2011.06.29 TRIAL Day Thirty-one (Morning Session)

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MarkNeJame Mark NeJame
Cops screwed up/Not...Family helped coverup drowning/Not..Sex abuse/Not..Kronk moved body/Not...Defense making any points/Not #caseyanthony

OK I hope I am doing this right... I know NOTHING about "twitter" but I tried searching MN on www.twitter.com on to hopefully see what he was saying. This is MN himself saying this, right? PLEASE somebody correct if I am not doing this right.

Go to google.com, put caseyanthony in the search window, hit Enter, and then click on Latest on the left to have the page automatically display the latest "realtime" results. It will say "New results will appear below as they become available."
ICA is clearly doodling circles with a marker on her paper.

imo I wouldn't doubt her parents were next!

I think GA and CA were her first targets...all that talk about inheriting their house, etc...

Plus, "self-defense" searches in March would more likely have been about killing GA and CA, not Caylee. ICA would want to know what to say to LE about how she TRIED to defend herself.
I think CA testified that GA put the tape on the can. I could be remembering wrong....anyone else remember this?

When showed the pic of the gas can @ his depo, GA said he usually puts duct tape on cans, but he did NOT put it on in that manner.

ETA: Now I'm not sure if it was depo, but when he was called in by LE?
But, gas cans were taken 2 times, once w/tape & once w/o.
Yes, I'm still awake and its almost 11am, but so worth it to see GA being strong. I'll probably change my tune around 11pm tonight when I've still got 8 hours to slog through.

Also, wanna say, even if ICA "walks"....she won't have a friend in the world after this travesty. Well, except CA...LOL And since we know how she feels about her, me thinks she will be less than pleased. But hey, maybe she'll get lucky and the day she walks free a bus mysteriously appears and she'll throw herself under it.
Lordy, this gas can nonsense is a complete, utter, total, unqualified waste of time. This will not sway a juror. Period.
George Anthony could flip out, scream and get hysterical and it would never look as chilling as Casey staring at individuals who helped find her daughter.
If Baez does not put RC on the stand today he misses a huge chance to show GA lies.

If her does put her on the stand ,when he pulls her sting he better duck.

No way iss Baez getting anywhere today with either of them. IMO.
Jury is going to be sympathetic to guy wanting to give a full answer because we always see this kind of behavior in movies and tv shows
Who is the new woman at the defense table? TIA


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actually i heard some psychiatrist on the Behar show say that she thought he and ICA both were, and that they fed off of each other.

I totally agree with that psychiatrist! My husband and I have talked about ICA and JB both being narcissists. Remember Jose asking for a mistrial because the Anthonys said things in the jailhouse tapes that cast *his* abilities into doubt? Just an astonishing moment for me.
I am not a violent person. I have great respect and love for all of God's creatures including the littlest of animals but God help me I want nothing short of the death penalty for Casey Anthony.

I know how you feel. I am soooo not a violent person. But I want KC to have three pieces of duct tape placed on her face and nose, placed in two trash bags and then in a laundry bag, thrown in the swamp and left there for 6 months. And I want all this done to KC while she's alive!
Wow last question. And suprisingly after sidebar Baez is asking direct questions in a very polite manner.

Also after a word with CM; perhaps he was warned that he is coming across as cruel and smug. As he is.
Sorry, I can not keep up with these threads, but have the extra guards been close to Casey since the whole "incompetent" incident?? In other words, we have only seen glimpses of her viscious reactions and teeth baring, but do you suppose when she is out of the court room that she just gets out of control? Even her attorneys can not keep her in line?
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