Originally Posted by StJohn
He is referencing that the defense expert forensic pathologist, Dr Spitz, served as forensic pathologist on the commission that investigated the death of Dr Martin Luther King in the '60s. In addition, Dr Spitz served on the commission that investigated the death of President John F. Kennedy.
Yes, he did - when I was a child - now I am old and so is Dr. Spitz....but he is much much older than me.
This is why I asked (ok, yelled at my tv) what this man has done in THIS century, or at least in the 90's that puts him current with how things are done for skeleton exams. Remember, you can't autospy a skeleton, the bone guy told you that. You don't have tissues, you don't have brain matter, you don't have internal organs...there is nothing to autospy expect the condition of the bones including of there are any marks that don't belong.