2011.06.23 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-six)

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I fully expect GA & LA to say that they did something to ICA that she may have interpreted
as sexual, anything and I mean anything to save this baby killer, this family has no shame.

I'm with you, nothing would surprise me at this point! IS this our justice system? NICE!
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Lippman says the Anthony's think #CaseyAnthony is innocent and they are here because they want justice.
:banghead: Justice for who?
I think they mean acquittal for ICA.
IMO: On relistening to CA, I heard CA's testimony about one of the dogs being more tired than the other. I now am really tending to agree with those sleuths who posted in the trial thread that KC was probably experimenting on the dog with the chloroform.

Thanks CA for that little nugget of info. about the dog.
I actually think CA's lies today could backfire on ICA. The computer data is very clear that ICA was the one looking for How to Make Chloroform. Anyone riding the fence on whether this is a Murder One case with premeditation may be swayed by the fact that CA is lying to protect her.
I'm sure they could redact the messages themselves, but still be able to show that she was using her computer at work at a specified time.
They would have to prove it was necessary to a judge...I don't think in a million years they would have thought she would claim not to be able to use the internet at work...or that she wasn't at work when they, in fact, had her time cards. I'm till wanting to know why Cindy was home with Casey at the time. Was she just working nights then?
Not relevant to this trial. ICA livid, shaking her head no, and almost got caught by HHJP.
She was grinding her teeth. I've gotten quite good at reading her.

missed that entirely! oh please someone give me a link!!!

that is the trouble with transcribing ....I forget to look @ the video ongoing - and get concentrated on the screen to make sure I am on the right line of type usually!
Thank you to our most patient and awesome mods for ALL they do keeping us in line with TOS, providing breakfast, and for their commitment to be here with us every day....alll day! Today has been a trying day in court for us all, including our mods.

I think they deserve a (((group hug)))!!! (and probably a tequila shot!)

Here! Here! to WS Mods and admins!



And on behalf of ALL the mods....

Thank ALL OF YOU for doing the BEST you could under EXTREME circumstances!

Carry on.....going to look for something to throw at somebody....
Listening to her testimony again, Cindy says; "After the email (some email she claims being sent by a coworker about hand sanitizer and little ones ingesting it as far as it's alcohol content) and because Caylee was small I looked up things we had in the home. I looked up alcohol, acetone, peroxide. We used to paint Caylee's nails she was exposed to acetone..."

You heard it from Cindy, they had the ingredients to make chloroform in the home.
Well thanks to JWG and other forensic warriors, we know even more about those chloroform searches that the jury didn't hear but that the state could use.

In addition to all the Anthony family searches being done on IE and virtually NEVER erased, it is clear that ICA's preference was Firefox for her "important" stuff. It's the only browser she used for uploading all her photobucket stuff and social network carp, IIRC. And, more importantly, there is evidence that the chloroform searches, done on the Firefox browser, were deleted within minutes of YM leaving the home on July 16. Unless CA knew in advance chloroform would be found in the trunk, there is no reason for her to have panicked at the "innocent" searches she alleges she did for "chlorophyll" and erase them.

Wow what a great post!! :great:
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Lippman says the Anthony's think #CaseyAnthony is innocent and they are here because they want justice.

I haven't searched back through my posts but if I was ever self righteous about supporting the Anthony's I apologize.
Anyone think Lippman was blindsided too or is he in league with them?
Mike Brooks says not buying CA story today
Now, I have to listen to old news that CA and GA don't know if she's innocent. They just want the truth. Then, a clip on CA lying through her teeth. :sick: Today was emotionally upsetting for me.

:abduction: :shocked2:

Watching the replays of JB questioning CA. Seems rehearsed to me. Did anyone else notice that? JB can't hide bad acting abilities very well.

I agree, it was an upsetting day if you stand on the side of truth and justice.
Good evening folks, I have to take a break!!..TY for a wonder day..shocking as it was..but dont know about you all..I tend to think JP knows exactly what the DT is trying to do and that is to muddy the forensics and whomever secured that evidence..and throw everyone under that bus...

But before I leave..I must thank JP for deflating CM's balloon with further cra&&olla he was trying to pull..JP save hours of nonscense for the jury!! and I really got stoked when CM became "Speechless"...MADE MY DAY!!

See ya all tomorrow :seeya:
I actually think CA's lies today could backfire on ICA. The computer data is very clear that ICA was the one looking for How to Make Chloroform. Anyone riding the fence on whether this is a Murder One case with premeditation may be swayed by the fact that CA is lying to protect her.
I agree...I'm not worried about acquittal as much as I am enraged by Cindy's lying.
I noticed there was a lot of nose touching (also temple at least once) going on during CA testimony.....
How is it that a single family can so shake one's belief in humanity? :(

I have never been more grateful for the dedication, passion, and determination of the State's Attorneys. They'll do right by Caylee.
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