2011.07.03 Sidebar Thread

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Myhusband is complaining the house is running on "Perry Time".

I hear you. I have hardwood floors and just got enough dog hair from under the couch to make another dog. lol Well, a small dog.
jb referred to his opening statement saying i told you the truth the car will make
trial last weeks longer.
i think that opens the door for sa to point out jb molestation fiasco.
Yes, that. Also, how can Jose argue that someone certainly would have noticed and reported if Caylee had been abused when he contends that his client, Casey, was sexually abused her entire childhood and no one noticed?

As usual, he's blowing holes in his own theory.
He even said they could be sitting right next to you and you would never even know it.
websleuths Tricia Griffith
Let's hope every juror has common sense and finds Casey guilty
I've had a cup of tea, two diet Cokes, and a cup of coffee. I'd really like to wash it all down with donuts, but don't want to leave my computer and TV!:crazy:

Feel good food. It's 9:39 am in So Cal.... I had a good size piece of cherry pie and coffee. I'm good until lunch.

If I was Casey I would not be able to eat at this point.

As far as the jury deliberation goes...I just think how quickly the jury came back with OJ...and everyone knew that was a bad sign. If the first thing the jury asks for is a transcript of JB's opening statement then it would be a good sign. Either way, like a lot of us, I get very nervous when the state is not in control. So I will be nail-biting nervous until they have their rebuttal. JMO.
Why did I turn on HLN and immediately have to see LDB???? She bugs me almost as much as JB.

I KNOW! What is it about her that just gets under my skin. There's nothing likable about her.
Really seeing these boards angers me. I would like it investigated to see if "friends" of Mr Baez were given work to prepare these things. Thus helping his own friends and assoiciates make money off this trial. This is tax payer money and I think it should be looked into how OUR money was spent and to whom..............

I agree, and the company that has provided his graphics and billboards is out of Palm Beach, where the Milsteads are from (Kidfinders Network). And, oddly enough they own several sign stores.
LOL her and Janie Weintraub lol i have to change the channel

JW said last night that JB "might" need to address that he overstated himself in opening. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

She said JB needed to humble himself before the jury on that one. O.M.G. Ya think?
How lovely of my extended family to have our annual 4th gathering YESTERDAY. I heart them.


we did the same thing here, I didn't want to spoil my families 4th, so we celebrated yesterday. I hope, we are celebrating the 4th for Caylee's Justice!
Even abused children love their mothers so his continued assertions that ICA was a good mother and there is no evidence of abuse because Caylee loved her mother is not necessary going to sway anyone.

This goes back to what Ashton said about Baez wanting things to go both ways. He puts out there that Caylee showed love towards her mother so her mother couldn't have been abusing her, yet Casey showing love for her father and brother doesn't mean that they didn't abuse her. Again, Baez....YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS!! :banghead:
Hello Everyone!

Back from church and have to leave again soon ~~~ can someone give me a "in a nutshell" of the morning?

Bill Shaeffer said those talking heads/lawyers that have been in the court room say 1 day for a verdict. He thinks 3 or 4.

He thinks even if they take a straw poll and agree they will still go through the evidence.

I disagree. I think 2 days max.

I agree with you. I think verdict tomorrow, with them deliberating part of today and tomorrow.

Just MOG (my own guess)
HHJP heard arguments this morning on what could and could not be included in closing arguments. HHJP asked JB to give him all the evidence that supported the theories of accidental death (including drowning) and sexual abuse of ICA. Then, after hearing that, HHJP decided AS A MATTER OF LAW, that there was no evidence of accidental death or sexual abuse and thus prohibited both of those as legally improper arguments. Reasonable doubt cannot have a foundation of pure speculation and pie in the sky theories. It must be supported by evidence. For an attorney to make an argument that is not based on ANY evidence is legally improper and prohibited. So, HHJP told JB that any arguments asserting accidental death or sexual abuse were forbidden. Since those two were the lynchpins of JB's case, he had to back off and only argue against the prosecution's case in chief -- attack the evidence. Thus he is arguing they don't know HOW Caylee died. However, that sort of concedes that they know WHO was responsible, doesn't it? IMHO, that's a big mistake because nothing in the law requires the prosecution to prove HOW the victim died. A homicide case is all about WHO did it.

JP said because of the pics of Caylee on the pool ladder, JB could argue accidental death right?
Feel good food. It's 9:39 am in So Cal.... I had a good size piece of cherry pie and coffee. I'm good until lunch.

If I was Casey I would not be able to eat at this point.

Man! You are the 2nd person I have seen write about pie. I want a slice of pie right now so bad!
HHJP heard arguments this morning on what could and could not be included in closing arguments. HHJP asked JB to give him all the evidence that supported the theories of accidental death (including drowning) and sexual abuse of ICA. Then, after hearing that, HHJP decided AS A MATTER OF LAW, that there was no evidence of accidental death or sexual abuse and thus prohibited both of those as legally improper arguments. Reasonable doubt cannot have a foundation of pure speculation and pie in the sky theories. It must be supported by evidence. For an attorney to make an argument that is not based on ANY evidence is legally improper and prohibited. So, HHJP told JB that any arguments asserting accidental death or sexual abuse were forbidden. Since those two were the lynchpins of JB's case, he had to back off and only argue against the prosecution's case in chief -- attack the evidence. Thus he is arguing they don't know HOW Caylee died. However, that sort of concedes that they know WHO was responsible, doesn't it? IMHO, that's a big mistake because nothing in the law requires the prosecution to prove HOW the victim died. A homicide case is all about WHO did it.

Not entirely true. Judge Perry ruled that the defense could mention the accidental drowning but could not mention the sexual abuse. The defense claimed that the pool pictures provided inferences for drowning, and Judge Perry agreed.
Somebody posted, and it makes sense to me, that the jurors will pick a foreperson and then vote quickly to just see where they stand. What happens if they all say guilty right then and there? Do they still have to deliberate a certain amount of time, or can they come right back out?

I would think so!
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