2011.06.23 TRIAL Day Twenty-six (Afternoon Session)

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So thats what cindy was doing with her head down all morning... Rehearsing! So mad now. I also wanted lwop for ca sake. Now I want dp.
CINDY already lied in her depo in 2009. If she tries to budge from that she is facing other issues...like jail. LDB gave her a small loop hole to jump out of. Cindy cannot divert from her original depos..no matter what. She will be impeached and it would be perjury.

Just bumping because well...it is important and the media will seize on her LIES and try to make this court case seem anything other than the slam dunk one and done it already is.
Why didn't Linda ask CA if she deleted these searches.....IIRC it was the only time something had been deleted?
I feel so bad for Linda. She was so good with the Anthonys when they were on the stand after Baez threw them under the bus and this is the thanks she gets?

Unfreakingbelievable. I'm so mad right now. Where is justice?
i'm not concerned about CA's testimony

there's a difference between typing in the search bar 'Chloroform' and 'how to make Chloroform'

she also didn't log into the user profile (doesn't even appear to realize that it has a password protected profile on that desk top)
she can't be positive about being home for sure at those times
and all those searches were dumped at the same time

also, her workplace may come into this by way of a copy of the hard-drive, they copy our hard drive when empolyee's leave (i believe that LE would have asked for this way back when this all came up to confirm whether she was at work or not) jmo
I'm still so enraged! I really bought Cindy's tears and testimony before! I feel like a huge fool! She's a snake! I'm really shocked. And apparently naive.
They lie exactly the same! they go into excruciating detail about questions that haven't been asked, unlikely stories of why their words can not be backed up or proven! Unreal! Cindy may as well have said all her coworkers as well as teh IT department moved away and changed their phone numbers and went unlisted!

Exactly... She went to a boatload of unnecessary and irrelevant detail about her employer being national and having so-and-so many offices around the country when asked if her employer backs up their emails.

I didn't get that part anyway. Is it all she does at work, reads and sends emails all day? You wouldn't know if I'm at work by looking at my emails, I send so few.
I left just before lunch break. Just walked in the door !!!! What time did this stuff go down? I need to catch up . Darn.
Ms. Drane is so mad... I don't blame her... I don't know how she can hold it together after that

Wonder if they will bring in CA boss or anyone from her old work place to verify that BS she said about her work times.
Why is everyone accusing Cindy of lying? She has been consistent in her story that she was the one who looked up chloroform and she sounds very plausible. If anything, people should be upset with the DA for presenting the searches as if Casey did them, when they already knew it was Cindy.

Whaaaaat?? I won't even go there with an answer to that.
The prosecution will take her apart, bit by bit, all her lies... wow, dumb.
Grandma certainly forgot baby Caylee mighty quick. I have been wondering who would bring in the claim of GA molesting ICA and the drowning. It might be CA now to get her daughter off. ICA might be spared the witness stand if momma steps in for her. :maddening: :banghead:
WHO thinks the jury thinks shes soo fulla SHI* MY eyes are brown?
WHY didn't the SA get her computer records CA from work way back when...why? why? why? She is the biggest liar!!! Unreal

CA made sure to never mentioned that she *may* have been home for these searches. She mentioned a search for chlorophyll and nothing else - the SA would never have known the possibility existed. Also the SA was looking at June as the timeframe for Caylee's disappearance and not March as the timeframe necessary. IF it was true CA should have been jumping up and down to provide proof to the SA as soon as she knew the searches were an issue - that she left work and did them. Instead she waited until that was impossible... all there is is her testimony

New drinking game.

Take a drink every time JB says "Okay" after witness answers his question. Don't think I'll make it 'til 5.

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