2011.06.23 TRIAL Day Twenty-six (Afternoon Session)

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DNA Solves
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ICA was looking at a spreadsheet earlier...it all makes sense.
Ugh, what just happened with that CD? WFTV went to commercial just when LDB started to object. Thanks
I think the state will find something on Cindy and she will end up being the nail in Casey's coffin. Karma is a *advertiser censored*.
I'm sorry for all of those with a kinder soul than mine. I know that Cindy just shook alot of you to your core, and I hate that ya'll have become victims of the Anthony bus also. (((HUGS)))
Ms. Drane is so mad... I don't blame her... I don't know how she can hold it together after that
Wait...help me with this because I'm seeing red and can't seem to recall all of CA's lies on the stand just now...

Was NOT CA at work during these days?

She said, she didn't go back to work after 7-15-08 the day she found out about Caylee.. like, she wouldn't have been there for sure, but weren't the searches done before then :waitasec:..?
Isn't there any depositions of Cindy's that LDB could have impeached her with or couldn't they arrest her for lying on the stand in the depositions??? How did that testimony happen???
I suppose Cindy could have looked up chlorophyll and chloroform and Casey was looking over her shoulder and that's where she got the idea. But it's doubtful if Casey was on her myspace at the same time.
I think the jury may even be looking at ICA more now, to see her reaction. And that smug look ain't helpin.
Shortly after Cindy took the stand and started lying, I refreshed this page and it wouldn't refresh...........just now getting back in. I'm blown away by Cindy's "altered" testimony! It's clear now why JB, CA, and Lippman were having that pow-wow outside the courtroom.
It's funny, this statement. I have a new security program and when I leave a website up and walk away, I sometimes come back to a message from Malwarebytes that say's "Malwarebytes has blocked a potential entrance to your computer".

Now I'M WONDERING if the computer does what it wants when a website is opened!!!! :eek:
your computer can do things all by itself do to malware and invasive websites and programs that run all the time, auto refreshes etc. A weak interent connection that blanks and will cause a reload of the website.

But I dont think the anthonys computer was doing anything like that.
I am so praying that the state is able to bring irrefutable proof that CA was at work on that day and CA gets arrested. They need mother/daughter jail cells for these two.
Maybe Cindy knows about the molestation and feels guilty and will cover for CA now. It's possible the family secret is GA's problems. ugh.
But, it would explain the behavior.
Maybe Cindy was in denial of it and feels responsible for how CA turned out?

Oh, I believe CA and GA have sone responsibility for the way ICA turned out, but my thoughts on this matter are not as lofty as yours.
I wish LDB brought up the deleting of those files but I am sure she was just as flustered and angry as the rest of us... I am eagerly awaiting the rebtuttal testimony. IMO, the A's have opened "the door" for the SA to bring in all of their lies and bad acts. they will be lucky if they are not charged when this is all over.
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