2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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If this was about a complaint against JA :

a. He would be livid,not calm and composed as he appears.
b. he would not be excluded from any portion of the discussion .
c. JB would not be upset or trying to stop CM from saying whatever it was at sidebar.
d.ICA would not appear angry or weepy ,she would be thrilled.
Vinnie Politan just tweeted this
NO PLEA DEAL... My pal Jean Casarez spoke with Cheney Mason to confirm! RT to end the speculation! #CaseyAnthony #HLN

Cheney Mason is talking about a sealed proceeding. ok
Why would court come to a halt if CM said he was quitting, for whatever reason? Aren't there still enough lawyers on the team?

And if he was quitting, wouldn't there have to be a session with CM and the state and the judge, probably today, to make it official, or not?

The judge seemed to act as though whatever this is would be cleared up and court would resume Monday. That is what is so confusing. I can't see him cancelling a whole day for CM to quit but maybe that is routine?

Losing a lawyer off the defense team at this stage of the game would be a significant event. Especially with an inexperienced lead attorney. Perhaps the recess would be to give the other attorneys a chance to get up to speed on CM's responsibilities.

Of course it could be that he had something brought to his attention that has nothing to do with him at all.
Is there a link to that court record, I'm trying to understand why just because he works for the government, he supposedly can't testify for a defendant? Defense attorneys call FBI agents, Police Officers, Sheriff Deputies, etc as witnesses, yet they work for State and Federal Governments as well.
It is because he works for the military. They have their own set of laws. They have far more important things for him to do then running around testifying for accused murderers. One of their laws is he has to get permission and he did not do it.
I truly doubt his superior officer went into a lengthy explanation. The main point mentioned in court was he did not ask permission. I would imagine the Dept of Defense is like the Army, one must get permission to be on leave for personal reasons.my opinion only.

Exactly :)

My son is military. The DoD is Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, etc. And I can tell you that the DoD OWNS them! LOL
Vinnie Politan just tweeted this
NO PLEA DEAL... My pal Jean Casarez spoke with Cheney Mason to confirm! RT to end the speculation! #CaseyAnthony #HLN


Didn't I read in on this thread this morning that HHJP sealed the ex parte and gagged all attorneys from discussing today's events????
Well he tells the Judge that right here..Unless he's lying to the court which I highly doubt..JB is the one that does that :)

@ around 13:00

It was yesterday..Actually Jose is the first one to say that Jeff Ashton RECEIVED a phone call..No way after listening to this again do I believe there's anyway that JA did the contacting..He was pizzed..with good reason imo..

bump with right link..sorry about that, truly the days are running together..
Wouldn't it be funny if today's entire hubbub of speculating the "legal matter" is just that KC is throwing a fit again? She certainly walked in this a.m having one, had another one, and another, although on tiny scale as it was kept back and forth.

ETA: Although I know there are legal issues to attend to, not making fun of the Court's process.
And if that turned out to be a false statement, then JA would be in HUGE trouble, and would be a good explanation of today's events.

CM was sitting reading his laptop when out of nowhere, he called for a sidebar on a separate issue. Did he get an email? Did he find a piece of case law the SA or JP violated? Whatever it is, the objection looked to me as if it was prompted by something CM saw on his laptop, and it was quite abrupt and significant... enough to recess for the entire weekend.

Looks to me like this is an issue with the SA, not the DT. JMOO

Why would court come to a halt if CM said he was quitting, for whatever reason? Aren't there still enough lawyers on the team?

And if he was quitting, wouldn't there have to be a session with CM and the state and the judge, probably today, to make it official, or not?

The judge seemed to act as though whatever this is would be cleared up and court would resume Monday. That is what is so confusing. I can't see him cancelling a whole day for CM to quit but maybe that is routine?

CM is the Death Penalty qualified attorney. Regardless of whatever JB calls into HLN with, he is nowhere near that. Neither JB nor DS meet the minimum recommended standards of experience for arguing a capital case. So CM wishing to leave would be a good deal.

If there is some degree of discension or disarray within the ranks of the defense HHJP would in all likelihood give them until Monday for them to work out a plan of action among to resolve this internally within the DT. For CM to reconsider. For a restructuring or roles, etc.

Once again, the DT was engagaed in ex parte communication with the Judge in chambers when this all went down. That pretty much rules out anything to do with JA or the SA's. If the defense were to even attempt a private conversation with the judge on such a subject the repercussions would be dire. The fact that the judge went into the room with them says it is purely an internal defense team matter.
Is there a link to that court record, I'm trying to understand why just because he works for the government, he supposedly can't testify for a defendant? Defense attorneys call FBI agents, Police Officers, Sheriff Deputies, etc as witnesses, yet they work for State and Federal Governments as well.

This was from my transcription of yesterday afternoon's argument:

Jeff Ashton said:

Let me clarify the implication of what Counsel just said so it’s clear. I received a phone call from Dr. Rodriguez’ employer at the Department of Corrections –Department of Defense, a Captain Malick (sp). I did not solicit his contact. He informed me that they had learned of Dr. Rodriguez’s participation by seeing it on television; that it was in violation of Department of Defense regulations, that he did not seek their permission and that he was ordered to return home. And if he testified, he would be fired. I informed the Court and counsel of that in an off the record discussion outside as a courtesy so that the witness would not end up losing his job over this. Any implication in Counsel’s comment that I contacted them is absolutely 100% false.

Hope this helps
Why would court come to a halt if CM said he was quitting, for whatever reason? Aren't there still enough lawyers on the team?

And if he was quitting, wouldn't there have to be a session with CM and the state and the judge, probably today, to make it official, or not?

The judge seemed to act as though whatever this is would be cleared up and court would resume Monday. That is what is so confusing. I can't see him cancelling a whole day for CM to quit but maybe that is routine?
I like KentJBkent's suggestion,but it does seem like HH would have had CM finish today ,since they had so many witnesses lined up.
I think this is involves JB,somehow. He wanted CM to STOP.
Cheney Mason is talking about a sealed proceeding. ok

Um, no he is not talking about what is sealed. He just said it is not a plea. We already know that through deductive reasoning. So, he is saying nothing. Asked a direct question, gives a direct answer.
And if that turned out to be a false statement, then JA would be in HUGE trouble, and would be a good explanation of today's events.

CM was sitting reading his laptop when out of nowhere, he called for a sidebar on a separate issue. Did he get an email? Did he find a piece of case law the SA or JP violated? Whatever it is, the objection looked to me as if it was prompted by something CM saw on his laptop, and it was quite abrupt and significant... enough to recess for the entire weekend.

Looks to me like this is an issue with the SA, not the DT. JMOO

That wasn't his laptop....that was the screen scrolling the real time transcription. There is one at each table....SA and DT.
I like KentJBkent's suggestion,but it does seem like HH would have had CM finish today ,since they had so many witnesses lined up.
I think this is involves JB,somehow. He wanted CM to STOP.

I got that impression too.
This must have mentioned before, if so forgive me. Remember Cindy testifying that 6 wks ago she stopped believing there was a Zanny? Also remember Lee at the memorial saying he would keep his promise to "CMA? I believe the SA offered them a way to "stick to" prior testimony so that they could fulfill that promise and not suffer perjury charges, if they answered truthfully to subsequent events (rebuttal). I don't believe any of them knew about the sexual abuse charges in OS. They have now (in a way) verified all they have promised and have now fulfilled their promise(s) are ready to tell the turth in rebuttal (since they allowed the SA to open a lot of doors (ie credit card, etc). I also believe that Lee is devastated to know that the sister he know is ready to throw the entire family under the bus to save her *advertiser censored**.

In addition, I have seen footage of Ciney's ntestimony yesterday where Ashton is behind Baez (at the table with the AV guy) encouraging and supporting Cindy (though it was only shown ONCE locally).

Just bumping in order to ask anyone if this is feasible
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