2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

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Question: Could the jury absolutely NOT see this idiot based on where he was sitting and the location of the jury?

He's trending on twitter.
The jury was not in the room or there would have been a mistrial.
CONFUSED - do we have to wait until NEXT Wednesday now to proceed with the state's case? I'm worried about a jury fallout if things don't start cooking soon!
What do you think really happened to Misty the dog GA never had? I believe him though. Cinnamon and Ginger are spices, and Misty is not a spice.

Oh dear, I've lost my mind during the trial.
Originally Posted by nerdy
Respectfully - and not to defend this man, but rather those of us young'ns who have to live in today's economy - times are still hard. Sometimes a job like this is a godsend.

Not necessarily for him, but for some 28-year-olds I know. Please don't judge.

And I'd be willing to bet he is unemployed effective ummm...now! :loser:

I bet he is. I don't feel sorry for him. He should have thought about his job before flipping off Ashton. He has to face consequences for being stupid. I'm sorry, but I see way too many people like him in the world who think everything they do is a-okay and everything should handed to them on a silver platter. God forbid you behave and work hard to make a living with these younger people today (some at least, not all). I'm not that much older than him, but my GOD he acts like he's still in high school!
Respectfully - and not to defend this man, but rather those of us young'ns who have to live in today's economy - times are still hard. Sometimes a job like this is a godsend.

Not necessarily for him, but for some 28-year-olds I know. Please don't judge.

Just because you're a server/bartender doesn't mean you're a bad person.

I did it for years. It enabled me to live on my own, drive a decent car and allowed me to do whatever I wanted.

I only quit because A. I was getting too old for it and B. I needed to work in a profession that offers benefits. Most restaurants don't.
But it really looks more like he was just doing it for attention than because he has anything against JA. In other words, he realized that his face was clearly visible on camera and he wanted to impress his little friends by making that gesture where they would be able to see it memorialized. Planking would have been a safer choice, I think.

I get that, but why did Matt then say that it was "aimed" at ashton? (Or did he say that?)

Even still, when one does home visits, does one not have to document them, and don't those records need to be retained, legally? Or is it going to be that Cindy faked up home visit documents, with no concern for liability, just like Casey faked up work emails and events?
Absolutely, home visits have to be documented! It's just as extensive as if one saw a patient in a hospital, nursing home, or clinic. It is a medical record of treatment.
My point is that she did have the flexibility of her scheduling to be out of the office when she picked up the car.
I DO NOT however believe that she was home when the Chloroform searches were made on the computer. Cindy is trying to capitalize on her flex scheduling to do that, but there will be documentation of her time schedule and patient contact to prove that!
I think there was a reason..she got up to go but the guard (is that Ms. Baker?) made her sit back down. Maybe there are people in the hallway or something. She sure was annoyingly chatty and flirty though. Not a care in the world.

This reminds me of something I've been wanting to mention for a few days now. ICA is going to be charming and friendly with whoever is paying attention to her. I'm convinced she's a narcissist, and narcissists need what's called "supply." There's primary supply, meaning the people who give you your day to day attention, and then there's secondary supply, who narcissists go to if their primary supply is absent.

For ICA, her primary supply would be the guards and her attorneys. When she doesn't get the attention she needs, she goes to her secondary supply.

Mark my words, when her attorneys are done focusing on her, she's going to be seeking that new supply, and I wouldn't be surprised if she started welcoming visits from her parents again. Unless she finds another source, of course. But for now, I bet she's extremely pleasant to the guards, because they're the only ones she regularly gets attention from.

I might have missed it, but was georges suicide letter posted anywhere? I thought I saw something about a certain news sight that was going to post it?

If posted, could u direct me to it?

eta, I kinda feel bad, for wanting to read it..I feel like im prying, but then I cant help myself?:(

eta, never mind
I had to chuckle at the Judge. He said middle index finger more than once. People have five index fingers and this guy flipped the middle one. :crazy:
From the Orlando Senitel

"Some excerpts: (It is addressed to Cynthia and these excerpts are not in order)

•"Caylee, here I come."

•"My loss of life is meaningless."

•"I have never been the man any of you can count on."

"I know you love me and I still question all these years, how can she love me, put up with me? Well I guess you took the vows of marriage and meant it."

•"I love you Cynthia Marie. I really do. That is why I must join Caylee Marie now,"

•"I cannot be strong anymore. Caylee Marie our granddaughter, i miss her. I miss her so much. I know you do too."

•"I blame myself for her being done."
•He says "Casey does not deserve to be where she is."

•"her personal safety is always on my mind,"

•"I love you Cynthia Marie. You are the best. You always have been. Caylee here I come."

What does he mean?
WFTV just ran the video. While it was clear it was a bird, MB was first rubbing his face with both hands, then rubbed his cheek with his middle finger. Not defending the guy at all, just saying he didn't outright flip the bird--I mean he didn't stick his arm or hand out and do it--he was rubbing his face with it. Still a huge meaning to the gesture, even so.

I vaguely recall, and I could be wrong here (if I am, please correct me) but during a depo didn't GA accuse someone of flipping him the bird and the guy said he was just pushing his glasses up and always pushed his glasses up that way?

I'm kinda surprised MB didn't claim he was just rubbing his face. Well, maybe the look on his face showed contempt while he was doing it.
This sequestered jury is shielded from any interaction with the random public. As a sequestered jury, when they are moved from the courtroom, they are immediately taken to the jury room, and when they leave the jury room to go elsewhere, the corridor is cleared to ensure they have no contact with random members of the public.

Hypothetically speaking, even IF a juror saw someone flip the "finger of affection" to JA or to anyone else, I think the jurors have enough common sense to know that he was just a dumb kid who needed to be taught some manners & respect for the Court.

If the middle finger of anyone disturbs this jury (and would sway them one way or the other), then the Court has more serious concerns than the adolescent actions of the bird-flipper.


i thought HHJP said the jury was present during this. is there a partition blocking the juror's view into the gallery? and i dont think it can come down to common sense. we are dealing with a court of law where things that happen in the courtroom could effect appeals. hypothetically even if jury saw and disregarded there is always the argument someone could make that it affected a sequestered jurys thought process. it could be read as a sign to the jury that public opionion of JA is not good and that could make the jury question what they are missing in all these "matters" the jury is not privy too
This reminds me of something I've been wanting to mention for a few days now. ICA is going to be charming and friendly with whoever is paying attention to her. I'm convinced she's a narcissist, and narcissists need what's called "supply." There's primary supply, meaning the people who give you your day to day attention, and then there's secondary supply, who narcissists go to if their primary supply is absent.

For ICA, her primary supply would be the guards and her attorneys. When she doesn't get the attention she needs, she goes to her secondary supply.

Mark my words, when her attorneys are done focusing on her, she's going to be seeking that new supply, and I wouldn't be surprised if she started welcoming visits from her parents again. Unless she finds another source, of course. But for now, I bet she's extremely pleasant to the guards, because they're the only ones she regularly gets attention from.


Just jumping off your post. IMHO KC is going to take advantage of all the men that write to her in prison. Perhaps even some women. Any contact she has with anyone in prison will also be prey for her need of attention. JMHO
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