2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

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I for one am THRILLED that I will not have to be at work during closing arguments. I hope that the jury comes back with a verdict on July 4 - that would make for one amazing holiday. All those fireworks for Caylee!

Wow! Wouldn't that be something? I doubt they'll come back that soon, but you never know. Maybe they got her pegged as quickly as we did.

This afternoon was awesome! Worth the wait from the delay that Baez caused this morning. Tearing apart CA's manufactured alibi brick by brick - piece by piece. Brilliant.

I hope CA is shunned everywhere she goes for the rest of her life. I'm so glad she was busted out for the world to see.

Can't wiat for Sunday!
this quote^^^ is from the trial thread, if that's ok ?

I'm stunned. The realization that Cindy Anthony started the cover up almost day 1 is something I NEVER believed before. All I can say is O-M-G.
The nagging thought has always been in the back of my mind that the trunk was too clean . . . but honestly, I never wanted to go there because it ment the cover up started in the very first hours . . . Now I have to accept that that is what happened.

Words don't do justice to the shock I feel rite now.

downport, I'm with you.

- trunk waaaayyy too clean
- information yesterday that family pets were buried in towels/plastic bags with tape
- Cindy willing to lie under oath
- Dom Casey searching the general area of the "dump site"
- Hints given in GA's suicide note

These and more tell me that the entire family must have strongly suspected ICA from July 15 2008. It's sickening. I can't imagine the level of denial it would require, living with that kind of strong suspicion about a family member.
I believe the Judge Chillingsworth comment was in reference to Mason's statement that the SA couldn't prove the five Ws of Caylee's death. IOW, a body isn't necessary to prove murder.
I couldn't find a transcript of JB's opening statement anywhere, so I transcribed part of it this morning (MY EARS HURT!) and I just posted it up top in the Transcriptions to be placed in the appropriate place, if anyone is interested. I'd link the post, but for the life of me I still can't figure out how to do that.

Thought it would be interesting to read since closing arguments are next. I think I know it by heart now and am ready for a test LOL:banghead:

Funny thing is, I don't think he can even use much of his opening 'story' in his closing. In OS you can say whatever you want but in closing you have to stick to what has been shown by some kind of evidence. And he has given NO EVIDENCE of George raping his daughter, and NO EVIDENCE he was there at the so called accident. And NO EVIDENCE there was an accident. NO EVIDENCE implicating Kronk of anything like he was accused of in the OS. So the opening is moot. He cannot even use any of that to explain away the 31 Days of rotten behavior because his grief expert failed big time.

It is hilarious to me that the judge would give each side 4 hours. Because the state can easily fill that time with factual evidence. The DT, not so much. WHAT the heck is Baez going to talk about for four hours. Naming the dead pets for the past 30 years will only eat up about 15 minutes.
I've always felt that if Cindy were to admit what really happened on 6/15/08 she would have to face enormous guilt over the fight and possibly sending Casey over the edge. So her not admitting to a fight is her way of pretending it never happened. She feels responsible so she's chosen to lie and deny. That my opinion anyway.

Could be. My theory is that she just didn't want to give the state any ammunition to frame her innocent daughter. I think that back then they were still convinced this was a conspiracy against Casey and that Zenaida was the one responsible.
For the first time ever, I don't mind NG saying, "Bombshell tonight!"
I couldn't find a transcript of JB's opening statement anywhere, so I transcribed part of it this morning (MY EARS HURT!) and I just posted it up top in the Transcriptions to be placed in the appropriate place, if anyone is interested. I'd link the post, but for the life of me I still can't figure out how to do that.

Thought it would be interesting to read since closing arguments are next. I think I know it by heart now and am ready for a test LOL:banghead:

I'm sorry you went through all that trouble. I actually posted it a while back.
I do too because if it were Lee, all the browsers histories would have been deleted on all user accounts.
So why didn't they bring it up? Surely by the time stamp they would have known if Casey was home...or if Lee was there. Do we know the exact time?
We still don't have an answer to "Lee knows what he's done" (paraphrasing).
Dont know about you guys..But this case sure brings home how a case can be brought against someone..

- No Body necessary but helpful to UP the charges
-Never ever lie about things that get proven as LIES!!
- Advent of Computer science..has brought so much to the tables in courts (unlike the past)..just what activities one does while online
- Advent of such researchers such as Dr. Vass who think outside the box can actually prove something never before available
- Those special Furbabies who have no axe to grind tell it the way they do!!
- Lies and Manipulations may buy time..but dont buy you freedoms
- Judgement DAY always comes whether on earthly plain or after you go to the "Ultimate Judge"
- Greed is the ROOT of ALL Evil!!

Please feel free to add if you wish:seeya:
Can someone catch me up on why some believe Cindy was covering up from day 31? thanks!

I've always felt Cindy covered things up because of her guilt. I think they DID have a huge fight that night and horrible things were said. Maybe something like "You'll never see Caylee again". (hence, the MySpace posting). I don't know if Cindy really thought Casey would kill Caylee, probably not, but I do think she thought Casey was keeping Caylee from her because of that fight. At some point, I DO think Cindy realized Caylee was never coming home and why. I think Cindy loved Caylee VERY much, however, I also think Cindy has a huge ego and cares VERY much about presenting a perfect loving All American family to the world.
I was listening the whole time, I missed it! How crazy is that??

eta: HLN is running the circus out on Suburban-- I'm finding the remote.

See post 1626 brief story about Judge Chillgworth.
It just kills me to listen to CM saying all the state proved is she lied and the child is dead. Like it is completely normal to have your health 2 year old die and instead of calling 911, having a funeral and burying her you lie about what happened her. And he says it with such arrogance! IT's so ridiculous!
Can someone catch me up on why some believe Cindy was covering up from day 31? thanks!

It's very simple. :)

Jose waited until the very last moment to bring in evidence from Cindy that she did the searches. He was hoping that the prosecution wouldn't have time to bring in evidence to impreach her.

Her testimoney should be totally discredited by the jury. If the prosecution would not have had time to response they may have lost all counts against ICA.
Living with a sociopath within their midst could not have been easy. I seriously mean that. I'm not 100% sure that the State wasn't aware of what Cindy would state about the searches (KWIM). Brilliant maneuver on the State's part if they orchestrated it. It allowed Cindy the opportunity to fall on the sword...and it allowed the State to bring forward some very damning testimony.


Begs the question, did the family's dysfunction make ICA who she is today? Or did ICA's sociopathy cause the family to be dysfunctional? :waitasec:
I was listening the whole time, I missed it! How crazy is that??

eta: HLN is running the circus out on Suburban-- I'm finding the remote.

Actual the circus did bring out some good points.
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