2011.06.23 TRIAL Day Twenty-six (Afternoon Session)

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Watching the trial - please someone tell me I just fell through the rabbit hole? That is the only logical explanation for what's going on...
So.. lemme get this straight because I'm about to spit nails @ CA's testimony:

DT wants me to believe a witness who would knowingly and willingly defraud her employer on her time card? Hmmmmm...... I don't think so.
I do believe a subpoena for all backup heard drives should be arriving at Gentiva headquarters about........right now.

Thank you momtective. Most companies (especially hospitals, nursing homes) keep their e-mails for legal purposes for many years. My e-mails still belong to my work, and I haven't worked there since 2007. They can be used at any point in time.

I agree, all backup is being requested right now by the SA for their rebuttal case.


Major points for the defense right now. Sadly.

No way the jury is buying any of it. Cindy may have been or may not have been on record as being at work - but was instead at home searching for chlorophyll due to a hand sanitizer-induced panic while a pop-up for "a neck breaking feat" comes up and the computer automatically searched for chloroform? Glad there's an IT guy on the jury.
I take back the kind things I said about CA. I will never forgive her for this.
Well, I feel sorta vindicated - I never saw CA as a grieving grandmother. I always saw her holding that hammer, the depo for the Z.F. Gonzales law suit, and now this. For Caylee's sake, it would have been nice if CA were different, but a leopard can't change their spots, in my opinion.
Wouldn't you imagine the State would have already tried to check Cindy's work records given that she testified that searched for the words during her deposition?
If they have not checked, I wonder why.
BTW, I was knocked off for almost 25 minutes! ARGH!!!!
WTH is CA gonna do at night...sleep with GA, the man who ICA claimed that forced her to have oral sex with him...I mean she falls on her sword for her daughter and then what? Just let's the molestation claims go?? WHAT kind of people are these?

Maybe Cindy knows about the molestation and feels guilty and will cover for CA now. It's possible the family secret is GA's problems. ugh.
But, it would explain the behavior.
Maybe Cindy was in denial of it and feels responsible for how CA turned out?
I wonder if they can get bank records that might show what Cindy was doing that day. MAYBE she was somewhere else?
So there were TWO days that Cindy happened to go home early and search chloroform and still be reported as having been at work. Lightening usually doesn't strike twice CA. I wonder when she got home if Casey was home, since we know she didn't have a job.
YES..I thought the hhjb should never have allowed them to sit court,this is probably what CA has been writing all along to prepare herself for what was coming today..!!!

It doesn't matter, she could have watched it all on the internet anyway.
Wow, having major issues getting onto WS. Anyone else??

CA really made me mad in her testimony. I can't believe the ridiculous lies that woman will tell for her murderous daughter. Just when I was starting to gain respect for her...
I would say it is pretty OBVIOUS how Casey could lie for so long. Cindy enabled her and covered for her. I firmly believe Casey has a long history of making things up and Cindy covered.

They lie exactly the same! they go into excruciating detail about questions that haven't been asked, unlikely stories of why their words can not be backed up or proven! Unreal! Cindy may as well have said all her coworkers as well as teh IT department moved away and changed their phone numbers and went unlisted!
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