2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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LKB also just said that when Yuri was on the stand yesterday was that he said they had Roy's phone records, and, she said she does not remember ever seeing those.

It would be exculportory evidence that is needed by the defense.

JA told Baez you got what we got...and RK was NOT a suspect...and if the DT wanted RK's phone records, he could have subpeoned them...Why does everyone else have to do Baez' job??? JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Were the other three Anthony's in the court room today?
My first thought while reading and listening to all the speculation was if this maybe had something to do with the whole LA contacting Baez about something then being all boo hoo :tears: on the stand and after her testified yesterday. Something very strange going on with that young man.

Seperate question regarding the phone records. Baez said yesterday he didn't receive phone records for anyone, yet didn't he supposedly track down the ex con guy that GA supposedly called the day before CA called the cops by using the phone records he has for GA?
:eek: Really? I muted her as soon as I saw her...

She is just amazing - says this whole thing is HHJP's fault - he's been rushing those poor attorneys ...blah blah - maybe this is about those cell phone records of Kronks, exculpatory evidence left out blah blah blah - surprisingly enough the only one talking with a kernel of truth is JVM and that shocks me!

Beth is her usual self - standing over there in the next meadow...:innocent:
LKB also just said that when Yuri was on the stand yesterday was that he said they had Roy's phone records, and, she said she does not remember ever seeing those.

It would be exculportory evidence that is needed by the defense.

LKB is spinning - she's got nothing and she's just rehashing old junk - kronk's phone records were out long ago, we have them here somewhere.
As far as that picture of Caylee at the door goes. IMO it's easy enough to prove or disprove. It was stated that IIRC Caylee was 38 inches tall. Take actual measurements of the door handle is. Compare actual measurements of the door and where Caylee would have stood in comparison. If the measurements do not add up, then it's a fake. If they do well, then's it's real.

I just measured my standard sliding door from the floor to bottom of where the handle (black part) starts and it is 40". I think there may be an issue of this childs size. BTW I am in FL. Have 4 sliders out the back. 3 standard and 1 pocket slider. All measure 40" to bottom of handle and my house is almost 20 years old.
Yes, but JB lead him into that whole date/time issue. JB said it first. The date of the 911 calls was the 16th. (31st day missing)

CA knew on the July 16th that it was 31 days since the last time Ga saw Caylee! Yet, she and the whole family went with the original "last saw her on the 9th" routine that the defendant stated, in her original interview, with police. So, unless CA had her dates off, thinking it was July 9th, or Casey confused them all then when CA made those 911 calls she knew that 31 days back was not June 9th but June 16th.

It was definitely July 16th and CA said Caylee had been missing for 31 days! That has always bothered me as to her not saying "missing a month" and instead giving an exact number of days.

Yuri Melich was there the 16th into the 17th.

I believe you are off on your dates. The 911 calls were on the 15th. Yuri arrived at the Anthony home on the early morning of the 16th. Casey was arrested later in the date on the 16th.

http://www.wftv.com/download/2008/0717/16907762.pdf (arrest warrant)
Look at last photo with grandpa, check size of hands, length of arms, color of hair and height. IMO this is not Caylee. Maybe someone can post those two pictures. Thanks!
The dress/scarf thing outfit always seemed to be "home made" to me, and if that's the case, there may be more than one.........
LKB just said it could be about the Kronk cell phone records the defense claims they never got.

I just can't see that being done behind closed doors though. Discovery violations have been handled in open court.
And then, according to Beth Karas, Jose Baez called her to inform her of his experience, to make sure she knows he has tried dp cases before.

So that proves Baez is watching HLN to see what everyone is saying about him.....

What a joke.

He should be worried about this trial and working on that. Not reading here, there, wherever, or watching cable television and trying to get word out that he is qualified and is not yet in jail.

Priorities you know.
OMG- did everyone catch on HLN that JB actually just contacted Beth K. to tell her his qualifications??? They are watching HLN and JB just had to call and let them know??? CRAZY!!!

WOW really reinforces the thought of CM leaving
LKB also just said that when Yuri was on the stand yesterday was that he said they had Roy's phone records, and, she said she does not remember ever seeing those.

It would be exculportory evidence that is needed by the defense.
I think it's far more likely Kronk's phone records were on the disc LDB mentioned that the State gave the defense, and no one on the defense team bothered to look. Just like they didn't bother to look at the hard drive.
BBM: I thought I read somewhere that a piece of paper was given to GA, probably a notice to appear, and he was upset. How does this play into this? If it was something about the DT or ICA, why would notice be given to the A's and more specifically GA??

Maybe DT had discussed with the Anthonys that if CA and LA were effective in their testimonies, JB would not be introducing GA's alleged sexual abuse of ICA. Now, JB is saying their testimonies were not enough, and he will need to call ICA to establish there was sexual abuse by GA.
ICA did cry during OS when JB talks about sexual abuse- IMO, she looked remorseful that she had to "go there" for her defense...hence, the crying in court today???
those tiles look just like mine and mine are 16" sq. So it would be approx 2.5 of those tiles stacked.

For me its not so much the height of the handle - its the SHOES!

Those sneakers in the glass door pic are bigger and more bulky (which they get as a child moves up in sizes). 2 - 3 yr old's sneakers don't look that big and bulky - IDK - for me its the shoes in the pic more than anything else.
I just posted the same thing. It's the shoes!

For some reason the shoes, or lack thereof, are bothering me greatly. None found at dump site.
would NOT go along with that. I don't particularly like CM personally but I don't see him at all as unethical or sleazy like IMO JB is. There is no way IMO CM would go along with perpetrating a fraud on the court.

Neither Baez or Ashton wanted to ask Lee anything about what he reported to Baez. I can understand Ashton not wanting to ask because he had no idea what it was. If I was Mason I would want to find out what Lee heard that was so important that he had to go to Baez about it.

I think Mason found out it was something to do with false testimony or evidence.
Agree----the shoes do not "fit" the outfit

another odd thing.. something doesnt look right with the girl's hair in this photo.. it looks like it was 'put up' or something.
I am reading on my blackberry so it is hard to catch up on all the messages. My apologies if thius has already been opined. Could LA finally grew a pair and told CM (he doesn't trust JB) that he is blowing the whistle with all that he knows, including JB asking him to lie?

There are so many things to speculate in this situation.
And then, according to Beth Karas, Jose Baez called her to inform her of his experience, to make sure she knows he has tried dp cases before.

So that proves Baez is watching HLN to see what everyone is saying about him.....

What a joke.

that's LKBs hand all over that one.
I am really confused how there can be a closed meeting with the defendant, DT and the judge and the STATE not have a representative there. If it had to do with the trial the STATE should be represented.
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