2011.06.28 TRIAL Day Thirty (Afternoon Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Oh God! Here's Baez ACTING out the cigarette/leaning scenario again!!!!

I am LMFAO!!!
2 meter readers agree so we will need at least three to go the other way....long afternoon
And still the defense haven't explained how Kronk allegedly stole Caylee's body from where GA allegedly hid it.

Calling meter witness after meter witness is useless. Just ask Kronk where he got Caylee's body, then offer up the defense exhibit that makes it plausible he stole Caylee's remains, or rest your CiC.

At this rate, the DT are just spinning their wheels.

My opinions...
OH NO....

Roy was smoking a cigarette?....he MUST have moved the body!!

Help Help Help!!! I missed LDB's cross examination of the other meter reader that was with Krunk, did she scores points for the SA office. (My boss came in and I had to throw my headphones down, LOL)
If the body had been moved alot of the states evidence goes down the tubes, I guess thats why the defense is doing this.
I'm at a total loss as to why Baez is making so much fuss over any comments Kronk or anyone else would have made about there being a reward. Isn't that the whole purpose of the reward - to motivate people to help out? So now, it puts a person in the line of being a suspicious person because they make a comment about getting a reward??? I just don't get it.

And LDB - Let's just cut to the chase on cross. Ask Kronk's supervisor, to his knowledge, how long did Kronk keep little Caylee's remains before he planted them in the swamp? Baez keeps skirting around so let's just get it out there so we can move on. IMO
Just got back from the movies with the kids and i'm gonna jump right in....Just ONE question and the rest I'll review later. Did River Cruz take the stand? I left at lunch break. Thanks!!!

Crimeline promises all tips are anonymous and honestly after this fiasco, I'm not so sure about that.
Juror 8 just needed a new notebook. That's two new juror notebooks in
about an hour. 11 requested a new one a little while ago.
by Gabe Travers/WESH.com at 3:10 PM

Roberts says #roykronk was smoking a cig when Roberts arrived at Suburban Dr after Kronk discovered skull. Baez asks what RK said- sidebar
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 3:10 PM

Talking about December 11
by Gabe Travers/WESH.com at 3:08 PM
WTHey... obviously there is a crime syndicate of meter readers we are unaware of and the DT is hoping one will finally cough up their defense. How else does one explain this beating of a dead horse?
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