2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

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Did you hear "Middle Finger Matthew" reply to the judge in a smart aleck tone about what the middle finger meant to him when he used it.

I think he had a chance to just get scolded but blew it with the insolent response!

I wish the judge was in charge of more things in this country....

I really, really like him.

I was stunned when the judge told this guy that he could have adversely impacted the entire trial! :-O:doh:

28 years old and still working as a server, which would be okay if he was working his way through school or something. I think he was wanting to impress ICA and this is what he thought she'd like! LOL

Just wow.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxVbENsT6rU"]YouTube - ‪Did this spectator just flip off Jeff Ashton while he was speaking?!?!?‬‏[/ame]

Here we have "middle Finger Matthew" in action in case anyone missed it our would like to see..

I posted this int he bloopers thread as well.
So did Baez just delay the trial into next week!?!?!!?
Why is ICA allowed to sit around after court has been dismissed and shoot the breeze with the guard and members of her DT?

Sorry, just popped in with a question.
So this was ICA's reaction after the court day ended ? This was after her father's suicide note was read ?

(if so... WOW ... just wow ... unfrickin'believable ....)
To make matters worse, dollars to donuts, he called in sick for work..:floorlaugh:

Why was he even there? What possible reason did he have for attending the trial? He doesn't seem to me to be particularly representative of the interest demographic.
I agree but he should have been allowed to have counsel. They could have easily gotten a public defender and handled this with out the media present. Doing it in front of the media only brings out the crazies who want to be in the media.

you don't need counsel for a contempt of court he wasn't arrested. this isn't a criminal charge.
Why is ICA allowed to sit around after court has been dismissed and shoot the breeze with the guard and members of her DT?

It appeared to me they were processing the finger-flyer so kept her waiting til he was removed.
Did you hear "Middle Finger Matthew" reply to the judge in a smart aleck tone about what the middle finger meant to him when he used it.

I think he had a chance to just get scolded but blew it with the insolent response!

I wish the judge was in charge of more things in this country....

I really, really like him.

I was stunned when the judge told this guy that he could have adversely impacted the entire trial! :-O:doh:

28 years old and still working as a server, which would be okay if he was working his way through school or something. I think he was wanting to impress ICA and this is what he thought she'd like! LOL

Just wow.

Respectfully - and not to defend this man, but rather those of us young'ns who have to live in today's economy - times are still hard. Sometimes a job like this is a godsend.

Not necessarily for him, but for some 28-year-olds I know. Please don't judge.
If I had flipped someone off in court in a case like this, my mom would have told me I was a moron and she raised me to be better than that, and she'll see me in six days, and hopes I find a way to come up with the money.
Wish the video of the birder was a few seconds longer. It looks like he starts to smirk and the video stops.
Respectfully - and not to defend this man, but rather those of us young'ns who have to live in today's economy - times are still hard. Sometimes a job like this is a godsend.

Not necessarily for him, but for some 28-year-olds I know. Please don't judge.

I agree - plenty of college educated kids apply for the crappy part-time position at my business because that's all there is out there right now.
I think there was a reason..she got up to go but the guard (is that Ms. Baker?) made her sit back down. Maybe there are people in the hallway or something. She sure was annoyingly chatty and flirty though. Not a care in the world.

I'm thinking her holding cell was temporarily occupied with the bird flipper.
Cindy did not do home visits.....

It's her entire desktop and I think is going to show she was doing email from her office as well as what was on her timecard. I'm not 100% certain of that. CRS bad. :fence:
This describes my dryer as well :blush:. Although I DO have groceries...I can't watch this trial w/o munching....I've gained a whole dress size I'm sure..

If they are damp and smelly frebreeze will not take out that mildew smell. Not that it's ever happened to me. Lol. However go out of town for three weeks gets nubby to FINALLY fix dryer. Yipee
dont get sucked into feeling sorry for the 28 yr old "kid" who gave the finger to JA. Can you imagine if the jury saw this? its a mistrial or grounds for immediate appeal at the very least. it disturbs the rule of sequestering. Think about it. if the jury see's JA getting the finger they can assume there is something shady going on behind the scene with the SAO that is causing ICA's trial to upset people. anything can be inferred and all this hard work for a fair trial would have been for nothing. over a finger.

This sequestered jury is shielded from interaction with the random public, in order to protect the integrity of the trial. As a sequestered jury, when they are moved from the courtroom, they are immediately taken to the jury room, and when they leave the jury room to go elsewhere, the corridor is cleared to ensure they have no contact with random members of the public.

Hypothetically speaking, even IF a juror saw someone flip the "finger of affection" to JA or to anyone else, I think the jurors have enough common sense to know that he was just a dumb kid who needed to be taught some manners & respect for the Court.

If the middle finger of anyone disturbs this jury (and would sway them one way or the other), then the Court has more serious concerns than the adolescent actions of the bird-flipper.

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