2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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105 lbs soaking wet from dumping her daughter in the swamp, maybe.
Aw jeez. Once again Baez is accusing Kronk of hiding Caylee's body.

No basis. Unfounded. Just a lying dirtbag defense attorney.
Caylee will not allow it...promise.

The Hawk. Remember the hawk. Hawk medicine says: Observe the obvious in everything you do. Life is sending you signals.

And: You're caught up in too many details, so step back so you can get a greater perspective on the situation.

See the big picture.

~from a couple animal medicine books~

Caylee = Hawk
No way the jury is hung unless there is a nut on there, IMO. The best the defense can hope for is aggravated manslaughter.

Oh no i'm worried now. after listening to JB closing, I bet they are all nuts by now.
Cheney Mason still has to present. How long are they gonna take with this? Holy tamole this is soooooooooo long and droning. Effectiveness is not a function of the time one takes to speak.
Too bad a juror won't go to sleep. If they did, the Judge would make JB stop.
A white board - maybe it was a marker.

A marker for him to know where he hid the remians


Somebody moved that tree? REALLY?

Must. Sit. On. Hands.

I sure hope HHJP can't hear me yelling up in Orlando.
REJECT all that was found at the remains site?????

You know you guys should stop talking about the Gong Show . .dude claimed he was a spy. . .he will be the next implicated in this case. :floorlaugh:
Are you serious? there is no time limit on them? This is getting absurd...
Someone posted a tweet during lunch that JB said the judge is giving him as much time as needed, so longer than 4 hours.

That post was during the lunch break.

When we came back from lunch the Judge told Baez how much time he had remaining. So he doesn't have unlimited time. He's still limited to 4 hours.
Oh, so now JB is a CSI expert....nice.
I place my bet on this being the longest thread in our Casey files! 231 pages! Wow!
You know, he might have actually once had a chance with the drowning carp and the GA angle - maybe. (only if the jurors are mentally incapacitated or on his payroll).

But his insistance at this ridiculous Kronk story just makes his whole "point" just absolutely laughable.
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