2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

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UGH. OT but I just had a pizza delivery guy come in to my office here just outside of Orlando and he asked for the credit card I used. Well I'm at work and don't have my purse, I had the CC on file with my account with them! I asked him if he'd like a copy of my ID anyway and he said "No, because there's lots of crazy people in this world who'd steal credit cards for pizza. I'm not sure if you're aware but there's a crazy woman on trial for murder right now How do i know you're not crazy either?" or something along those lines. Here I am pregnant and starving and this is the first time this has ever happened to me. I was like "Did you just compare a pregnant hungry woman to a child killer, after first trying to deny me my supper?"

Needless to say he left eh pizza and backtracked his statements asap. I was so agitated!! Maybe it's the hormones, lol.
What seems to have happened is Cindy now claims her memory is better because of medication or some such. Do I believe that? No way, and I doubt anyone with an IQ above room temperature believes it.

But how does the State prove Cindy is lying about her own issues with memory recall?

Yes, common sense says Cindy is full of it, but the State needs more than that to charge Cindy with perjury.

Gentiva records will prove it. I'm not a doctor nor a chemist but have been on anti anxiety and anti depressants in the past and it does not effect memory issues. Isn't it incredible how she recalls the dates when her pets died 20+ years ago but can't recall if she worked on a certain day after being reminded throughout the case about the computer searches? Selective memory? I don't buy it.
Doesn't the defens and the State have some things with the Geniva (sp) Cindy's work place to clear up with before jury gets case? I thought I heard them say they couldn't get that from the work place till maybe next wed. Is the courts going to wait before they give to jury?
Here's the tough part about that and this is most definitely NOT directed at you my friend.

Human behaviourists tell us that judging is a form of personal ego-stroking as in I'm better than you are and this proves it. A way of "feeling good" about ourselves or "superior" when we actually feel "inferior"....for whatever reason.

And you know - judge not, lest ye yourself be judged...that sort of thing.


And those "human behaviorists" can kiss my judgmental arse...........:floorlaugh:
The guy was clearly doing it for the camera. Here's my take on what happened.I think he was texting someone who could see him on tv or the computer. Either he was dared to do it or he thought it would be funny to do it when he had people watching him.
It was really stupid,but it wasn't overtly obvious.
JP did the right thing .If you come into a courtroom you must keep certain standards.

Probably not texting but he knew the camera was on him...and now he knows HHJP was on him as well!!
Did it crack anyone else up when JB said, "Your Honor, the defense rests"? He was looking around with a little boyish smirk like he had practiced that moment in the mirror for weeks now! So dramatic!:floorlaugh:

I'm a few pages behind, but...

That reminds me of how dramatically Baez says daily:

"May it please the court"

I'm not 'the court', but JB never pleases me. :floorlaugh:
Ohhh Back..like a bad weed :floorlaugh:
Just had a thought regarding CA and her lies and possible impeachment..

First SA can prove she either lied or was attempting to shade possibilities that she did that search..The only can of worms for CA is IF she claims the 5th..which she wont...The Anthony Lawyer heard what was said in court..and CA's testimony prefaced her statement as possibly..so she can get up there and "I stand corrected"...But even if she does..SA will never bring charges of "Perjury"..She will be seen as a mother trying to make things less condemning to save her (KC) from the DP....

Next..It does appear that GA could not even discuss his thoughts with CA..she was bent of finding a LIVE Caylee..and refused to accept the possibilities..however, I do believe he did have reservations about that..and ESPECIALLY after CAYLEE was found..He KNEW!! Thus his reactions at the "Memorial"..versus CA and LEE's..His instinct just knew especially given the wrappings and tape and being SO CLOSE!!

Bottomline..I think George was more common sensical..yet didnt want to beieve KC could do this..so had to believe that it HAD TO BE AN ACCIDENT..however..KC took it to a much higher level!!..
That's it? Wow. I have to say I'm really shocked. After watching the incredible going ons with this case before and during trial.....serious criminal activities by some, this guy gets 6 days in jail and a fine for an almost unnoticeable gesture?

It's laughable. :floorlaugh:

Yeah, IMO had he said he forgot his dose of methadone and had a criminal history, he would have gotten off for the 30? minutes served. Gotta love the system.

He could have told the judge mistruths about how that photograph was not an accurate representation of him even being in court. (According to spell-check, either I am misspelling mistruth or the word doesn't exist.)

He could have said extending the middle finger in his family was the same thing as a 'thumbs up', like 'good job!'
Did it crack anyone else up when JB said, "Your Honor, the defense rests"? He was looking around with a little boyish smirk like he had practiced that moment in the mirror for weeks now! So dramatic!:floorlaugh:

LOL, noticed that...but personally I thought it was anti climatic :crazy:
Sadly,I know you're right,but we have to remember:

She will never get to pick her clothes out ,again
She will never be able to take a shower when she feels like it.
She can't text or phone 24/7 anymore.
She can't choose what she eats.
She will never get to travel anywhere wonderful.
She can't go for a run like she used to.
She can't have a normal relationship with a guy.(I know she can still have an abnornal one,but that just not the same)

I'm sure there's a lot more.She may make a life for herself ,but it's not by her choice,and that's okay with me.
Think, too, about how much has changed since 2008. Technology and stuff Casey doesn't even know about. She experienced her whole entire life before 22. The rest of it is behind bars, I'm sure. Might as well be dead.
I think JB was so proud of the "DT rests" moment because he made it through it without going to jail for contempt. :floorlaugh:

Bold mine.

Hey! It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings, or the train whistle blows, or err...the big Hawk squawks, or somepin'! LOL!
UGH. OT but I just had a pizza delivery guy come in to my office here just outside of Orlando and he asked for the credit card I used. Well I'm at work and don't have my purse, I had the CC on file with my account with them! I asked him if he'd like a copy of my ID anyway and he said "No, because there's lots of crazy people in this world who'd steal credit cards for pizza. I'm not sure if you're aware but there's a crazy woman on trial for murder right now How do i know you're not crazy either?" or something along those lines. Here I am pregnant and starving and this is the first time this has ever happened to me. I was like "Did you just compare a pregnant hungry woman to a child killer, after first trying to deny me my supper?"

Needless to say he left eh pizza and backtracked his statements asap. I was so agitated!! Maybe it's the hormones, lol.

You could have mentioned that there is a BIG difference between a baby-killer and a pizza-delivery-guy-killer...
Gentiva records will prove it. I'm not a doctor nor a chemist but have been on anti anxiety and anti depressants in the past and it does not effect memory issues. Isn't it incredible how she recalls the dates when her pets died 20+ years ago but can't recall if she worked on a certain day after being reminded throughout the case about the computer searches? Selective memory? I don't buy it.
I disagree. The Gentiva records will prove she was mistaken. How can the State prove that Cindy's memory has not improved, and instead, she intended to lie? And how medications affect others isn't relevant to Cindy's situation. I do agree with you that Cindy is full of it, but how can the State prove intent?
Sadly,I know you're right,but we have to remember:

She will never get to pick her clothes out ,again
She will never be able to take a shower when she feels like it.
She can't text or phone 24/7 anymore.
She can't choose what she eats.
She will never get to travel anywhere wonderful.
She can't go for a run like she used to.
She can't have a normal relationship with a guy.(I know she can still have an abnornal one,but that just not the same)

I'm sure there's a lot more.She may make a life for herself ,but it's not by her choice,and that's okay with me.

Never see a sunset ever again.
Never see the stars, or a full moon.
Or a cool breeze on her skin.
Never be able to do anything to improve herself in a meaningful way, once she finally wakes up and realizes that there is more to life than kid s**t. Basically just sit in a cell and think of what might have been.
Jail is depressing. 4 beige walls - no color, echoey sounds of bars and shuffling feet, water running.... I guess sensory depravation to some extent.
No more hot bods, loud music, and jello shots.
Anything can be overdone - but to me judging, as in "assessing against a standard", does not indicate anything about a person's ego but may indicate a lot about their values and character. imo

HF, you've said exactly the same thing as the behaviourist! The question is,why comment at all? Why make the comparison?

Sorry, didn't mean to start a whole discussion here - Sally was bad enough yesterday. :truce:
"Did anyone else catch GA telling JB "F... Y.." as he was taking the stand this morning? Take a look at the moment he passed behind JB and JB's reaction!"

Caught this post on WFTV raw video page.

Check out starting at 2:01 on this link, for those that missed it.

Jury should receive instructions by 5 pm Sat.
I agree,unless JB gives the Judge a hard time about these Gentiva records,including the ones he just subpoened .

If they get it Sat.I think we'll get a verdict by Sunday evening.

They'll go home for the 4th and return for penalty phase . :happy4th:

I have no idea if they have to stay sequestered for penalty phase,but I hope not.
The interesting part of that statement is - can you come up with a better reason for it?

Nope, I like stroking my own ego. :great: OK, gosh' if ya wanna get all serious about it........I think having and opinion and judging someone is a thin line to walk. Yeah sure here on this board we may go over board with the judging but it's a crime board for sweet baby feets sake. Do I care what some "expert" thinks about that.....nope. Not one little bit. I don't care what the reason is either.....now, wanna split this box o' wine with me????????? :floorlaugh:
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