2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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Beth Keras talks about death penalty requirements in Florida....she says JB being second chair in other dp case makes him ‘paper qualified'

And Jean C cuts her off and says "that's interesting, but let me ask you about this....' and changes the subject. She just NOW came back from commercial and let Beth finish.

I really wish someone would tell these people they don't need to yell over each other and cut each other off so much. It makes it hard to listen to them at all.
Hahaha - just thought of something completely off the wall and cracked up - maybe ICA has withdrawn the sex abuse allegations......Bwwwaaahhhhaaaa! How annoyed would HHJP be - he told Baez that he made the allegations - he has to furnish the goods....
I think the picture of that little girl by the door is of the little girl that Cindy was babysitting--I do not for one minute believe that it was Caylee.

someone PLEASE correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't there pictures of caylee in that outfit? dress and matching bandanna? someone with more resources please find this picture because i am 99% sure i remember seeing it.
As there is lots of speculation.....any time the Judge addresses the jury without counsel present....it goes on the record.
As far as that picture of Caylee at the door goes. IMO it's easy enough to prove or disprove. It was stated that IIRC Caylee was 38 inches tall. Take actual measurements of the door handle is. Compare actual measurements of the door and where Caylee would have stood in comparison. If the measurements do not add up, then it's a fake. If they do well, then's it's real.
I think this is our problem. JB is not death qualified and CM is pointing that out. Too little too late, IMO.

We're heading for a mistrial. The question now is can she be retried again if it's a mistrial? IMO.
I do not think so. They are just rambling. Mason is ultra experienced, has all down to a science, he would not point this out in the 11 th hour. I think it is likely that, as they say, some bombshell bit of info rendered Judge Perry unable to allow the witnesses in until he has ruled on the matter.....
Neither Baez or Ashton wanted to ask Lee anything about what he reported to Baez. I can understand Ashton not wanting to ask because he had no idea what it was. If I was Mason I would want to find out what Lee heard that was so important that he had to go to Baez about it.

I think Mason found out it was something to do with false testimony or evidence.

Me too Dr. F.... I wonder if Lee was ridden with guilt yesterday and spilled the beans of the promise he made to ICA,
Trying to keep score with Nejame's opinions, Nejame's original possibilities:

witness tampering allegation, could be threats, issue w a juror, plea, Casey dissatisfaction w her atty

Nejame has ruled out issue with a juror and plea so far.
(This tweet furthers my suspicion about ICA speaking in her holding cell with CM)


#caseyanthony started a bit emotional this am. Remember tho that #josebaez was prepared to proceed w witness b4 #cheneymason approached.
2 minutes ago via web
But is was CM who asked for the sidebar that started this mess today.
it was also tweeted that people could hear CM yelling behind closed doors.

If CM found out that pic was false - it is his reponsiblity and duty to report it - regardless of what side it came from.

IDK - that pic yesterday has been niggling at me all night and I'm glad someone fround that other one to compare. Opinions around my house all say that the girl at the glass sliding door was NOT Caylee (too big)
BUT a judge does not have to grant a "motion to withdraw as counsel"....they can make them stick it out to the end. So I don't think it is CM wanting to withdraw.

I think more along the lines of a strategic "motion to have counsel removed" filed by little miss anthony.

I think it may be a little more complicated.

CM is the only required DP qualified attorney. So at this stage it is next to impossible for him to leave. He also has, prior to this case, as fairly sterling reputation in the local legal community. So he has a good history of ethical behavior and such.

Now he seems to have found himself where his experience and credentials are being used by someone far less competent in order to bring ethical violations and contempt down on him, his client and those around him. So what are his options? Does he have an out or a way to either prevent any such ethical issues and avoid contempt or a way out for him personally that dissociates him from the inexperienced and unethical individual? That could be a rather complex matter of law, could it not?

I measured from the floor to the bottom of the handle on my sliding glass door and it measures 36".


The little girl in this image would be 34"-35" tall. How tall was Caylee?

I thought I read here somewhere here that she was 20"
Just wanted to add my personal, amateur, FWIW opinion.

I just watched the footage of the attorneys leaving the courthouse. Typically, JB is sporting shades, smirking, yucking it up with fans, and chatting with co-counsel.

The body language I just watched is a total departure from his "norm".....and might I add....a bit of a "tell".

JB was the only member of the DT that was NOT wearing sunglasses. It's as if he was trying to PROVE he had nothing to hide by letting people "SEE" his eyes. since he never does that.....to me that says.....I just got spanked but I don't want anyone else to think so.

Additionally, he was in the middle of the "pack" and the others were at a good 3 -4 foot distance from him.Just an observation.

I was just about to post the same thing. No one walking close to JB.
I beat he really throws fits and right now no one wants to be near those fits. LOL
But we have other reports of people NOT seeing CM. Interesting.

I know alot of you dislike CM, but I actually don't. So I genuinely hope CM isn't being thrown on the sacrificial altar by ICA and her other "attorney".

Nope, CM was there. I'm watching it again right now.
OMG- did everyone catch on HLN that JB actually just contacted Beth K. to tell her his qualifications??? They are watching HLN and JB just had to call and let them know??? CRAZY!!!

Out of the multiple choices given above, the only possible one in that selection is the one I bolded - IMO.

The reason I say that is all the others would have the SA being involved. There would not have been any meetings that excluded the SA if it had to do with witness tampering, threats, jury issues or a plea. Let's not forget there was considerable time when no one from the SAO was in those closed meetings this morning.


This makes sense. After Lee's testimony yesterday, ICA may now see that the rest of the family is so torn apart. If GA was seen crying in the courtroom as well as ICA, it may very well be there may be a plea at this point. Otherwise, why not carry on with the proceedings? It has to have something to do with ICA.
an aside.....

I read an article yesterday that the movie Spy Kids 4 will be using 4D technology. While it won't be as sophisticated as 4D theaters with moving seats, aromas, and touch (water, wind)......the production will be handing out "scratch and sniff" cards to movie watchers for use during key parts of the film.

I can't help but wonder how long it will be before trials follow suit.

Just something to ponder as a distraction from the insanity.
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