2011.06.23 Cindy's Testimony

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DNA Solves
I've only gotton to page 5 on this, and probably won't go any further.

I really can't see how anyone would be surprised at todays turn of events.
So she gets up on the stand the first week and lets it roll.
Once she regained her composure, she has sat silently in the back, madly taking notes with her head buried in her notebook.

I'm as disgusted as the rest of you are, don't get me wrong, but I am not surprised one bit. I wasn't ready to put my guard down on either one of them.

Now, as far as Grandma Shirley goes, let's not forget that Cindy visited her prior to her interview with LE, that everyone thought was so cute, etc. {whisking around the house looking for a lost cat, offering coffee, etc}
What I remember from Grandma Shirley's LE interview is her remark that she hoped Cindy wouldn't be angry with her for the things that she said.
You don't think that Cindy coached her mother??
There was *talk* at one time, that Cindy had gone to her mother that any talk of Casey was strickly off limits if they were going to continue a relationship.

Not meaning to anger anyone, or make light of everyone's feelings here, but I just don't see how so many were so easily duped.
Maybe my age and being cynical in regards to some things have held me back on this topic.

Burn me once, shame on you, burn me twice, shame on me.
Cindy is a burner, and always has been and we all have seen it first hand, over and over and over.
And, it still isn't over.

I do hope that the state is busy right now getting their ducks in a straight row for round 2.

I agree that Cindy "coached" her mother, but didn't her mother tell the truth about KC anyway? I seem to recall this little damning piece of information: KC hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee. Yep, let her repeat that for the jury.

And I think Rick should be called before Shirley. :D
OMG, the Anthony's attorney Mark Lippman sure is making the rounds today. I'm getting sick of his face being plastered on my TV screen on every show (back-to-back). Is he trying to do damage control or what? We are not drinking the koolaid Mr. Lippman, there's not enough sugar in it!

He's reminding us that the A's are <modsnip> who are grabbing publicity while they can. Look for the book announcement, soon.


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No suprise that Cindy lied remember she destroyed evidence by cleaning the car that smelled liked a dead body..
I hadn't thought of that, but it sounds reasonable. If true, she may have doomed her daughter rather than helped her! Good point!

This would be the perfect karma along with CA/GA being fined and going to jail for perjury. And LA too if he wants some.
My :twocents:

I think it's possible that CA was at home on the days of the computer searches because I know that people can and do fudge their time cards/ work hours. Happens all the time. that issue is no biggie to me.

But the fact is, the search was for how to make chloroform, and CA's explanation doesn't fit with the search.

Also, while I might believe that she looked up alcohol because of the hand sanitizer/danger issue, it also does NOT fit with searches (unless we are not seeing the whole list of searches.) I would expect the google entry to be 'alcohol content in hand sanitizer', 'Hand sanitizer risk to children' or something along those lines.

I also would NOT expect her to then look up acetone etc to know if it was a danger to a child. That's pretty basic. A no-brainer, and more so for someone in the medical field.
I've been a CA supporter from the get-go, but this is obviously pure fabrication in an attempt to remove premeditation.

I still empathize with CA, but it's beyond frustrating to see her still trying to cover for ICA after all the evil things she has done.

I'll have to go back to check her other oaths because I noticed in today's one she said "So help me God, Yes"...and I don't recall her saying that before.
To me it was almost like she was saying "Please forgive me God for what I'm about to do".


I think the intent of todays testimony was simply to create some doubt. Just enough of it to stir the pot. It didn't make sense,although Cindy delivered her lies calmly and quite matter of fact (exactly like ICA ). It wasn't so much to convince the jurors ,as it was to unsettle them a bit.
The computer forensics are in black and white .They don't lie. Cindy knows much of what she said can be rebutted. The DT knows this ,also. They just want that one little seed of doubt ,so it can start growing.
Not trying to stick up for Cindy, but why is that so hard to believe? Nurse's look stuff up all the time.

Sure they do. But if a nurse has to google to find out what the effects of alcohol and peroxide are, then that person shouldn't be a nurse. It's not the fact that she looked stuff up, it is the PARTICULAR items she looked up.
She said that was why she kind of recalled being home for half days around that time - not why she was doing the computer searches, or details of how many hours she worked, or when she left work, or what she searched for (which is what she said she didn't remember because she had no reason to...then went into the skateboarding video tangent)

The first 1:30 of this video is part of what she testified in court. At about the 50sec mark, CA says that she remembers the 21st because of the computer entries.

OMG, the Anthony's attorney Mark Lippman sure is making the rounds today. I'm getting sick of his face being plastered on my TV screen on every show (back-to-back). Is he trying to do damage control or what? We are not drinking the koolaid Mr. Lippman, there's not enough sugar in it!

I agree ... He is now following in the exact footsteps of former attorney, BC.
I am behind about 5 pages so I don't know if this has been covered. Please disregard if it has...

When asked about the stain, Cindy pointed to an area in the trunk close to marker B in the back of the trunk. The actual stain of decomposition was in the front close to marker A and the opening of the trunk..
This is so MOVIE OF THE WEEK! CA taking notes thur the whole trial. releasing the statement last night. Everything being out there for 3 YEARS. I'm so believing the whole movie deal out there. Whoever is going to pay them for the rights ask them to make it more (if it isn't already) interesting.
It's all so Life time movie network. (think about it)
If I was one for writing words I could make it all make since to everyone. But.... I'm not! Nothing but a bunch of bull crap. Really CA...... What about CAYLEE? Don't you wish you had the opportunity to clean her baby Mamma for her now.
I must be one of the few who "don't get it" when all these talking heads say they get it, she loves her daughter. Since when is it OK to lie on a witness stand? That just cannot be OK for the judicial system to work.

I also am thinking Cindy has made a deal with herself: she won't cover anymore for Casey's guilt, but she will say anything to help avoid the death penalty (in this case, she will help cover premeditation as one of the requirements for Murder 1).


Before this is over you may be adding GA and LA to your DO NOT LIKE LIST.


I wonder what GA and LA will do when they take the stand ?

If GA and LA "fall on the sword" for ICA, hopefully the SA will go after them for perjury ...

If GA and LA do NOT "fall on the sword" for ICA, they will suffer the "wrath" of Cindy ...

Hmmm ... what WILL they do ?
I think the intent of todays testimony was simply to create some doubt. Just enough of it to stir the pot. It didn't make sense,although Cindy delivered her lies calmly and quite matter of fact (exactly like ICA ). It wasn't so much to convince the jurors ,as it was to unsettle them a bit.
The computer forensics are in black and white .They don't lie. Cindy knows much of what she said can be rebutted. The DT knows this ,also. They just want that one little seed of doubt ,so it can start growing.

It makes no sense to me. Why say she searched for chloroform but not for how to make chloroform? Why say she saw a pop up that might have talked about skateboarding at 'break neck speeds" but then deny looking up hand to hand combat or any of the other searches? My thought was that Cindy did the searches on the 17th and Casey did the searches on the 21st, but that does not appear to be what happened. I just don't get the purpose of lying about making half the searches while leave the worst half out there to be used against Casey.
Good catch!! And I mean the double entendre lol!! :rocker:

haha! thanks :) he's joined websleuths now (i've been a member for almost 3 years) so please don't hold me accountable for what he says...unless it's really good :floorlaugh:
I am behind about 5 pages so I don't know if this has been covered. Please disregard if it has...

When asked about the stain, Cindy pointed to an area in the trunk close to marker B in the back of the trunk. The actual stain of decomposition was in the front close to marker A and the opening of the trunk..

That is correct. Both George and Cindy have said there was a basketball sized stain in the trunk when they first bought the car but neither of them have EVER said it is THE stain. Actually, they've said it isn't, yet people are still accusing Cindy of lying about it.
I am behind about 5 pages so I don't know if this has been covered. Please disregard if it has...

When asked about the stain, Cindy pointed to an area in the trunk close to marker B in the back of the trunk. The actual stain of decomposition was in the front close to marker A and the opening of the trunk..

I wonder if this will open the door for the highlighted pictures of the stain in the trunk since it was mentioned by defense. That would certainly leave no doubt in the minds of the jury. jmo
While this point may be made on rebuttal, I'd have made the point now. Very easy to do in one simple question today. ("Cindy, you see here where there's a search on myspace 20 seconds after your search for choloroform? Did you also do that search? ") This way, the jurors strike out Cindy's ridiculous testimony as a reasonable doubt in their minds and move on. No reason to keep it all separate.

She made that point--that there was only 20 seconds between the myspace and chloroform searches with the computer expert after CA testified. Also, generally, not sure if this has been posted yet, but Richard Hornsby has tweeted that he was wrong about the Julian date.

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