2011.06.24 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-seven)

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It's kind of funny how both George's and Cindy's chosen professions are in a way helping the prosecution's case. A nurse googling the side-effects of chloroform. A cop thinking it would be better to throw away a dead body than report an accident. Next they're going to tell me the moon is rectangular.
If CA is telling the truth about these searches (which I don't believe she is), and if she's telling the truth about the stain in the trunk (which I also don't think she is), wouldn't she have jumped at the chance to tell LE all these things PRIOR to yesterday? While I don't know what she said in her deposition, I can tell from LDB's reactions yesterday, that this all came as a complete surprise to HER. Why is that, I wonder? Could it be that this is something CA and JB just thought up? I think it's a definite possibility. And, since we know that CA, GA and JB were spotting talking in the hallway the other day...and since it's quite a coincidence that Lippman made his statement about the A's not thinking their daughter is innocent, and just wanting the truth, the VERY day CA testifies that SHE did the computer searches for chloroform...well, let's just say I'm sceptical.

In her depo, she said she searched for chlorophyll. I do not believe she mentioned searching chloroform. IIRC, her excuse was that she wasn't asked.

CA, JB and Lippman were seen talking in the hallway yesterday. And then voila! CA takes the stand.
Hello everyone. I'm a new member! I've been following this case since the very beginning and have been a serious lurker on here for the same number of years! I watched Cindy's testimony yesterday and was utterly shocked and dismayed. I immediately signed up to be a member because I cannot do this alone. I would like to offer and receive prayers/support as we are in the latter stages of the trial. The miserable attempts by the defense team and the Anthony family to destroy innocent people in order to save their sociopathic daughter are simply draining. I can barely think about my life outside of this case. I've invested too much and desperately want Justice for our precious angel Caylee.

I hope that Cindy's testimony, in some Divine way, actually helps the State by allowing the jury to see just how dysfunctional and destructive this family is. They will not think twice about breaking every law there is to achieve their twisted and morally bankrupt goals. I pray and hope that the same Divine Grace that led Caylee's little remains to be found, the same Grace that led one of the best judges in the world to become part of this case, the same Grace that has provided us with some of the best prosecutors in this world will also ensure that Caylee Marie Anthony will have justice in a few weeks and that all of us, who have invested so much in this case, will finally get much-needed closure.

My prayers and support to each and every one of you.

I want to bake, clean, read and get some exercise before today's events later. Will be here for the entire day!


:welcome: To WS Rose..

What an inspirational post..I do hope His Honor and those jurors can see through the smut and get this precious child, Caylee Marie the justice she so deserves. I try not to let the Anthony's and their schemes get to me too much but I do know how you feel. I so was hoping they have finally awakened and seen the light (as they sit with Bibles in hand) and become that voice for Caylee...apparently, not...but I have to have faith in our legal system and do hope His Honor does what's right...also that jury...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Good morning WS Family...one day closer to Justice for Caylee!

I wonder what today has in store..will KH be called? RK? Will the defense rest their case with a bang?

I'm becoming disillusioned with all this bullhockey going on...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
So you think it's ok to lie on the stand? Trying to understand why you think the Anthonys are above the law.

I don't think I said anything approaching that, please don't put words in my posts. I don't CONDONE what she did I just understand WHY she did it.
I'm sure they did. :)

Another thing that bothered me about CA testimony was the fact that she stated she didn't do a search for "neckbreaking", but she did recall seeing a pop up vid of skateboarders entitled "neck breaking feats". I've done many searches on many things, I've even gotten pop ups during those searches. But I couldn't tell you what came up in a pop up last month, much less 3 years later. And certainly not in such great detail. The big tip off to me, when someone is lying about something, is the irrelevant, minute details they include in what they are saying. CA could have simply said, "There was a skateboarding vid called 'neck breaking feats' ". That's not what she said though. She went into GREAT detail about how the skateboarders were riding those rails things...turnstiles type things, she said...really? That's a butt load of irrelevant detail there, Cindy. Why would you think the jury (or me!) would need to know that? Possibly to lend credence to your story? Such detail. Such an incredible memory.

Nope. Not buying it.

Good morning MK,

I was thinking about the extra details, too. Even when LDB pushed for just yes or no, CA still goes into too much detail. LDB asks if her hours are x to x, CA goes into all the detail about being hired, been there 2 weeks, hours changed, always working early and late. Then the whole deal about not reporting overtime. Just answer the question already.

In regards to the Chlorophyll, if she did in fact look that up, she is just like Casey. The rest of us would have looked up dogs eating leaves, etc.. CA is too smart, so she goes right for the chlorophyll. (yet doesn't know that acetone is dangerous???) They like to think they are smarter than everyone else in one sentence, and then in left field the next. In some of ICA's interviews, I thought her wording seemed out of place at times. Wonder where she gets it?

I get the feeling we;re coming close to the close of the DT's case. Roy Kronk and the kitchen sink perhaps.

Eagerly awaiting rebuttal! Bet it will be a doozy!
I don't think I said anything approaching that, please don't put words in my posts. I don't CONDONE what she did I just understand WHY she did it.

You said the pros should let it lie. I think they should impeach her and charge her with perjury. They are not above the law and should be treated like everyone else who lies on the stand. Maybe that's one of the big reasons the Anthonys are what they are. They may have gotten away with it in the past but enough is enough.
So you think it's ok to lie on the stand? Trying to understand why you think the Anthonys are above the law.

You know, your post brings up something else I was thinking about last night (bear with me, here, I'm gathering alot of thoughts this morning):

I don't know alot about the Anthony's, so I speculate about the family dynamics without many facts to go on. But from testimony alone, I get a picture of a very disturbed young woman. To say she makes up, and has BEEN making up, very elaborate lies for a very long time...well, that's obvious to anyone at this point. I can't speculate on GA, but it's obvious to me that CA never challenged ICA on these lies, though surely they must have been obvious to her. I get the clear impression that ICA came to think she was untouchable because CA made her feel untouchable. ICA either believes her mother is stupid, or she thinks she has her mother wrapped so tight around her finger that she will believe anything. And obviously, that was the case. Now, for the first time in her life, ICA is having to face the consequences for something she has done, and even now she appears to think she's untouchable. And, true to what I believe is the norm in this family dynamic, CA swoops in to try to minimize those consequences yet again.

And what about GA? Accused of molesting his own daughter? Accused of covering up the death of his grand daughter and throwing her body in a trash heap? What about him and his feelings in all this? Doesn't seem to matter to either CA or ICA. And I think this too has been the norm for a very long time with this family. GA doesn't matter. What he thought about the raising of his daughter didn't matter. What he thought about ANYTHING doesn't matter.

VERY odd family dynamic.
Welcome Rose222!! Good Morning all!
I get the feeling we;re coming close to the close of the DT's case. Roy Kronk and the kitchen sink perhaps.

Eagerly awaiting rebuttal! Bet it will be a doozy!

It will! And so will closing arguments!

Justice for Caylee! :heartbeat:
You know, your post brings up something else I was thinking about last night (bear with me, here, I'm gathering alot of thoughts this morning):

I don't know alot about the Anthony's, so I speculate about the family dynamics without many facts to go on. But from testimony alone, I get a picture of a very disturbed young woman. To say she makes up, and has BEEN making up, very elaborate lies for a very long time...well, that's obvious to anyone at this point. I can't speculate on GA, but it's obvious to me that CA never challenged ICA on these lies, though surely they must have been obvious to her. I get the clear impression that ICA came to think she was untouchable because CA made her feel untouchable. ICA either believes her mother is stupid, or she thinks she has her mother wrapped so tight around her finger that she will believe anything. And obviously, that was the case. Now, for the first time in her life, ICA is having to face the consequences for something she has done, and even now she appears to think she's untouchable. And, true to what I believe is the norm in this family dynamic, CA swoops in to try to minimize those consequences yet again.

And what about GA? Accused of molesting his own daughter? Accused of covering up the death of his grand daughter and throwing her body in a trash heap? What about him and his feelings in all this? Doesn't seem to matter to either CA or ICA. And I think this too has been the norm for a very long time with this family. GA doesn't matter. What he thought about the raising of his daughter didn't matter. What he thought about ANYTHING doesn't matter.

VERY odd family dynamic.

I'm starting to think they're all nuts.
Is anyone else feeling utterly drained during the defense CIC?

With the State's CIC I felt energised and couldn't wait for court to begin. With the defense I am dreading it with knots in my stomach. Their presentation is so disjointed that I feel like a dog chasing its tail the past week. Even when a point gets made it then gets buried under 236 non-sensical, irrelevant questions, objections, and sidebars. It's exhausting!
Good morning WS Family...one day closer to Justice for Caylee!

I wonder what today has in store..will KH be called? RK? Will the defense rest their case with a bang?

I'm becoming disillusioned with all this bullhockey going on...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I will not be at my desk today. I am glad. It wouldn't be appreciated if I started to yell at my computer. I don't think my co-workers would think I was stable. Having said that I look forward to all your posts that I will read this evening. I have to remind myself we are not the ones in control and have faith that justice will be served whether it be on earth or by a higher power I call God.
Good morning.

Several people asked me what my thoughts were regarding CA's testimony yesterday. I didn't have a response then because, honestly, I was floored and didn't know what to think. I've given it ALOT of thought during the night, and here are a few things that I find puzzling with respect to her testimony:

1). It doesn't make sense to me that someone trying to find information on dogs becoming sick from eating bamboo would type "chlorophyl" into their search engine. Wouldn't you type in "bamboo poisonous to dogs" or "poisonous plants to dogs" or something of that nature? And I think if CA had done a search for those things, JB would have certainly capitalized on that. Yet, he didn't...so that tells me CA didn't search for anything specifically related to dog poisoning. If she DID do these searches, my guess is that it had nothing what so ever to do with her dogs.

2). CA work records show her as being at work that day. Could she have skipped out while still punched in? I think she could have. Did she? I don't know.

3). CA claims that she did the searches for acetone, alcohol, and peroxide, because she wanted to know what things might be dangerous to Caylee. CA is a nurse...she already KNEW perfectly well that those chemicals are poisonous to children. Even I know that, and I have zero medical training.

4). CA has already told us, through testimony, that she didn't have myspace or facebook at the time those searches were done. In fact, she's told us that when she did finally get myspace, she didn't even know that it was a public space. She didn't realize everyone could see it. So how does CA search the Myspace account she doesn't have, 7seconds later search chloroform, and seconds later check her FB (which she also doesn't have)?

5). The web history on "how to make chloroform" was deleted. Why would CA go to the bother of deleting ONLY this innocent websearch, done because she feared her dogs were eating poisonous plants? I don't believe she would. Yet SOMEONE did.

I have to conclude that CA is lying about something here. Either she searched chloroform and it's ingredients because she was afraid ICA was using chloroform on Caylee (still a lie, since she tells us she was doing dog poisoning research), or she never did these searches at all. Now, CA tells us that she didn't hand type "how to make chloroform" into the search engine, nor did she visit that site 84 times. But SOMEONE did. Kind of a stretch to think both CA and someone else in the home were both doing innocent searches on the subject of chloroform, isn't it?

So,my conclusion is that CA is lying. I don't know the extent to which she's lying, but I do think she's lying about something here. That leaves me with no choice but to disregard her testimony on the searches altogether. A mother trying to save her daughter from being put to death might well say anything to spare her daughter's life. I don't think I can consider CA's testimony about these searches reliable.


MountainKat, great post and I so hope those jurors are thinking like you are. I so hope they can see that CA is a mother trying hard to save her daughters life but what better way to sabatoge it than to lie...There's nothing like the truth to help free your soul. She will continue to live her lonesome life living in great denial. It appears she can't help herself and the more detail she added, the more I saw ICA...this is how ICA became who she is..these folk have such low integrity and great character flaws..I hope they truly sleep well at night...I still think this trial became the scenario for a book/movie deal. What better way to sensationalize when this trial became a trial of GA with all those salicous details..JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Since CA and GA seem to be in harmony again, I wish the DT would just go ahead and put George on now = show us what you've got. We might get mad and if so, let's get it over with so we can again start thinking logically. Do we also know for sure if Lee will take the stand? If one person has been honest and tells JB they can only say incriminating things about ICA, they will not call them. Is there one in that family?

CA and GA know that they have to take the responsibility for the way ICA got by with so much and what caused her to cause the loss of life of Caylee. They can't change what has happened but want to save her life. They will probably stay together and continue to put money in ICA's account, and she will eventually allow them the priviledge of visiting her since JB and the rest of the team don't want to have anything to do with her.
The SA will bring it back to focus during their rebuttal...they will bring the focus back to the fact that there is only 1 VICTIM .... Caylee! They will point out that everyone agrees this is a dysfunctional family (DT & SA), they lie, they scheme, they have forgotten about a little girl, in the woods, alone.... there is only ONE reason that she was left in those woods, because someone had something to hide...KC was the only person in that family to have her at that time...no matter who searched what on the internet, no matter if there was a stain in the car or not that could PROVE 100% that it was decomposition, no matter what her tattoo means...there was a little girl...she didn't even get a decent burial! That alone, in my opinion, is all that matters, and the DP is too kind and compassionate for someone that would put her baby, in the woods, alone! JMHO
Good morning MK,

I was thinking about the extra details, too. Even when LDB pushed for just yes or no, CA still goes into too much detail. LDB asks if her hours are x to x, CA goes into all the detail about being hired, been there 2 weeks, hours changed, always working early and late. Then the whole deal about not reporting overtime. Just answer the question already.

In regards to the Chlorophyll, if she did in fact look that up, she is just like Casey. The rest of us would have looked up dogs eating leaves, etc.. CA is too smart, so she goes right for the chlorophyll. (yet doesn't know that acetone is dangerous???) They like to think they are smarter than everyone else in one sentence, and then in left field the next. In some of ICA's interviews, I thought her wording seemed out of place at times. Wonder where she gets it?



And that's another thing that bothers me. ALL plants contain chlorophyll, and yet any idiot knows that not all plants are poisonous. So why, if you are looking for some poisonous chemical in bamboo would you look up chlorophyll? You wouldn't.

(Great post, btw!)
You said the pros should let it lie. I think they should impeach her and charge her with perjury. They are not above the law and should be treated like everyone else who lies on the stand. Maybe that's one of the big reasons the Anthonys are what they are. They may have gotten away with it in the past but enough is enough.

Good Morning all and breakfast looks wonderful as usual!

The above statement I so agree with and last night when I was watching HLN or Nancy I can't remember which one but it was said that nothing will be done to Cindy for getting up and not telling the truth on the stand. Why not? I don't get it, she pledged to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Why do we even bother with that if people get up and lie when it does not matter because they can???????

I really do not know how much better I feel today except the fact that everyone KNOWS she not telling the truth as I am sure the jury also but it is just the fact that she is also throwing Caylee under the bus I feel.
Ok deep breaths, I am already all worked up.As I stated yesterday she really blew me right out of the water!
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