2011.06.23 Cindy's Testimony

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Regarding the dogs and the alleged search for chlorophyll....I was surprised that after CA said the search was because her dogs were acting more tired or sleeping more than usual, she wasn't asked whether or not she took the dogs to the vet (either before or subsequent to the search). As for the search itself...well, dogs eat chlorophyll all the time when they eat grass. Hmmm...were there any searches relating to "dog sleeping too much" or anything along those lines?

Might be just me but if my dogs were showing symptoms of any type I'd be taking them to the vet rather than search for chlorophyll in grass or plants they may or may not be eating, but that's just me.

And why weren't there searches for the word dog and eat and bamboo...why go to chlorophyll?
I guess the state will recall CA to rebut her testimony...

I'd have handled it like this, I think:

You're aware that this is a death penalty case, correct ... that the defendant faces the death penalty?

*long pause*

And you are the defendant's mother, correct?

*long pause*

No further questions, thank you.

Then I'd address/rebut CA's lies in detail in the closing.
My mind just won't let me let go about the Shorts Caylee was wearing. JB asking Cindy when Caylee last wore them, how long since Caylee wore the shorts,the size and then how big Caylee was. My thoughts are that JB is going to say that George dressed Caylee in the shorts because Cindy or KC would not have done it because the shorts were to small for Caylee.

If Caylee drank chloroform wouldn't she throw up and defecate soiling her cloths plus have the chloroform on the soaking the cloths. The cloths would have to be burned or thrown away.
I wonder if the next time CA gets on the stand if she will be more conscientious of pursing her lip now that all the body language experts have pointed it out. Should be interesting to watch her now lying under oath.

She is so full of herself that she almost laughed with glee when she felt she was outwitting LDB- http://insession.blogs.cnn.com/2011...-she-made-computer-searches-for-‘chloroform’/

Start watching her face at 4.10 when LDB is pinnning her down to a Yes or No answer. She is so pleased with herself when LDB has to repeat the question.
Remind me again, this is all about the search for justice for her dead grandchild, right? Or is it all about CA ego?
Cindy lost me completely the second that she said "she's NOT in the woods." wayyy early on before Caylee was found. I disregarded her credibility right then and there.

Freudian slip, right there.
Regarding the dogs and the alleged search for chlorophyll....I was surprised that after CA said the search was because her dogs were acting more tired or sleeping more than usual, she wasn't asked whether or not she took the dogs to the vet (either before or subsequent to the search). As for the search itself...well, dogs eat chlorophyll all the time when they eat grass. Hmmm...were there any searches relating to "dog sleeping too much" or anything along those lines?

Might be just me but if my dogs were showing symptoms of any type I'd be taking them to the vet rather than search for chlorophyll in grass or plants they may or may not be eating, but that's just me.
It made no sense to me either. My inclination with a sick pet would be to call a veterinarian before researching on the Internet, unless I was absolutely certain they had ingested something and wanted to determine if it was toxic. In addition, why would she take time from work to go home and look this up when there were computers at her place of employment, or not wait until she got home that evening? She also said she took off work early two days that week as it was Casey's birthday and her anniversary, yet the days of the computer searches weren't on Casey's birthday. :waitasec:

It made no sense to me either. My inclination with a sick pet would be to call a veterinarian before researching on the Internet, unless I was absolutely certain they had ingested something and wanted to determine if it was toxic. In addition, why would she take time from work to go home and look this up when there were computers at her place of employment, or not wait until she got home that evening? She also said she took off work early two days that week as it was Casey's birthday and her anniversary, yet the days of the computer searches weren't on Casey's birthday. :waitasec:


I'm not buying what she's selling at all. I believe that the state has already brought out the fact that there were NO searches for chlorophyll on that PC and I expect them to hammer on this a little bit more in rebuttal. CA appears to have the same lying style as her daughter...and I wonder if she sprinkles in the long, rambling, very detailed lies with a little bit of truth like ICA does? I don't believe for a second that the little Yorkie puppy was sleepy and tired all the time...IMO it was probably CAYLEE that was! MOO and all that...:twocents:
I'm not buying what she's selling at all. I believe that the state has already brought out the fact that there were NO searches for chlorophyll on that PC and I expect them to hammer on this a little bit more in rebuttal. CA appears to have the same lying style as her daughter...and I wonder if she sprinkles in the long, rambling, very detailed lies with a little bit of truth like ICA does? I don't believe for a second that the little Yorkie puppy was sleepy and tired all the time...IMO it was probably CAYLEE that was! MOO and all that...:twocents:

It's also very odd that immediately after the word searches, access was made to MySpace and Facebook; accounts which weren't hers. She also denied making the search for "how to make chloroform". I believe there is someone on the jury who should be able to decipher the computer forensics for any others who may be confused. :eek:nline:

It's also very odd that immediately after the word searches, access was made to MySpace and Facebook; accounts which weren't hers. She also denied making the search for "how to make chloroform". I believe there is someone on the jury who should be able to decipher the computer forensics for any others who may be confused. :eek:nline:


My favorite was when CA says she doesn't know what the computer searches by itself when she's not on it..

There is a chance that Cindy did searches for hand sanitizer. I did a quick search and this is what I came up with. The computer experts only showed the searches that were done for chloroform. This is only for information purposes.

Clarcon produced and distributed over 800,000 bottles of these products in multiple regions of the country since 2007. Consumers should not use any Clarcon products and should dispose of them in their household trash.

My favorite was when CA says she doesn't know what the computer searches by itself when she's not on it..


At this rate, they may just blame the computer for everything! LOL
It's also very odd that immediately after the word searches, access was made to MySpace and Facebook; accounts which weren't hers. She also denied making the search for "how to make chloroform". I believe there is someone on the jury who should be able to decipher the computer forensics for any others who may be confused. :eek:nline:


That was explained, Cindy said when she came home from work and Casey was on the computer she needed to use it. IMO that answered that question for me, as I am constantly interrupting my son on his facebook or my space page so I can work on my computer. Even though he has his own computer he crashed his so he is either using mine or someone else's. Even though I have fixed his computer several times he still continues to use mine because it's fast. There is a computer technician on the jury but I'm not sure if he is an alternate.
I found her testimony on the searches related to her friend who was in a car accident and sustained head and chest injuries to have been completely laughable. I'm not sure what kind of RN doesn't understand medical terminology or what type of Medical Homecare provider wouldn't allow their RN "Supervisors" access to things like the Centre for Disease Control among dozens of other Medical Databases. I call BS on that entire line of questioning. No doubt this lie will be exposed on rebuttal...along with all the others pertaining to her employment.

How exactly does she do her job if she doesn't understand medical terminology? Does she run home to google each medical term she doesn't understand? She's a really bad liar IMHO.
That was explained, Cindy said when she came home and Casey was on the computer she needed to use it. IMO that answered that question for me, as I am constantly interrupting my son on his facebook or my space page so I can work on my computer. Even though he has his own computer he crashed his so he is either using mine or someone else's. Even though I have fixed his computer several times he still continues to use mine because it's fast. There is a computer technician on the jury but I'm not sure if he is an alternate.

Does your son log off of Facebook and Myspace before he lets you on the computer? Mine sure do.
Actually I really never check. I doubt it though. I actually like it that way that way, so I can check on what he is saying.

That's why mine log off LOL!! They seem to forget Mom is a 'friend' and gets the newsfeed anyway.
That was explained, Cindy said when she came home from work and Casey was on the computer she needed to use it. IMO that answered that question for me, as I am constantly interrupting my son on his facebook or my space page so I can work on my computer. Even though he has his own computer he crashed his so he is either using mine or someone else's. Even though I have fixed his computer several times he still continues to use mine because it's fast. There is a computer technician on the jury but I'm not sure if he is an alternate.

I hadn't realized Casey was there when Cindy came home to use the computer. Did this just come out in her recent testimony? I thought I had listened to at least the most relevant parts.

I hadn't realized Casey was there when Cindy came home to use the computer. Did this just come out in her recent testimony? I thought I had listened to at least the most relevant parts.


That's a new one on me as well. :waitasec:

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