2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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Legal matter?

I wonder if the IRS showed up today looking for pay on the blood money? LOL
At sidebar today after it was over, JB walked away, CM, JA, GC and LDB were left standing. All began to walk away and LDB was standing with her arms folded. CM motioned to her to go ahead. I thought he was very much a gentleman for that. A bit later on while the whole DT was going behind closed doors, CM stood aside (again gentlemanly) and let them go in front of him only to have the door closed in his face. I felt very badly for him.

I saw that too and it struck me at the time that for whatever reason they wouldn't treat someone they were concerned about like that.
Oh yeah, thanks. And SIms too. iirc? (maybe not). If true that Mason is leaving, I do think HJJP is going to be very careful how he handles it so as to not cause an issue, in any case. Or maybe it already is an issue.

Still though, leaving one week before closing arguments? Seems .. err.. odd.

No Sims is a medical / science atty in civil suits. She replaced LKB,who WAS DP qualified,but Sims is not. JMO.
Supposedly coming up at the 'bottom of the hour' (not sure but guessing it means around the half hour mark) on Fox News is Geraldo (I know, I know) and his theory on the fight between the judge and the lead defense attorney. Hope someone will document it as I just don't know if I can stomach Geraldo today.
Vinnie Politan just tweeted this
NO PLEA DEAL... My pal Jean Casarez spoke with Cheney Mason to confirm! RT to end the speculation! #CaseyAnthony #HLN
I'm definitely no expert, but I thought LDB's cross questions seemed like they were purposely asked for rebuttal. She repeatedly asked her if her testimony was that she was not at work those specific days. She asked her if her testimony was that she called George on his cell phone or at work on June 16 to inquire about the pool ladder. She kept repeating over and over "Is it your testimony that..." It seemed like she wanted certain things clear on record so that when she came back in rebuttal she would show how much Cindy lied (i.e. being home when work records showed otherwise, or saying she called George about pool ladder). IMO, those are the most important points they need to refute. If they prove Cindy WAS at work when she claimed to be home, and DIDN'T call George when she says she did, then the SA will have shot down any doubt CA's testimony provided.

That is all true but she needs to connect these lies to trying to save her daughters life and not make it seem like Cindy is just a liar like Casey. She needs to do this because Cindy gave excellent testimony for the state when she used that new improved Cindy miracle memory drug and recounted every lie Casey told her every single one of those 31 days.

Now that testimony also helped the DT by showing what a screwed up liar Casey is but it helped the state a lot more because their case makes so much more sense. So they don't want to destroy Cindy they just need to get in there the possibility she was lying to save Casey from the DP.
I believe I read today that it is in the court record that DOD INITIATED the call to Ashton after seeing Rodriguez on TV....even though Baez TRIED to insinuate that Ashton called the DOD....

But Baez discredited again.....

Yes, I transcribed that portion this afternoon - and Ashton said he reaceived a call from a Captain who was Dr. R's boss and he said that he became aware of this after seeing it on TV. Baez did insinuate that Ashton made the call and Ashton was indignant - he said it was 100% false.
When was there perjury?? I'm trying to figure this out too, as no one actually knows the issue at hand, and everything about today's event is speculatory. moo

IMO... this could be somethings as benign as "Hey JP! We're working 7 days a week and in court 6 days a week, we're ahead of schedule, and it's causing us to not be able to properly represent our client because of fatigue, the court schedule and no free time to adequately respond to opposing testimony/experts." My speculation only. If that was conveyed to JP by the DT... could he just tell "Suck it up and get to work... I'm here too!" but if he did do that, I think it would be an open invitation for a mistrial or an overturn on appeal. Again MOO

No. He has a sequestered jury virtually imprisoned over an hour from home. the judge will not simply take a day off because members of one team or the other are stressed or exhausted. At this point the bulk of the burden, the inconvenience and the sacrifice in this proceeding is being borne by those citizens sequestered on the jury. The lawyers can go home to their families at night.

Whatever this is it is something that pretty much literally forces the judge to have these poor people sitting idle. There is no rule of law or threat of appeal that prevents the lawyers from being worked until they drop. Quite the opposite in fact.
Sorry if this has been posted before, but I'm just watching NG special with the recapping of the trial to date and Dr. Bock is testifying.

Isn't it interesting that she only found camphor leaves under the Pontiac Sunfire -- quite a pungent smelling leaf that would help to mask odour surely!!!!

Is there a link to that court record, I'm trying to understand why just because he works for the government, he supposedly can't testify for a defendant? Defense attorneys call FBI agents, Police Officers, Sheriff Deputies, etc as witnesses, yet they work for State and Federal Governments as well.


discussion starts @ 10:00
Vinnie Politan just tweeted this
NO PLEA DEAL... My pal Jean Casarez spoke with Cheney Mason to confirm! RT to end the speculation! #CaseyAnthony #HLN

That does not rule out a plea though. Casey might have told them she wanted to plead guilty.
One of the many daily videos of court...

A source is something factual and tangible we can all see... JA walking over and handing JB a piece of paper on video could have been anything, not necessarily any proof of the call, and the matter was left unresolved until JP could review it. moo
Is there a link to that court record, I'm trying to understand why just because he works for the government, he supposedly can't testify for a defendant? Defense attorneys call FBI agents, Police Officers, Sheriff Deputies, etc as witnesses, yet they work for State and Federal Governments as well.

I truly doubt his superior officer went into a lengthy explanation. The main point mentioned in court was he did not ask permission. I would imagine the Dept of Defense is like the Army, one must get permission to be on leave for personal reasons.my opinion only.
Not to disagree, but Mark Nejame is also JUST speculating...he has NO inside information...he is strictly going by the words spoken by HHJP "...legal matter"...

Now that he is an HLN employee, and now that HLN had to scramble to fill a whole day of commentary thanks to HHJP recessing court, Nejame is doing LOTS and LOTS of speculating today......gotta say SOMETHING...

Even Beth K and Jean C said they spoke to their "inside defense sources" who in the past have spoken off the record when something was about to break...(why we get the "teasers")....

Today, both women said ALL their sources completely refused to comment at all....

I think it has to be huge, and not a plea deal. :)
And if that turned out to be a false statement, then JA would be in HUGE trouble, and would be a good explanation of today's events.

CM was sitting reading his laptop when out of nowhere, he called for a sidebar on a separate issue. Did he get an email? Did he find a piece of case law the SA or JP violated? Whatever it is, the objection looked to me as if it was prompted by something CM saw on his laptop, and it was quite abrupt and significant... enough to recess for the entire weekend.

Looks to me like this is an issue with the SA, not the DT. JMOO

Maybe CM got an email alert that the airfare to his favorite destination has dropped in price! Bon Voyage!! :seeya:
I read something on the trial thread about LA being impeached yesterday. I missed his testimony, can someone please tell me what happened?

Whole bunch of nothing. He merely cried because he was not let in on the family finally acknowledging KC was indeed pregnant. (He already noticed, mentioned to the Queen, she shot him him down.) He cried b.c he did not go to the hospital when Caylee was born due to family conflict, he regretted. He cried b.c the stress of all of this is too much. He, at first, said he knew nothing of the family finally accepting KC was prego, but on cross he admitted he knew the family was creating a nursery in the house that he still lived in.

In other words, his testimony with JB said he did not know anything about the family accepting KC being prego, JA got him to admit he did. Therefore, his testimony was impeached.

Many years of pent up tears came out and made it seem scripted like a Soap Opera.
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