JB has always got to have the last word!!!
:lol: LDB - Are you sure you were at work on June 16th 2008?
CA - I would have to review my timecard to be sure.
The State's CIC is dissolving and they are trying to hold it together... no problem with that, but JP is helping them, and I have a big problem with that!!
Maybe that's why it squicks me out too. I grew up in PA. I think just associate the words panties with like sexy women's underwear. I didn't think Cindy was being inappropriate, I just can't stand to hear the word. It sounds like it should be coming out of a mouth breathing adult man lurking in a lingerie store.
BS said that George and Cindy have been in the defense's pocket from the beginning. I agree!!
If I weren't married, LBD would be the perfect woman for me. I love her!!!!
just kidding. But I am really impressed with her.
Dislike of the word isn't just regional. If you look it up on the net, you'll see all kinds of articles, essays, discussions about the sexualization of the word.
Done? I had hoped for more from the cross.
I may be losing my mind, but did CA just refute her testimony of yesterday as to her whereabouts on June 16 and being at work? Yesterday, it was I could have been home doing those computer searches? Today, she was @ work?
Talking about material of Caylee's clothes. Cotton, denim, and knit (stretchy material)
Baez: you have kept lots of clothing that Caylee has outgrown.
CA: yes.
I was brought up with the word. Which, by the way, I despise, lol. I suspect it may also be generational - my mom is 85.
Oddly enough, my other half tells my strapping 14 year old son to put on his panties:floorlaugh: They've always been panties to him.
In the words of Richard Hornsby: panties panties panties panties...