2011.06.23 TRIAL Day Twenty-six (Afternoon Session)

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This may be dry and everyone is still hung up on CA but what is actually going on right now is relevant. It may show inconsistancies in the computer forensics.
Baez ask.
8.36 and 24 seconds do you see the date march 19th a day before the 20.

myspace visted 82 times.

Maybe the enter button was sticking.

GA and his searches??
They lie exactly the same! they go into excruciating detail about questions that haven't been asked, unlikely stories of why their words can not be backed up or proven! Unreal! Cindy may as well have said all her coworkers as well as teh IT department moved away and changed their phone numbers and went unlisted!

Is pathological lying (Pseudologia fantastica) a mental health disorder or a learned family dysfunction?
Perhaps it is an illness in this family unit and they all need help desperately.
March 20, 2008 myspace typed in again, day prior, March 19th, myspace accessed 83 times.

JB saying: You do understand that 83 comes before 84, right?

Do what?! I'm so lost!

Apparently that's right where JB wants you, Mock Juror.
prosecutors rely on many pieces of info. The computer records is part of that evidence.
by kerrynbc via twitter at 3:29 PM

Juror 15 taking tons of notes.
by stevehelling via twitter at 3:29 PM
But why did Cindy visit myspace 84 times at the same time she searched for chloroform?


And wouldn't it show which myspace page you went to? Didn't CA say she never even had a MS page until she posted her message about Caylee?
OK, I can't keep up. If the state had proof CA lied in her disposition how come they didn't use it on cross? I'm dying here guys.
I am confused.

Did she repeat the same testimony today as she did in her deposition?
If so, why did the State's attorney seemingly freak out?

If not, why didn't the State's Attorney bring out the inconsistencies with her deposition testimony?

Very perceptive question. :crazy: I share your perplexity. I would not have expected CA today to knowingly incriminated herself by deviating from her earlier depo.

But didn't CA say she now has a new and improved memory? Maybe she thinks that will allow her to give differing testimony and get away with it.

As you noted, if CA gave consistent testimony today I don't know why LDB would seem so taken aback.

But I think that any perjury by CA today will more than likely be provable at some point. The state, for instance, should be able to falsify CA's claim to a car trunk stain at the time of purchase. And such a stain at time of purchase would not explain Cindy's own declaration of smelling a dead body in the **** car. :maddening:
This is so true. I have been researching how companies keep medical records, how long, how they are destroyed, all day for my husband's homework. They have to keep everything 10 years.

I was literally LOL when she was going on about how her company had no means to save her e-mails from 3 years ago. Seriously? Does she really believe this? Kinda like all the imaginary friends? Maybe Cindy thinks she has imaginary e-mails that cannot be traced.


All my opinion of course.

CA changed her tune when she saw ICA upset over Caylee's skull photos.
NetAnalysis was having problems with dates and times so went to CacheBack
I always clear my cache and delete my history because if you don't do that every so often it slows your computer down. Clearing/deleting that stuff does NOT in any way imply that anyone is hiding something. All it proves is that they would like their computer to run faster.

Unless you delete it right before going to jail.
Why didn't Linda Burdick read the deposition back then showing that she didn't mention chloroform back then? That would have shown her up to be a liar. Why wasn't the deposition read back in court?

A portion of that deposition pertaining to chloroform/chlorophyll WAS read back to Cindy but Cindy argued that Linda did not ask the right questions...things were heated then and both yelling so that may be why you missed....
Cindy totally opened the door to that, mentioning her arrest for check fraud on the stand.
oops, the elephant is going to come thru the wall. Oh Darn. :giggle:


I caught that too. I'm waiting to see if anyone
brings up more. :great:
MikeDeForest6 Mike DeForest
Just reviewed Cindy's deposition. Major conflicts with her testimony on stand today. #CaseyAnthony

The local stations will get the reporting right.

I refuse to watch ANY HLN, CNN or GVS tonight.

They'll get it ALL wrong and for sure LKB, Barringer and other paid apologists will be screeching and harping at the top of their lungs and spewing carp out of the collagen-filled lips. :banghead:
When i worked at an auto manufacturer as salary - we were able to work 4 hours one day and 12 the next - this was called "lieu time". So one day I would work 12 hours and the next I worked 4 hours and took 4 hours "in lieu" which went on my timecard.

I wonder if CA had to swipe in and out. Most companies have swipes for employees to get into the parking, building or certain parts of the building. All those swipes are recorded.

The salaried staff where I work don't have to keep track of their time at all. They also leave early all the time or take 2-3 hour lunches and then come back.
Exactly. When on salary, hours aren't kept for the purpose of monitoring a salaried persons overtime.:banghead:

They were at my place of employment - I was salary for 10 yrs and had to fill out a timecard every week -- I typically filled it out 8am-5pm daily regardless that I usually worked bell to bell (730am - 830pm) lol Our company policy that every employee salary or not fill out a timecard.
But why did Cindy visit myspace 84 times at the same time she searched for chloroform?


If I remember correctly, Cindy just testified under re-direct that she did not have a Myspace - which would indicate someone other than Cindy accessed MySpace.
I have felt from the get go Cindy was going to do something like this. I posted such early on when everyone switched to the "poor Cindy" mode. All of the Anthonys are liars...that's where ICA learned her skilled lying.
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