2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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The dress/scarf thing outfit always seemed to be "home made" to me, and if that's the case, there may be more than one.........

I think you may be correct teh. Yesterday, someone (sorry can't remember who) posted photos of Caylee in basically the same outfit but there was different fabric print and ornamental accents on the two dresses.

I think the depos would continue in the event a plea deal fails.The other lawyers could be hashing this out.JMO

Correct you never put pencils down until the ink has dried on papers.
I measured from the floor to the bottom of the handle on my sliding glass door and it measures 36".


The little girl in this image would be 34"-35" tall. How tall was Caylee?

those tiles look just like mine and mine are 16" sq. So it would be approx 2.5 of those tiles stacked.

For me its not so much the height of the handle - its the SHOES!

Those sneakers in the glass door pic are bigger and more bulky (which they get as a child moves up in sizes). 2 - 3 yr old's sneakers don't look that big and bulky - IDK - for me its the shoes in the pic more than anything else.

I just noticed too how big & bulky the SHOES look!
LKB said "irregardless" :)

Anyway I think it is funny to watch HLN...they are all so breathless...someone will stroke out today...
LKB also just said that when Yuri was on the stand yesterday was that he said they had Roy's phone records, and, she said she does not remember ever seeing those.

It would be exculportory evidence that is needed by the defense.

No! That exculpatory clause only applies to evidence ragarding the defendant or that possibly implicates someone else. Evidence unrelated to the defendant that eliminates others is stuff that the DT has to investigate or subpoena themselves unless the state plans on using it at trial.

So if the state had a chain of RK's phone records that put him on Hopespring Drive June 15 and they could not explain that, then yeah they should be included. But if the records show he was across town except at those points where the corraborating record clearly shows his movements. Than no they would have no reason or business publishing Mr. Kronk's phone records. If the defense wishes to go fishing in them they must convince a judge. Which they attempted to do and were granted a much narrower scope for.

As normal LKB is playing word games to make something appear as other than it actually is.

Oh and as a reminder. LKB is NOT a Florida attorney.
You know what bothers me about that picture? How blurry it is. And none of Caylee's face is in that picture. Every other picture I've seen is crystal clear and you can see part of Caylee's face. But this one is blurry and you can't see her face at all. Even if it was just a back shot of her, I feel like someone blurred it up for a reason. Why keep a picture of Caylee that is that blurry? That just doesn't make sense to me. As perfectionistic as Cindy is, she SO would have gotten rid of a picture like this.

It looks like it was clipped from a video...
Greetings All :) First time posting, but have been lurking for quite a while & following this case from the beginning being that I'm originally from Orlando, but living outside of Baltimore now, so I was intrigued by the "hometown" news, aside from many other aspects of the case that hit close to home, which at some point, I'm sure that I will bring up in future postings...
Anyhow, something about the picture of Caylee (allegedly) reaching up to open the slider door just isn't sitting right with me, so I took a few minutes to sleuth a little bit this morning & try to figure out why it wasn't sitting right? If you look at the evidence pic that the CSI ppl took of Caylee's KNOWN shoes when they went to the house to collect evidence (ie ICA's shoes, clothes, etc) there is not ONE pair of shoes that match the shoes in the new picture, not even close, as all of her shoes appear to be white & for lack of a better term, "girlie". The new pic shows shoes that are more athletic in appearance, like something that an older child would wear? When my girls were Caylee's age (identical twin girls who are 9 years old now), the tennis shoes that were available for their shoe size were fairly similar to the ones pictured in the evidence photos of her KNOWN shoes. Also, I find it odd that in the beginning of the trial, when the CSI experts testified about the photos retrieved from all the cameras & on the hard drives from each computer, they were able to testify to the time/date stamps of those pictures, so why hasn't this been done to the NEW picture that was submitted of her opening the slider?
I have so many thoughts & feelings about this case & the travesty that is occurring regarding this poor little girl's death (murder, IMO), as I said, it hits REALLY close to home, as I lost my son shortly after his 2nd birthday, due to an accident which was caused by someone else's negligence (long story) & I just don't understand HOW this family who supposedly loved this child so much could carry on the way that they have... It's truly sickening & heart wrenching to witness this for me, to say the least :-(
Sorry to rant, I'm glad to be in the company of such wise, intuitive & carrying people who have been brought together to seek justice for this beautiful baby girl....
Hahaha - just thought of something completely off the wall and cracked up - maybe ICA has withdrawn the sex abuse allegations......Bwwwaaahhhhaaaa! How annoyed would HHJP be - he told Baez that he made the allegations - he has to furnish the goods....

Perhaps after yesterday. I thought yesterday that ICA tears were in the sence that OMG my brother is acutally going to help me get out of this.. and they ARE going to try and take the fall. I think she was crying out of that they are going to be loyal to her even if means telling untruths.

I think she may have had to withdrawl the sexual allegations.If that is the true and the entire case is in a mess. If a mistrial happens would that not mean that the defense knows all the evidence that the prosecution has and a new trial they will know exactly where to go with theory and what evidence was the most powerful?

I mean it is at the tax payers expense so what do they have to loose?

I thought it was strange yesterday when Lee said something to the effect of... He went to talk with Baez after hearing what his parents said on the witness stand.

Wasn't he supposed to be sequestered? Perhaps this came up and he broke rules of sequestration..
There house is old. I think the tiles are probably 12 x 12. Could be wrong but they don't look big that big to me. I so agree with you about the shoes. Toddler tennis shoes are not that big and bulky. Those shoes look like something a 1st grader would wear.
Exactly! 2 - 3 yr old sneaks are never that big and bulky cause they are still learning about walking and the bigger and bulky shoes cause them to trip. As they get older and their "balance" becomes firmer - then the shoes start adding stability - thereby becoming bigger and bulkier - KWIM?
FWIW...remember that CM was in KC's holding cell this morning about 8:40AM.

Ten minutes later HHJP was on the bench.

click to enlarge
AM conference.jpg
Hey all - wesh has all of today's proceedings up and it is VERY interesting to watch it again.

Mason calls for the sidebar and Baez goes over and tries to say something to him and shaking his head, Mason kind of pats him and continues to talk to Judge, Baez then pats him on arm and shaking his head again and asks Mason to come over to side - they both pull back a bit while Judge and prosecutors wait for them to come back....that's all I'm up to so far but whatever it is Baez doesn't want Mason saying or doing something.

Anyway, watch and let me know what you think, at approx 21.00 mins in

One other thing that I just thought of if the DT wants to change their theory as to the defense this would explain SA not in the meeting.
Kids like to wear whatever shoes they like to wear...she may have wanted to wear those big sneakers...I think it is Caylee...also the photo is blurry, yes, but it may be the only one they had that showed Caylee near the patio door so they had to use it. I don't think it is a fake, that would be beyond even the insanity of this group...
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