2011.06.23 Cindy's Testimony

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This testimony from Cindy today is infuriating. No different than the past 3 years. The way she makes up stories and lies is eerily the same as Casey.

Her going on and on about her work password and why nobody can access it, and how she has to change it, and there would be no record of it was almost as bizaare and unbelievable as Casey's story about her stupid SIM card.

I really have to believe that the jury members saw through some of her crap today. I know they don't have the same background knowledge we do, but still.. she made no sense and came across as very insincere.

I've read in a few previous comments, and completely agree, that poor baby Caylee never stood a chance of surviving in this family. In my opinion, her fate was sealed from day one in this world.

I would never go so far as to say it's their fault she's dead. I believe with all my heart that Casey is solely responsible for the act. But they absolutely without doubt contributed to the complete chaos and destruction in that family.

Yes, I get that they still love their daughter and don't begrudge them that at all. But how in the world can they also say they support her?? There's a big difference between love and support. There is no way in hell I would "support" a loved one who murdered a child, put duct tape on their face, stuffed them in three bags, left them to rot in a swamp, lied, stole, cheated, betrayed, falsely accused family members of sexual abuse, falsely accused family members of being involved in the crime, and on and on. It just ludicrous. And yes, this applies even if it was my child.

I am a big believer that people are generally surrounded by what they bring upon themselves. That's not to say that tragic unfortunate things don't happen, of course they do and they often happen to wonderful people. But somebody who's living an honest, sincere life can still go on to be surrounded by love and peace and put their life back together after a tragedy. People who constantly surround themselves with lies, negativity, denial, crime, no consequence, etc. will ALWAYS be surrounded by darkness and misery. This is exactly how I would classify the Anthony family. Cindy and George will forever be stuck in this misery and chaos as long as they live this charade.

Thank you! for this!! I didn't understand it but your post helped a lot. Man LDB should be given a medal!

Her normal calm demeanor changed today with strategy, not aggravation:great:, which was completely brilliant!
That's a good point, but CA has a good reason to recall March '08... without written/computer records, I doubt any co-worker would be able to say without question that she was there on any day before Caylee was declared missing.

But won't her co-workers and supervisors have their own records to look at? I bet they can find what was going on at work because they were running Cumadin Medical trials at the time. Everything had to be recorded and verified I imagine. If Cindy, who was supposed to be IN CHARGE of taking the blood tests for the trial, had decided to leave after lunch, wouldn't there be some kind of notation in the records?
But won't her co-workers and supervisors have their own records to look at? I bet they can find what was going on at work because they were running Cumadin Medical trials at the time. Everything had to be recorded and verified I imagine. If Cindy, who was supposed to be IN CHARGE of taking the blood tests for the trial, had decided to leave after lunch, wouldn't there be some kind of notation in the records?

I could be wrong, but I would guess that she wasn't taking the blood tests. If it's a home health agency, the samples were probably drawn in the field and sent to a lab for testing. That's what they did with my dad, at least, before he went into assisted living.
so to clarify... here is what i think you mean, tell me if i am right.

we know from records that george was proven to be at work that day. and cindy said she did not search "how to make chloroform" but rather just "chloroform". and she did not cop to searching for "neck breaking" either, just mentions seeing it - but someone on the computer searched for it, if not cindy. so cindy didn't search for any of the march 21st items, and george was at work. so, logic would extend that casey is the one to do the searches on march 21st. and THOSE searches are the ones that tie into premeditation (she wasn't just researching chloroform, she was researching HOW TO MAKE chloroform, plus all those other SUPER HINKY searches).

did i get it right? if so... i feel much better about all this! thanks for making this point!!! this really cheered me up! :rocker:

I shortened your post but, 100% winner here. WTG, spot on and wonderful:rocker:
Was it asked of Cindy today if she ever used myspace in March? I don't remember that coming up. The jury would not have known that Cindy never used myspace until July of 2008 if LDB didn't bring it up. Maybe that was brought in before this....I can't remember?
snipped.....I've read in a few previous comments, and completely agree, that poor baby Caylee never stood a chance of surviving in this family. In my opinion, her fate was sealed from day one in this world.

Respectfully snipped......I agree totally.
Was it asked of Cindy today if she ever used myspace in March? I don't remember that coming up. The jury would not have known that Cindy never used myspace until July of 2008 if LDB didn't bring it up. Maybe that was brought in before this....I can't remember?

yes, she said she didn't have a myspace then.

I can't do this anymore tonight. Have a great night everyone!:seeya:
I am still waiting to see if anyone knows, what new, if any, evidence they can bring in, in rebuttal or where ever they try to break this down at.
If they come across something already in evidence, that's one thing. But what if they discover something directly related to what she said today ,but is not in as evidence...'?
I ramble I realize, but this has me concerned .:dunno:
gahhh this thread is making me get mad all over again!
Where oh where does the state go from here? While they wait for the defense to call it's witnesses, what can the state do?
Can they legally get Cindy's testimony retracted? I still can't get over today............
It would be great to open up another thread to discuss other theories about Cindy's testimony today.

It is now my opinion that Cindy was completely truthful on the stand today and EVERYONE WAS CAUGHT OFF GUARD BY LDB'S BRILLIANCE.:great:
Google is so great, all you have to do is put a couple letters in and it brings up alot of options. So I'm sure when her Yorkie got sick, Google knew right away it was chlorophyl. :banghead:

I've been saying for days, the A's are going along with the DT, ya didn't see me in their support thread. But I'll be first one in the perjury, obstruction thread.
This testimony from Cindy today is infuriating. No different than the past 3 years. The way she makes up stories and lies is eerily the same as Casey.

Her going on and on about her work password and why nobody can access it, and how she has to change it, and there would be no record of it was almost as bizaare and unbelievable as Casey's story about her stupid SIM card.

I really have to believe that the jury members saw through some of her crap today. I know they don't have the same background knowledge we do, but still.. she made no sense and came across as very insincere.

I've read in a few previous comments, and completely agree, that poor baby Caylee never stood a chance of surviving in this family. In my opinion, her fate was sealed from day one in this world.

I would never go so far as to say it's their fault she's dead. I believe with all my heart that Casey is solely responsible for the act. But they absolutely without doubt contributed to the complete chaos and destruction in that family.

Yes, I get that they still love their daughter and don't begrudge them that at all. But how in the world can they also say they support her?? There's a big difference between love and support. There is no way in hell I would "support" a loved one who murdered a child, put duct tape on their face, stuffed them in three bags, left them to rot in a swamp, lied, stole, cheated, betrayed, falsely accused family members of sexual abuse, falsely accused family members of being involved in the crime, and on and on. It just ludicrous. And yes, this applies even if it was my child.

I am a big believer that people are generally surrounded by what they bring upon themselves. That's not to say that tragic unfortunate things don't happen, of course they do and they often happen to wonderful people. But somebody who's living an honest, sincere life can still go on to be surrounded by love and peace and put their life back together after a tragedy. People who constantly surround themselves with lies, negativity, denial, crime, no consequence, etc. will ALWAYS be surrounded by darkness and misery. This is exactly how I would classify the Anthony family. Cindy and George will forever be stuck in this misery and chaos as long as they live this charade.


Excellent post! ITA
Yeah, I mentioned that earlier today...

Sorry -- I can't watch all of the trial and catch every post!

I sure would like to see Linda ask cindy one question.
"So mrs. anthony, can you explain to the ladies and gentlemen of the jury exactly how and why you deleted your searches?"
If she says she didn't then ask her who would have known about them and wanted to delete them.
(If someone else already said that - excuse me again!)
so to clarify... here is what i think you mean, tell me if i am right.

cindy testified today to doing the searches on march 17 for the following: google search for "chloraform" "alcohol" "acetone" "peroxide"
wikipedia search for "inhalation" "chloroform" "alcohol" "acetone" "peroxide" "hydrogen peroxide" and "death"

however, in cross after being asked about specific terms by LDB basically testified that she did NOT do the searches on march 21st for the following:
google searches for "shovel" "neck breaking" "household weapons" "self defense" "how to make chloroform" and Wikipedia search for "shovel"; also searches on blogspot.com, sci-spot.com, druglibrary.org and instructables.com for "making weapons out of household products," "chloroform habit," "chloroform" "how to make chloroform" and "chloro2"

we know from records that george was proven to be at work that day. and cindy said she did not search "how to make chloroform" but rather just "chloroform". and she did not cop to searching for "neck breaking" either, just mentions seeing it - but someone on the computer searched for it, if not cindy. so cindy didn't search for any of the march 21st items, and george was at work. so, logic would extend that casey is the one to do the searches on march 21st. and THOSE searches are the ones that tie into premeditation (she wasn't just researching chloroform, she was researching HOW TO MAKE chloroform, plus all those other SUPER HINKY searches).

did i get it right? if so... i feel much better about all this! thanks for making this point!!! this really cheered me up! :rocker:

i'd be curious to know about what your timesheet documentation was like while you worked for them, if you want to share!
barrysgirl said:
Well?? spill it sister! how do they do their time sheets?
I worked in Calif. I know I didn't punch a timeclock. I was a Home Health Speech-Language Pathologist. I think I submitted weekly timesheets. I'd have to go back and check my filing cabinet. Cindy would be a salaried employee, who could leave during the day because she was an RN supervisor, and they go out to patient's homes to do visits. We had pagers back then for the office to contact us. That being said, I think Cindy directly lied on the stand and Casey was the one doing the searches!
I just looked and I can't locate my timesheets, they are buried somewhere in a storage box in the house. I worked for them as contractor through a middle person and directly, but this was prior to 2001.
I must be one of the few who "don't get it" when all these talking heads say they get it, she loves her daughter. Since when is it OK to lie on a witness stand? That just cannot be OK for the judicial system to work.

I also am thinking Cindy has made a deal with herself: she won't cover anymore for Casey's guilt, but she will say anything to help avoid the death penalty (in this case, she will help cover premeditation as one of the requirements for Murder 1).



I too was astonished that all the THs were basically saying that it was understandable for her to lie on the witness stand...WHAT? That's a bad sign for society.

Asked my DH a bit ago (since i posted we would not lie on the stand) to make sure i had him right.

He said, " i would say as many nice things as i could about them, but i couldn't lie"

Then he said, "If they lie for Casey, who is telling the truth for Caylee?"

i love my man...
Well,I hope she made chili because I think the A's will have a crowd tonight.

That testimony went far afield from her depo. The pow wow at JB's office 6 weeks ago did not include GA. The pow wow in the hallway did not include GA.

Surely her lawyer read her prior depo and pointed out the risks of lying?

I'm so disgusted by CA that I can't believe that I even for a minute bought into her act thinking that she had finally come to accept what KC did to Caylee. Now she's all smiles w/JB in the hallway? What about Caylee?!? My heart breaks for that Baby!!
Cindy lies just like her daughter. They both give a little too much info. Both lie really well. It's scary to me.

Not too well judging by the reaction here and other places. Very few believed a word she said. The question is, what about the jury?

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