2011.07.02 Sidebar Thread

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DNA Solves
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That is going to be JB defense argument when he violates the order. He'll argue it was reasonable inference. The problem with that is that his view of what is reasonable seems to me to be leaps and bounds away from what many and/or most others believe is reasonable. However, all that matters is what HHJP thinks is reasonable and as of right now I believe he's at the end of his rope with JB and his shenanigans.

It will definitely be interesting to see what happens with JB tomorrow. I'm looking forward to see how he complies with this order almost as much as I am to see the prosecutions closing statement.

I just had another thought too, I wonder how many times he will try to interrupt the prosecution closing statement claiming they are violating the order. Tomorrow is his last attempt and last international media blitz so I fully expect him and his ego to be on full display.


Yes, tomorrow...
I had a freak out moment when she first said that (BBM)

I am glad Pam Plesea did get that out that no one had permission to print her comments. But that is what the media do.

:truce: Maybe River Cruz was right afterall? LOL :truce:

:waitasec: But the national enquirer would too if they got the info but were told not to publish it so........... back to square one! :banghead:

Yes, Judge Stan ---> The irony is rich, once again:twocents:!
Thanks so much. Wow! That's much longer than I was expecting.

How the heck is JB going to fill up 3 hours? That is a lot of talking, especially when you are only allowed to discuss facts and evidence which support your position. Ruh-Roh. Listing the dead family pets going back the past 30 years only fill up so much time.
The last time GA saw Caylee she ws with ICA,
It wasn't the 16th! IMO

I have no idea what to believe now!
ICA says she moved out of the home on the 9th in one of her txts.
I don't recall who she stayed with then.
GA was at work on the 15th.When ICA returned
home the evening of the 15th GA was still at work.
ICA says ICA left the night of the 15th- her pings don't support it.
It's pretty clear that GA never saw them the 16th. Becasue the story has changed too much.
No way CA heard them breathing from behind the door that morning
it blows my mind trying to pin them down. Lee, CA and GA
why all the lies about her activity from the 15th thru the 16th?

pings don't lie (unless you leave your cell at home)
and she was using her cell.
I know her phone rang early the 16th.
ThenICA checked her voice mail.
What period of time was there no activity on the cell?
anyone know?
I know she txtd and talked a lot that night.

This might have been the time period in which Caylee was killed
and maybe she returned home without Caylee the morning of the 16th?
Could GA have only seen ICA that morning- with some story about how she took cayle to a "friends" or to Zanny?

My head is beginning to spin with all this after all this time but wasn't there confirmed computer activity on the Anthony computer for the morning of the 16th of June that proves Casey was at the house?

If you'll recall that is also what threw JB into a fit just the other day when the state gave him printouts of what they planned to introduce into evidence in their rebuttal if the defense continued on with their nonsense about their theory of a drowning on the morning of the 16th. Computer forensics clearly disputes that anything untoward happened that morning as Casey was just busy as a bee on the home computer.

Recall that HHJP pointed out to him that given this day was such a significant day in the whole case and particularly in his theory then it just makes sense he would have done a forensics inspection on the computer hard drive for that day, the day before and the day following.

Given that, I am convinced Casey was at home the morning of the 16th messing around on the home computer.

I have a feeling that Baez will try pull something at the last minute. I don't know what...
Hi to all! I'm a newbie but have been reading this for about a month now ( great site BTW ) since stumbling across it. Been up at 5:30 am to watch it, almost been having withdrawals today :)
Hi to all! I'm a newbie but have been reading this for about a month now ( great site BTW ) since stumbling across it. Been up at 5:30 am to watch it, almost been having withdrawals today :)



we always like to see someones fist post.
I have a feeling that Baez will try pull something at the last minute. I don't know what...
Well at this moment he's trying to get the case thrown out, so yeah he's always up to something.

The DT is saying the state has no case and the DP is unconstitutional. Just more blah, blah, blah...
HUH? won't there be a transcript of the show?

That raises a red flag to me. Is that an odd comment?
Why is she even coming forward ?

I think it was about that article someone posted earlier about the movie being made and her story about CA and ICA

I think NG show has permission hahaha
Hi to all! I'm a newbie but have been reading this for about a month now ( great site BTW ) since stumbling across it. Been up at 5:30 am to watch it, almost been having withdrawals today :)

I wonder if the DT will stand up tomorrow @ 8:30 and ask for a mistrial once again. Probably.

My friends invited us to a BBQ /Pool Party tomorrow and I said Sorry, No, I want to watch the last day of the trial. LOL anyway I thought they figured I was NUTZ. But later they called me back and surprisingly they changed the BBQ to MOnday. Turns out a couple of other people mentioned the same thing. That cracks me up.
HUH? won't there be a transcript of the show?

That raises a red flag to me. Is that an odd comment?
Why is she even coming forward ?

I believe she was referring to the news article that has been circulating online today. It was quick but I thought I heard her say she didn't even know she was talking to a news organization. Instead she thought she was speaking with LE.

My head is beginning to spin with all this after all this time but wasn't there confirmed computer activity on the Anthony computer for the morning of the 16th of June that proves Casey was at the house?

If you'll recall that is also what through JB into a fit just the other day when the state gave him printouts of what they planned to introduce into evidence in their rebuttal if the defense continued on with their nonsense about their theory of a drowning on the morning of the 16th. Computer forensics clearly disputes that anything untoward happened that morning as Casey was just busy as a bee on the home computer.

Recall that HHJP pointed out to him that given this day was such a significant day in the whole case and particularly in his theory then it just makes sense he would have done a forensics inspection on the computer hard drive for that day, the day before and the day following.

Given that, I am convinced Casey was at home the morning of the 16th messing around on the home computer.


I am too but where was Caylee?????
GA never talked about his morning with Caylee
feeding her breakfast...helping her potty...etc
yet he said he usually did that.
Are we to belive he had no interaction with Caylee till he saw them leave?

Why have his stories changed? about seeing her leave with ICA at 1:50 or whatever??

Was Caylee already dead and ICA was just waiting for him to leave to decide what to do with Caylee?
NG just said live at the courthouse, the defense trying to stop trial......she was talking about motions for acquittal and mistrial that were decided yesterday.....made me jump anyhow.

I wonder if judge will wait until he sees verdict to decide on AF motion for mistrial? He can.

Pam Plesea is on NG. Says no one had permission to print her comments.

oh no, I missed it ... what did she say ... is this a sister in law?
We do know who the 12 jurors are and who the alternates are. It's the jurors that do not know yet if they are an alternate or not. The first 12 on the list are the jurors and 13 - 17 are the alternates.


I thought that the jurors themselves don't know which of them are alternates and that it would be determined/revealed at time of deliberation. My thought was that this is designed so that all jurors give the testimony the same importance/weight and there wouldn't be an inclination for any to think their role would be less important.I could very well be wrong about that.
I am too but where was Caylee?????
GA never talked about his morning with Caylee
feeding her breakfast...helping her potty...etc
yet he said he usually did that.
Are we to belive he had no interaction with Caylee till he saw them leave?

Why have his stories changed? about seeing her leave with ICA at 1:50 or whatever??

Was Caylee already dead and ICA was just waiting for him to leave to decide what to do with Caylee?

Again, I'm kinda fuzzy with it all right now but I thought George had said in his testimony that there was nothing unusual at all about their morning at home on the 16th. I don't recall him going into specifics but just saying nothing unusual. The only specific he gave was how he remembered what time Casey left with Caylee because of the cooking show he was watching on tv and what time it was on. IMO he didn't need to go into the specifics of breakfast, potty or anything else - those are all normal morning activities.

I thought that the jurors themselves don't know which of them are alternates and that it would be determined/revealed at time of deliberation. My thought was that this is designed so that all jurors give the testimony the same importance/weight and there wouldn't be an inclination for any to think their role would be less important.I could very well be wrong about that.

That is correct and it is what I said in my post. "We" know but they do not. Unless they read news articles or ignored the judge's instructions between the time of being sworn in to sequestration, they do not yet know even though "we" know and have known since they were all selected.
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