2011.06.23 TRIAL Day Twenty-six (Afternoon Session)

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Wow, I was actually defending the anthony's in the other thread. Makes me look like an idiot.

Oh, I was sympathizing for the A's too. I'm done with that now. I am so disgusted with them. Any kind of sympathy or respect I had for them in the past three years is GONE. Cindy's testimony is appauling. Lies lies lies. So disgusted. So very disgusted.
Caylee? Caylee who?
Let's save the devil instead.
Well, I feel sorta vindicated - I never saw CA as a grieving grandmother. I always saw her holding that hammer, the depo for the Z.F. Gonzales law suit, and now this. For Caylee's sake, it would have been nice if CA were different, but a leopard can't change their spots, in my opinion.

Has anyone noticed that the A's have very few physical supporters - only their attorney. Lee doesn't even sit with them. Rick is gone, as is Tim, and all other before and after him. How many sympathy hugs will they get now?

Oh, I wouldn't want to be their attorney right now, and hope he cancels his presser.


I'm on board with everyone else, any sympathy I have for CA is now GONE! ICA and CA deserve each other. This has totally messed up my mind, I'm starting to think they were all in on it. I've got to calm down.
OMG! I can barely contain myself and am breathing like a racehorse!

Luckily the State did not know about Cindy and George possibly following the state case instead of the defense case until about 6 weeks before the trial started. LKB and JA had 3 years to come up with the way their questioning of witnesses would be...you had better believe that they had all the witnesses and evidence at hand to show that CA and GA WOULD be liars.

Cindy has not caused the state to do more work (it's already done)...all Cindy has done is make the rebuttal case a whole lot longer!
Cindy seems to even physically transform to a different person.. what happened to the grieving Grandmother.. even her dress is different. It is so obvious she is lying.. I sure hope the jury can tell!

BRBM : Just like ICA ...

I am so sad right now. Imagine being a little girl in heaven and finding out that your grandma lies.
Hopefully, the jury will see that CA is lying, and because of it, they won't have any sympathy for her when she begs for her daughter's life.

I am just disgusted by CA at this point.

She has completely abandoned Caylee.

You are so right! If the jurors believe CA is lying (which I believe they will), they will not have as much sympathy for her as they would have had she told the truth. (From previous experience on two juries that were similar - involving family members lying for the accused). Punishment was harsher in those instances. MOO
It's funny, this statement. I have a new security program and when I leave a website up and walk away, I sometimes come back to a message from Malwarebytes that say's "Malwarebytes has blocked a potential entrance to your computer".

Now I'M WONDERING if the computer does what it wants when a website is opened!!!! :eek:
your computer can do things all by itself do to malware and invasive websites and programs that run all the time, auto refreshes etc. A weak internet connection that blanks and will cause a reload of the website.
did anyone else see KC mouth "wow" when Linda was drilling Cindy?
I hate to say this but..maybe this is why Caylee is in a better place, the Anthony's don't know how to raise normal children..

Thank you. I completely agree with you. Thank God little Caylee is not being raised by the anthony family. I pray that God in heaven is making sure Caylee is unaware of the anthony family's actions.

I would say more but I don't want a time out.
SA is going to get all work records and phone records, and anything Cindy may have signed or written while at work during those days...they are going to get her on Rebuttal so bad.
Wow, having major issues getting onto WS. Anyone else??

CA really made me mad in her testimony. I can't believe the ridiculous lies that woman will tell for her murderous daughter. Just when I was starting to gain respect for her...

yes i was having major issues getting here to this forum to..

I was going crazy.........omg, cindy a is a liar, and stooping low low low to try to save caseys a$$ jmho
JB, please, for the love of all that is sacred and holy...ASK CLEAR QUESTIONS! I need to understand what this witness is saying!
If JB can't pull an actual contemporaneous search for Chlorophyll off of that hard drive CA will be in a heap of trouble. And quite possibly JB.
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