has been stated by media.
To be fair JA has made his fair share of insulting remarks as well. JA"your honor he is NOT a doctor" HHJP, "Well, whatever he is, he can step down"
:floorlaugh: Funny to me, but very insulting to this poor guy.

But truthfully he wasn't a doctor and the title doctor tends to give extra credence to what the person says. HHJP calling him doctor when he wasn't could have hurt the testimony that JA extracted from the expert that he wasn't a doctor. I don't think that comment was rude at all and in fact HHJP really should have corrected himself and should not have blown it off as he did. IMHO of course.
Oh holy smoke - I was walking back in the room from taking a bathroom break and thought the next witenss said she was with The Society of Friends. JB called a Quaker to the stand? To testify to what? That ICA as a secret Quaker wouldn't be capable of murder?

Then I realized she's some lab gal.

Can't figure out what being a member of SoF has to do with testimony
TH's on one channel said she did. ICA has bought Premium Chicken, the TH's have no idea what that is. ICA has also bought makeup and shower products.

Thank you!! I ws wondering her mother is still putting money in it for her.
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