2011.06.29 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-One)

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This is me. My husband asks me why I am fascinated by such macabre things and I tell him because I just can't understand what would turn a person into such a "thing" that could do these things to another person.

My husband and my mother ask me that all the time to,and I am like you-I try to figure out what makes people tick and do the things they do.
I have always wondered how Cindy and George could reconcile to themselves that they washed, cleaned away their granddaughter's remains in that car. I know that would haunt me till my death.
I have to say the example brought up by Sally Karioth about the mother who worried about her child being alone in a rainstorm.....had me in tears. i have spontaneously burst out in tears several times since then.

I told my husband the story and he even dropped his head with emotion.

It reminds me of my grandmother passing away. She was afraid of fire so she didn't want to be cremated. She had been afraid of drowning so she didn't want to be buried in case there was one day a flood.

<b>My parents had her buried in a Mausoleum so she would be under roof and dry. In a small way, it was a comfort for us to know she had a lovely lake view in a beautiful stone house</B>.

BBM. Unfortunately, my husband's parents and grandmother in a mausoleum in NOLA, so much for the flooding. The water line after Katrina was over my head, I'm 5'2".
I agree. I think just on the fundamental human being level it was very kind of her to sit with the bereaved mother in the rain to calm her fears about leaving her child out in the cold and rain. I didn't particularly like this witness but she rehabilitated herself with that story. She did a very kind thing.

Well kind in the short term moment only. I also sincerely hoped she helped this poor grieving woman into therapy so she could say come to some kind of reality about her child.
Bless you.

I did something similar when my beloved foster father/ best friend died. We had to go pack up and empty his apartment. It was so hard, putting his things in boxes. Then I had to go into the walk-in closet to gather his clothes. It was too much. I sat for hours on the floor, weeping with my face buried in his shirts, breathing his scent and the faint lingering touch of Grey Flannel cologne and his favorite vanilla pipe tobacco. How I wanted that smell, and knew I'd never have it again. D-mmit, now I'm crying again.

Reading these threads, it's clear today's testimonies opened up so many painful--and some wonderful, I am sure--memories for so many if us. I can only pray if it hit all of us this hard, how it must have affected the jury who had to sit in the same room all these people.

The jury must make the right decision and... remove that monster woman from our midst. Someone who can so callously destroy a loved one with no concern fot those who loved that child. We grieve for those we love. I believe, everything else aside, GA and CA grieve.

The jury must remove ICA. They simply must.

What an insightful post, and I am sorry you lost your loved one. Your experience is poignant and sad.
You make a really good point here, I think, if it affected all of us sitting here watching a little screen, I'll bet the jury did the same thing remembering times of grief in their lives.
Lets see if we can figure out what happened today-CA gets up there and says she never knew LA went to ICA's room,but LA got up their yesterday and says my mom basically lies,GA gets up there today and almost admits he knew ICA killed Caylee!So what is the A plans-where is all this going..someone help me here,because I am confused!!
I too appreciate everyone who has shared their stories of loss today here. I'm so very sorry for you all.

I've followed this story intently from the beginning and have shed tears, not to extremes but I have to admit nothing has hit home like the story of the child and his mother in the rain today. I think it bridged some gap for me today, looking at my own children knowing I would do anything in the world to protect them to MY dying days, and knowing the struggles I had with my own mothers death and 'where she was', that still gets to me from time to time.
I have always wondered how Cindy and George could reconcile to themselves that they washed, cleaned away their granddaughter's remains in that car. I know that would haunt me till my death.

There is zero evidence of that, zero
My guess is she was so sexually active that she had no clue which of the many guys she slept with could have been the baby daddy. Thats my guess.
regardless of whom was the actual father, that man's death (if it really happened) could have affected her, but i think someone would have recognized that.
I have seen alot of bazaar actions following a death, including some of my own actions.
However that does not give someone a pass for murder. imo
I have always wondered how Cindy and George could reconcile to themselves that they washed, cleaned away their granddaughter's remains in that car. I know that would haunt me till my death.

Or that their final sense of her on earth is the smell of her decomposing body.
Originally Posted by Etiana
Unfortunately I can speak from experience and the Mother worried about her little boy in the dark and rain....

I remember that very night after the burial realizing that the person who I loved most in the world would not be tucking in his sweet children for the night nor would the warmth of his body be curled up next to mine as we slept. My parents had my little ones that night and before it was light out, I drove to the cemetery, put our favourite blanket on the ground and laid down next to the freshly dug earth and flowers. I didn't care how it looked or how strange people would think I was, I just needed to be with my husband.

Grief is a long, exhausting journey and even though we all grieve differently, there is nothing in ICA's demeanor after her daughter was killed, whether by her own hands or an accident, that spoke of grief imo.

Thank you both. I can so related. The one thing that is still the hardest is patting the side of the bed where my husband used to sleep. Even tho he was in an adult family home the last few years, I would still wake up and wonder where he was. I took him home the last few weeks of his life and you can bet your bottom dollar I slept with him as much as I could. When he did pass, I pulled his blanket up tight and lay with my arms around him until they came to get his body. It was going to be the last time and I'm so glad I had the strength to honor and comfort him.

Thank you for sharing. I too lost my husband unexpectedly (married 41 years) and I still cannot remember the funeral and cannot bring myself to look at the montage of photos and music my son put together honoring his Dad at the funeral and it has been over 2 years. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
The grief lady really touched a nerve here today with so many that post. The story she told created a reaction like none I have ever seen on Websleuths. I think if it touched people here, I can be rest assured the story touched nerves in the jury. The stark contrast is undeniable and I have been afraid it was lost in apathy by it being at the end of a long day for the jury.
What an insightful post, and I am sorry you lost your loved one. Your experience is poignant and sad.
You make a really good point here, I think, if it affected all of us sitting here watching a little screen, I'll bet the jury did the same thing remembering times of grief in their lives.

Ashton knew exactly when to stop for the day. And now we all, along with the jury, consider *loss*. The perfect note and tribute.
I do have to take a break from this emotional day..but simply have to take affront by this so called "Grief Expert" defining the bond between a mother and child...:crazy:
I say that as an adoptive child, who was always loved, cherished and nurtured ....along with their biological son (my big BRO)..and we NEVER ever felt different..however (in my mind I was special because I was chosen:innocent:) I absolutely deny that a biological parent LOVES MORE or BETTER than anyone else..Phstttt!! Rediculous!! Bio only means birth only....Its the caring, nurturing, loving that makes the difference...Bio connection is only on one level..but in life it is those that nuture, mentor, teach and yes give boundaries that end up in the end as the true connection!!

Sorry, I do believe this expert ( Sally K.) did nothing to further KC's case, and actually made a mockery of the "Grief Process"..I was actually embarrassed for her:crazy:

Have a good evening :seeya:

No need to run away - you have one other person on the aboard who agrees with you.
I was actually very offended by her - found her pompous, posturing and very full of herself. Flying on the wing of Dr. K. Ross because she took a seminar with her - I found that especially offensive she would speak that way about such a humble expert.
For me, an expert too long in her field. Much like Dr. Spitz and the plant lady ...sorry folks. It was a very touching story but...what good is an expert if asking their opinion is like walking through cobwebs...

Here's to a GLORIOUS 4th verdict!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bet Caylee would love the fireworks...
so my 21 yo called today. whatcha doin'. i said watching the ICA trial. he said "is she guilty? wasn't this about a missing child?"

i said well yes she was missing for 31 days before the mom told anyone.

he said "oh my, 31 days and she didn't tell anyone? she's guilty."

Common Sense.....you just can't get around it. jmo
My guess is she was so sexually active that she had no clue which of the many guys she slept with could have been the baby daddy. Thats my guess.

If KC knows who Caylee's father is, I would think she would have wanted to get child support from him. Maybe she really didn't know or really did die. Even if she slept with a # of guys in one week, couldn't she possibly remember them. I would think so. I'm no virgin Mary but I can't imagine someone not remembering all the possible guys they were with in one week. Maybe I'm naive.
I do have to take a break from this emotional day..but simply have to take affront by this so called "Grief Expert" defining the bond between a mother and child...:crazy:
I say that as an adoptive child, who was always loved, cherished and nurtured ....along with their biological son (my big BRO)..and we NEVER ever felt different..however (in my mind I was special because I was chosen:innocent:) I absolutely deny that a biological parent LOVES MORE or BETTER than anyone else..Phstttt!! Rediculous!! Bio only means birth only....Its the caring, nurturing, loving that makes the difference...Bio connection is only on one level..but in life it is those that nuture, mentor, teach and yes give boundaries that end up in the end as the true connection!!

Sorry, I do believe this expert ( Sally K.) did nothing to further KC's case, and actually made a mockery of the "Grief Process"..I was actually embarrassed for her:crazy:

Have a good evening :seeya:

:banghead:pizzed me off to no end. I have one biological and four other daughters. They are all teh same in my heart and they all know it...have been treated the same from the day they entered our lives and that is that. Pffffffffft...to the grief NON expert.
Did anyone else see that clip on HLN of GA walking up to take the stand?? He was walking right up behind JB, who was at the podium. JB realized GA was there and jumped! Scared the beans out of him!! If looks could kill, JB would be dead!

Lets see if we can figure out what happened today-CA gets up there and says she never knew LA went to ICA's room,but LA got up their yesterday and says my mom basically lies,GA gets up there today and almost admits he knew ICA killed Caylee!So what is the A plans-where is all this going..someone help me here,because I am confused!!

My take has always been that GA is the most honest of all the A's and Lee comes in second. Cindy has consistantly lied. George has had to deal with Cindy his whole marriage. He is constantly walking on egg shells trying to navigate between the truth and what Cindy wants as the truth. The State just added two of the executives from the Agency Cindy works for to the witness list for their rebuttle. Cindy is about to be outed as a liar about the computer searches for "Chloroform". I don't understand anyone who doesn't believe George was genuine today. I think Lee has been genuine.
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