2011.06.23 Cindy's Testimony

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I don't believe CA's memory is better today than it was 3 years ago. It could be 'false' memories with a hindsight feel to it, KWIM? I only wonder what those jurors are thinking since they truly don't know or understand the dynamic between CA/ICA..

I'm thinking the rebuttal case will be one that might just end with that bang...LDB/JA are not to be messed with, they are too experienced to let this little back track of CA to rattle their case. If Baez didn't rattle them with that self serving, grandiose OS, I don't believe CA can...I do see her playing both ends to the middle and in the end, she might get burned...:banghead:JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I posted yesterday about this and would like input as to what everyone thinks. When Cindy let it "slip" about ICA being arrested for check fraud, was this an intentional move on her part to cause a mistrial. I know that HHJP did NOT want this in front of the jury. I do not believe for ONE second that this was an accident on Cindy's party.
Is it possible that's part of the plan? Everything about this case and this family seems so convoluted that nothing would surprise me.

I love you can have a lot of meanings. Remember the old song, "Throw momma from the train . . .a kiss"?

My opinion only

I'm telling you I'm beginning to wonder if they ever had a 'plan' ...I think the family and the defense have adjusted what they would say or do according to what evidence they needed to dispute..Convoluted is an understatement, lol! If it wasn't so incredibly sad, it would almost be comical..you really can not make this stuff up..:banghead:
Sorry if this was already asked, have not had time to read whole thread. But I am having a heck of time finding the deposition that they were referring to in court yesterday. I really want to know what all Cindy had said. Her attorney said she told the truth yesterday, she said the same thing that she said in her depo. If anyone can point me to the depo in question I will forever be so grateful..:blowkiss: TIA :blowkiss:

Presser from Mark L. Cindy and George's Attorney regarding statement of the Anthony's feeling that Casey is not innocent and Cindy being truthful on the stand.
He said that the Anthony's support Casey, and he nor they will comment on whether they believe Casey is innocent or guilty. That is the reason why they attend each hearing, to learn the truth. George Anthony maintains he never molested Casey or had anything to do with Caylee. They don't believe the defenses theory. And they don't believe anything the state has not proved yet. He also said that Cindy did not lie on the stand yesterday, that all she said on the stand she said in her deposition.

June 23, 2011 Video to Presser Here: http://www.wftv.com/video/28338767/index.html

CA's state deposition.

Casey wanted her child dead. What right does she have to murder her baby girl and why shouldn't she get the ultimate punishment for what she has done? Yes Caylee is forgotten in all of this but not by those who are trying to get her justice. She's forgotten by those you claim loved her.

Sorry, unlike what they make think, the Anthonys are not above the law.
she is not forgotten by those that love her .. you saw cindy on that stand the day she testified .. however casey is HER child .. she cannot help caylee now... she probably feels like i lost caylee i dont want to lose casey .. because she doesnt want to feel responsible for her own daughters death .and she probably feels like its her fault enough as it is .. shes probably been on here reading what everyone thinks of her and mabey just mabey she blames herself and has from the getgo.. she didnt do any damage to the prosecution and we all know it casey herself did it with her videos and pics her own words .. cindy is trying to take away premeditation ill bet so casey gets life ... and cindy KNOWS she isnt going to get away with this anyone with a brain would know she wont if she is indeed lying .. i dont think she cares what happens to herself anymore.. her caylee is gone she has nothing else to lose but casey .. and she rather have casey in jail and alive then being responsible for her own daughters death . i mean cmon now .. shes probably got doubts about george cheating on her shes lost her entire world .. so really who does she have ? she probably doesnt trust ANYONE and for some people when you feel like that you feel like what do i have to lose if i feel this way about people

Page 152. I love the fact that these depos have detailed indices in the back that tells you what page and line a word can be found.

So why did LDB seemed so surprised by her testimony? I did recall CA talking about the chlorphyll and looking up the peroxide, acetone...so why did it seem like such a big deal that got everyone in a tizzy??? :maddening: JMHO

Justice for Caylee
When CA was first on the stand in this trial, she mentions that she believed that Zanny took Caylee up until 6 weeks ago...remember?.....this was when the DT came up with this new story about the drowning....CA now has to stand behind her daughter and believe her new story......remember the "half-truths", well CA believes the half about the drowning, but not the half about GA.......there you have it folks....her new meds will help her remember that she prob left the ladder on the pool, and GA forgot to lock the gate after they were working in the yard that weekend......they will cover for whatever their precious daughter says.....they have for 20 somthing years, and won't stop now....MO
Sorry if this was already asked, have not had time to read whole thread. But I am having a heck of time finding the deposition that they were referring to in court yesterday. I really want to know what all Cindy had said. Her attorney said she told the truth yesterday, she said the same thing that she said in her depo. If anyone can point me to the depo in question I will forever be so grateful..:blowkiss: TIA :blowkiss:

Presser from Mark L. Cindy and George's Attorney regarding statement of the Anthony's feeling that Casey is not innocent and Cindy being truthful on the stand.
He said that the Anthony's support Casey, and he nor they will comment on whether they believe Casey is innocent or guilty. That is the reason why they attend each hearing, to learn the truth. George Anthony maintains he never molested Casey or had anything to do with Caylee. They don't believe the defenses theory. And they don't believe anything the state has not proved yet. He also said that Cindy did not lie on the stand yesterday, that all she said on the stand she said in her deposition.

June 23, 2011 Video to Presser Here: http://www.wftv.com/video/28338767/index.html

start at page 152 Hope this helps
You're right, he did, it was in the FBI interview when he said he put his nose on the round (like a basketball) stain and smelled it-I will never forget that part of his interview, I felt so bad for him.

I thought so! So can't the prosecution use that or no? Cindy seemed extremely nervous to me yesterday..and like she was trying to cover that up with a 'semi distraught Cindy' persona kinda like we saw the first time.
I hope the SA has ICA shopping for acetone on the Home Depot videos....wouldn't that be a hoot!!
I posted yesterday about this and would like input as to what everyone thinks. When Cindy let it "slip" about ICA being arrested for check fraud, was this an intentional move on her part to cause a mistrial. I know that HHJP did NOT want this in front of the jury. I do not believe for ONE second that this was an accident on Cindy's party.

That was quite the slip. Nothing had come out about the prisoners past criminal record and I wonder why Baez didn't jump all over this? Is this the passive/aggressive CA getting in her diggs with ICA? Was this meant for the defense to ask once again for a mistrial? Remember CA was the defenses witness this time and I am so very suspicious...the DT just let it slip by without bringing too much attention to it in the jury's presence...I'm still going :waitasec: JMHO

Justice for Caylee
When CA was first on the stand in this trial, she mentions that she believed that Zanny took Caylee up until 6 weeks ago...remember?.....this was when the DT came up with this new story about the drowning....CA now has to stand behind her daughter and believe her new story......remember the "half-truths", well CA believes the half about the drowning, but not the half about GA.......there you have it folks....her new meds will help her remember that she prob left the ladder on the pool, and GA forgot to lock the gate after they were working in the yard that weekend......they will cover for whatever their precious daughter says.....they have for 20 somthing years, and won't stop now....MO

They ought be protecting LA and Mallory's potential child should they ever have one. ICA gets off and gets jealous of that attention like I believe she was about Caylee, she will be quite formidable and well seasoned and enabled. ICA still hates Caylee.
I think Cindy came home early one afternoon to find a sedated dog. She may have seen an open browser and looked up things before the password got changed

but the 17th was a Monday..by Cindys own testimony..her busiest day of the week, full of meetings...yet she was home shortly after lunch..She's lying about one or the other if that's the case...
If this has been posted already I apologize, but here is the link to CA time cards released on 11 26 08- please pay special attention to March 25 where CA goes to work from 0800- 1300 then apparently leaves and then proceeds to come back at 1500-1800 hrs --which means if she does leave for a while it is obvious that she must punch in and out and also these time records show yet again that she lied(shocking right) because just about every day she worked more than 8 hrs...hmm didnt she say she could not show more than 8 hrs...ugh It starts on page 10 also page number 2561

If this has been posted already I apologize, but here is the link to CA time cards released on 11 26 08- please pay special attention to March 25 where CA goes to work from 0800- 1300 then apparently leaves and then proceeds to come back at 1500-1800 hrs --which means if she does leave for a while it is obvious that she must punch in and out and also these time records show yet again that she lied(shocking right) because just about every day she worked more than 8 hrs...hmm didnt she say she could not show more than 8 hrs...ugh It starts on page 10 also page number 2561


veddy veddy interesting..and I guess she thinks LDB knows none of this huh?
They ought be protecting LA and Mallory's potential child should they ever have one. ICA gets off and gets jealous of that attention like I believe she was about Caylee, she will be quite formidable and well seasoned and enabled. ICA still hates Caylee.

If Mallory is smart..she'll run like the wind! OT, but back when Lee testified he was asked something about Mallory and he answered...she was my girlfriend at the time..The way he answered just made me wonder if they were still together as a couple..
I don't believe CA's memory is better today than it was 3 years ago. It could be 'false' memories with a hindsight feel to it, KWIM? I only wonder what those jurors are thinking since they truly don't know or understand the dynamic between CA/ICA..

I'm thinking the rebuttal case will be one that might just end with that bang...LDB/JA are not to be messed with, they are too experienced to let this little back track of CA to rattle their case. If Baez didn't rattle them with that self serving, grandiose OS, I don't believe CA can...I do see her playing both ends to the middle and in the end, she might get burned...:banghead:JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Let's put it this way, there are more juror's on the jury that are around CA's age or older and we all know what happens to our memory as we get older. Look at poor Dr. Spitz because I'm sure he went over his reports prior to his testimony and he still could not remember things and did not remember that he fractured Caylee skull while opening it. If he truly examined the skull he would have seen this and noted it in his report, IMO. If CA's memory is better with her newer, improved meds.....I want some. jmo
If Mallory is smart..she'll run like the wind! OT, but back when Lee testified he was asked something about Mallory and he answered...she was my girlfriend at the time..The way he answered just made me wonder if they were still together as a couple..

They're engaged now and I believe the wedding is planned for after the trial.
I don't believe CA's memory is better today than it was 3 years ago. It could be 'false' memories with a hindsight feel to it, KWIM? I only wonder what those jurors are thinking since they truly don't know or understand the dynamic between CA/ICA..

I'm thinking the rebuttal case will be one that might just end with that bang...LDB/JA are not to be messed with, they are too experienced to let this little back track of CA to rattle their case. If Baez didn't rattle them with that self serving, grandiose OS, I don't believe CA can...I do see her playing both ends to the middle and in the end, she might get burned...:banghead:JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Funny you mention false memories...I've been wondering if ICA is having false memories of sexual abuse spurred on by the DT and these "experts". More likely she's just a cold blooded liar though.
If Mallory is smart..she'll run like the wind! OT, but back when Lee testified he was asked something about Mallory and he answered...she was my girlfriend at the time..The way he answered just made me wonder if they were still together as a couple..

I remember that and took it to mean that she's now his fiance. Now I'm wondering if they are together at all as well.

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