2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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Things aren't adding up here JB because you are trying to make a reasonable defense out of a pile of dung known as the Anthony story....
This is all an attempt to try and confuse the jury. That's all this is.
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Jurors aren't showing any facial expressions. Just listening to Baez talk. Juror 8 actually put her notepad in empty seat next to her.

They are afraid to after that last ourburst. :floorlaugh:
Baez cannot possibly believe this nonsense he is spewing. Makes me wonder how someone could do what he's doing and still sleep at night. Hope the Florida Bar is paying attention.
Hadn't worn those clothes according to proven liar CA. . .but we should believe it. . .umm okay.
I don't understand. George loved his daughter so he agreed to cover up for her but then he tries to make an accident look like a murder and then is hell bent on her going back to jail and now face the death penalty???

Ah! Now I understand!
I've lost the plot and I've been reading it on here for three years. Where did it go??:truce:

This is so painful I've ironed and now cleaned my keyboard. That'll never happen again until the next trial.
I am so struck with JB condemning CA and GA for believeing KC's lies...Yikes JB its because she lies so convincingly..not to mention they just did NOT want to believe KC could do this with Caylee...SO JB wishes to condemn them!! Shame on JB!! and KC too:crazy::loser:
So much for all the TH's saying now JB has nothing to say in his closing arguments since he can't talk about the molestation allegations. Didn't stop him from running his mouth for the past three hours.

He is just retrying this case over and over and over. I wish he would just stop. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Give us a break JB. Stop talking. We can't take it anymore!!!!!

Caylee needs justice! Heaven helps us all.
Jesse Grund and TL the only State Witnesses that JB has not tried to discredit?
I stopped listening to this crap and my son and I just watched Caylee 24 hours before she died singing 'you are my sunshine' .
This is flat out outrageous!!!
I agree.

This is the first trial I've really followed closely.
I'm beginning to see that our 'Justice' system is a farce.

One side gets to make up all kinds of lies.
Innocent people have no choice but to take the stand, and defend themselves against wild, vulgar accusations.

And, the accused gets to sit smugly on the sidelines, surrounded by lawyers, protected by all kinds of rights, and never has to take the stand, or answer questions, at all.

This is flat out outrageous.
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