2011.06.23 TRIAL Day Twenty-six (Afternoon Session)

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My heart broke in two for Cindy when she listening to the 911 call on the stand and broke down. So much that for the first time in three years, she elicited my sympathy - enough to post in support of her for finally, FINALLY snapping out of her self imposed denial. As I'm a cynical person by nature, I jumped up on the fence to wait and see what future testimony and reactions would hold. Then came the mouthed, "I love you'. Hmm... whatever - it's her daughter, after all.

Now I see that nothing - NOTHING - has changed. I was momentarily duped. I'm not only angry, but terribly, terribly sad that this Grandmother, who obviously loved little Caylee at one time, has totally turned her back on her and is not concerned one iota in achieving justice.

May she rot in hell with her evil spawn of a daughter.
*Respectfully snipped by me:

I have egg on my face. I've been defending Cindy. I am speechless and sick with disgust.

You're in very good company. :grouphug:

As far as I'm concerned, Cindy now resides in the same category I had reserved for Casey and Elisa Baker. :twocents:
FWIW (and i can hardly keep up) Somebody spent money from Cindy's account at PetSmart on 3/10 - so if she's trying to tie to the dog's disfunction, this might be a more likely date.
ITA! Bad mistake on JP's part (and I hate to say that b/c I love him!). But all the thoughts that people had about her writing a book?? No, no. She was taking notes on everyone's testimonies and writing down her little devilish ideas on what to say when she was called to the stand next!

All she did was show the jury where the defendant learned to lie.
I am floored at the level of deceit. Getting their attorney to say those things. Testifying for the State in such a cooperative fashion and showing such disdain for JB etal during the State's case. Just to blind side us with this now.

That took a lot of forethought. I could never imagine. . . .

Cindy appeared hard, mean, sarcastic, and very vindictive. I am sure this is where her daughter gets her behaviour from. Now I really have my doubts as to what happened to Caylee. They may be all in on it. What a *****!! jmo
If they can prove that CA perjured herself she WILL be prosecuted. This is highly relevant testimony and the state will not let her perjury go unpunished.
I don't like it either. But Cindy fibbed back in 2009 in her depo. She has to stick to what she said then. I don't believe that she is doing anything other than sticking to what she said back then. JB even said she said all of this stuff to everyone back in 2009. She drops from that...she will be in violation of the law.

One thing I can't stand is a liar. Being charged with perjury or not if she would fess up and admit she lied in her 2009 depo and state why she did and why she is telling the truth now I would have some respect and sympathy for her but right now I have none. It shows she does not want justice for Caylee, she just wants to save her own skin and her inmate offspring's. :sick:
I'm not buying the meds made her have a bad memory ploy, she out and out lied! She is despicable! JMO
Quick question,

Why would she lie about this but swear she did not leave the pool ladder out ?

Wouldnt it had been easier to say she might have forgot to put the pool ladder away?

Just give her a chance. I'm sure she'll have some great memory recall and state that she did indeed leave the ladder up. Nothing can shock me now.
Not getting why someone would bother to delete CA's search history for chloroform. That's puzzling. Also, not sure why CA would have needed to access one site, which gave instructions for how to make chloroform 84 times, if she was simply concerned because her dogs were eating bamboo.

Very strange.

I just had a very weird thought about maybe Cindy is protecting GA. Maybe he really did the searches.

Casey's was talking to her friends on facebook right?
The SA has those messages correct?

What is the Jury thinking? SA better be careful because he MAY be able spin her impeachment as well.
Guys, do you remember when Cindy told LE that she was searching for chlorophyll, and even spelled it out for them, then today she claimed it was chloroform she was searching?

Good times.
Probably ICa only one with a password for her Casey Profile she would want privacy...maybe this is how they can impeach Cindy? if the searches were done under Casey's pofile..

IIRC the expert said earlier that the password was for the Owner profile, not the Casey profile.
I bet LKB is happy now and surely will be on all the HLN programs tonight. Ugh!
I don't know why I am surprised. Over the last 3 years every single time that I developed any smidgeon of sympathy for the Anthony's this has been the result EVERY SINGLE TIME! I'm done with them.
I certainly hope so!


(so am I FWIW)

Did anyone catch that flash of joy on ICA's face as she looked at Baez during CA's lying testimony? Sickening that CA would perjure herself on several counts. I hope the State subpoenas email, attendance and phone records from CA's former employer STAT. UGH!!! :banghead:
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