2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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He was not in front of the cameras within 24 hours of his suicide attempt... he was in a hospital baker acted for 72 hours!
"One thing about this family is they don't mind putting on another face"

You mean the face Casey puts on for the jury?
I seriously wonder if George got that gun while the inmate was home because he intended to use it on her and them himself.
He KNEW she killed Caylee and maybe thought he had nothing to lose.
He would take care of it and then end it himself.
Could the inmate have possibly planted the duct tape on the gas can while out on Bond??

Ya know I just think this whole gas can duct tape conspiracy is ridiculous. It makes total sense to have a piece of duct tape covering a gas can top with no lid.
I can't believe he's got GA on trial here. LDB will have a field day with this.

Yes, JB seems fixated on GA for some reason--has a real ax to grind with him. I've said throughout that this has seemed more like GA's trial than Casey's.
Wow JB have you ever TALKED to your client?????????????

It's ICA who is all about ICA.

It's always been ICA protecting ICA.

Keeping with his theme of PROJECTING!
IF ICA had one ounce of decency in her she would stand up and say E N O U G H !!
Jose Baez is a . How low can you go? And he never shuts up.

Thank you God, that I do not have to go home with him.
Did we get an answer as to why CA and GA are noit sitting next to each other? I know ML is between them, but why???

i read that cindy switched seats bc a tall person was in front of her, blocking her view.
JB is actually condoning perjury! I infer from his statements that's what would be best.
JA keeping hand over mouth even when not able to smile
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