2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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And Saturdays still remain the most bizarre days so far in this trial
Maybe it has to do with the motion the Defense file regarding Rodriguez and the DOD. I don't know why that would stop court tho. They probably all wanted today off. I mean, what are they all doing now? Why couldn't they bring other witnesses in?? All the talking heads are gone now. Don't know if HLN is trying to find out or whether they are just going to rehash yesterday.
My vote is JB is in contempt and spending the weekend in jail.

I wish! This is so frickin ridiculous. I wish Judge Perry would put a stop to the madness. It's obvious the defense is playing dirty and they will do anything to get a do over. They could've taken up the witness issue after court today and continued with other witnesses but nope.....they probably had no other witnesses and that was the reason for recess. I would bet my house on it.
I'm wondering if Mason has just had enough of being associated with Baez. He asked HHJP for a sidebar and said it has nothing to do with the witness being discussed. When they all went to sidebar and then the later close up pic of Baez and Mason looked a bit contentious.

Then we have HHJP, DT, Casey and court reporter going to chambers without the prosecution team. Back and forth a couple of times with Casey coming in and out. Baez did not look happy at all when he finally came back in. Simms looked worried.

My gut feeling is whatever has happened has nothing to do with witnesses, testimony, motions, etc otherwise the prosecution team would not have been excluded from the chambers meeting at all. They went back there for a brief period of time it looked like but they were not back there the entire time the DT was back there.

I'm wondering if Mason has put his foot down <finally> and said enough with the shenanigans of Baez and him having to be associated with it and potentially held accountable to the court for it.

Whatever it is, it is not because of this witness issue this morning. The judge said so and based on tweets, we know there were other witnesses out in the witness holding area.

All just MOO
The DOD ,:floorlaugh:

Why would the DOD care about him going on the stand ? Dont they have the wikki links guy to get ? For that matter shoudnt they
called the sci spot guy and made him pull his how to pages as a matter of public saftey?

Apparently it's pretty serious. Rodriqueze(sic) did not request permission to testify which is in direct violation of DOD's rules. If the defense elects to go after this expert witness things could get pretty nast. The federal legal dept. could step in to represent the DOD in dealing with the DT and more than likely the expert would be forced to retain personal legal counsel.
It seems IS is saying this concerns a possible withholding of information by JA regarding a phone call from the DOD saying if a witness testifies he will be fired.
If this is true it could lead to a mistrial I presume. I sincerly hope the State has not done something improper.

But JA was the one who brought the phone call to the court's attention. :waitasec:
It seems IS is saying this concerns a possible withholding of information by JA regarding a phone call from the DOD saying if a witness testifies he will be fired.
If this is true it could lead to a mistrial I presume. I sincerly hope the State has not done something improper.

Am I remembering wrong what was said in court when JA told the judge that he could have withheld the information about the call, but didn't? He didn't want the man to lose his job, so as a courtesy to him he told opposing counsel about the call?
Let's face it folks, these DT attorneys do NOT want to work on Saturdays. CM has said as such.

I don't blame them. All the Att's have got to be totally exhausted. IMO, HHJP is pushing them too hard.

The discussion behind closed doors has been ordered SEALED. Not over the discovery issue that occurred. Unknown legal issue. #caseyanthony
9 minutes ago via web

Proceeding behind closed doors today is sealed
9 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

I don't think it has anything to do with witnesses or Richardson hearings or supeonas. The SA would have been in chambers for any discussions like that. Since DT was in chambers with ICA and no prosecution, It has to do directly with ICA. What other reason could there be for prosecution not to be in on the discussion?

Quoting and Bumping (also note Kealing on WESH did manage to get Ashton to comment that it "wasn't about me")
Well said - and here you have Lee's "secret" revealed - his anger and resentment at how he has been treated by the family, that the family continues to support despite her obvious guilt, his anger that ICA has done this, and his resentment that his sister has accused him of a lie in front of the world. A lie he will probably never be able to wash off completely.

And posters wonder about Lee's tears? Huh!

I have been thinking that for a while....ICA was always the 'baby'---ALWAYS got the attention, and even NOW, after MURDERING her child in the most heinous way possible----ICA is the center as usual, and Lee is expected to back her up.
If I were Lee I'd feel that nothing I could do would ever be good enough to outshine ICA in his family. I do believe the bias started from Cindy, as well.
Another waiting game :(

The jury has to make a decision regarding guilt or ....well guilt, then we have what - two or three weeks of penalty phase and deliberations - it goes to the judge - and by now it is at least the end of July or early Augst, and then goes to the Judge who sets a sentencing date - so yes, easy to believe mid or late August....
Anyone see this?

MarkNeJame Mark NeJame
The discussion behind closed doors has been ordered SEALED. Not over the discovery issue that occurred. Unknown legal issue. #caseyanthony
4 minutes ago
Kathi Belich, WFTV
KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Proceeding behind closed doors today is sealed

This has got to do with the Anthonys. ICA would not have been pulled back with HHJP present for a deposition issue. There has been only one other time ICA was in chambers with both teams and HHJP. To have this sealed is another indication. The only sealed item ever has been ICAs reaction to Caylee being found.
Well, if the issue is sealed we may never know, or we may have a clue Monday, or maybe someone will get a leak for a glimpse. This is just odd.
Good Morning Everyone,

You know, this whole thing is so very sad. Obviously, the family will do anything to protect this waste of human skin. But really, do George and Cindy care nothing for thier son? If they want to throw away their lives and reputations, so be it. But Lee is thier only real chance to have a future with a shred of happiness to it. But have they ever even given that a thought?

Have they ever even considered:

......That Lee has decades of employment in front of him. How will he be received at interviews? Would you hire him? Would you really?

.......Lee will marry one day and perhaps have children. Have George and Cindy ever even thought about what would happen if that marriage failed? Think of the child custody hearing...."My husband was accused of molesting his own sister and he never denied it"

......I am amazed that Lee would allow himself to be used like this. Has he played second fiddle, been so submissive to his mother....that in the end, he does what he always has...and catered to Casey's needs?

It's one thing to try to get your kid off (although that is as wrong as wrong can be), but it's quite another to potentially ruin the future of your remaining child in the process.

It's just so sick.


I could not agree more.
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